Chapter 1

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 Hello everyone,

Because of a technical problem, the notes of the story went second, so this is why you will see first the chapter and then the notes !!! Please don't get confused if you see it like that !!! Also, I hope you like this story, and about my other one with Draco, I will continue it too !!! I will write two stories at the same time!!! 

Enjoy the part 

  I was in the car next to my sister Wednesday, and in front of me were my parents kissing each other. I wasn't looking at them but instead, I had my headphones on listening to Arctic Monkeys from a CD in my Walkman, and I was drawing in my notebook. It was also the third time this year that my sister and I changed schools. You can call it a habit. I don't like being around people, so this is why kids usually call me, a weird mystery kid. When my sister puts a prank on kids which usually gets us expelled, I am always helping her without people knowing, but in the end, the truth comes out. I was drawing until Wednesday hit my leg, so I took off my headphones 

Y/n: What?

I said, and she looked at me with the murder look 

Wednesday: Stop doing that noise with the pencil because it gets on my nerves, or I swear I will throw it out of the window 

She said, and I ignored her, so I put my headphones back on. My mom signed me to take them off again, so I removed them and stopped the music to hear what they were going to say. Usually, I like to wear headphones because of my ability to read minds. I am not used to controlling it really well, so this is why sometimes I can lose it because thousands of thoughts will be in my head

Gomez: I promise you, my little death traps, that you both will love nevermore! Won't they, tiss?

Morticia: Of course, it's the perfect school for them

Wednesday: Why? Because it was the perfect school for you? I am not interested in following in your footsteps 

Morticia: I mean that you will both be finally along pears that understand you. Maybe you will even make some friends or find the love of your life!

She said and looked at me 

Y/n: Ewww mother! I am not going to fall in love 

I said, and she just smirked. The other day when my mom touched my hand, she had a vision about someone, and she said that soon enough I am going to meet the love of my life. But I know that wasn't true. Love doesn't exist in my world!

When we arrived, we entered the Principal's office, Miss Weems. She was checking our cards when my mother touched my shoulder to make me remove my headphones 

Weems: 8 schools in five years. It's impressive! Both of you have excellent grades and this is one of the reasons we accepted you because we don't usually accept students after a few months 

She said and continue reading my report card 

Weems: Ooo it seems like we have another artist joining our school. I am pretty sure you and Xavier will make a great team 

Y/n: I don't like cooperating 

I said, and she looked a little bit impressed 

Weems: Well in this school you will be with people like you, and it will help you be more social, believe me, Y/n. Now let's go to meet your new roommate!

We entered our dorm and a girl with blond hair and a blue uniform came to us full in excitement. I looked at the room, and it looked like a unicorn had vomit on it 

???: Hello new roommates 

Weems: Wednesday and Y/n. This is Enid Sinclair!

She said, and I was still looking in shock at the color of the room

Enid: Are you feeling okay?? You look pale 

Y/n: I am sorry I am just not used to that much color neither is my sister 

She nodded understanding 

Weems: That's good because we ordered you both a special uniform

She said, and then Enid giggled again

Enid: Welcome to Ophelia Hall 

She said, and she hugged me but when she tried to hug my sister she moved away 

Enid: Not a hugger, got it 

Weems: Enid, please take the girls to show them around the school and get a schedule 

She said, and we both walked away. We went outside to the yard and there were a lot of students, so I wore my headphones, and she looked at me confused 

Y/n: I can read minds, so when I am around a lot of people it's kind of difficult for me to control it

I said and she nodded while saying 

Enid: I understand because I had a friend like you before and the only thing she did to avoid it was to focus on her only thoughts 

She said and I nodded. So I decided to try it. We started walking around, and she started introducing to us the kids in the school. That made me realize that here I wasn't the only different and this school was full of outcasts like me!

Enid: That's Bianca Buckley, the closest thing that Nevermore has to royalty ! She used to date our school's president artist Xavier Thorpe, but they broke up at the begging of the semester 

She said, and I looked at the boy looking our way. That must be the boy Weems was talking about! He was a really tall boy with brown hair in a small bun and green eyes, and he was drawing on the wall a raven. I was looking at him, but Enid took my attention again 

Enid: The reason is unknown 

Wednesday: Fascinating 

Enid: I know ! My blog is the number one source for Nevermore gossip 

She said and when I looked back the boy had returned drawing the wall !!! Then another boy came our way

???: Yo Enid ! You are not going to believe the dirt I learn about your new roommates. They say that they are the devil twins who killed a kid in their old school. You have to watch your back 

He said, and Enid came next to me 

Y/n: Actually, they were two, but who is counting? 

Wednesday: I killed them, my sister was just being a chicken again

Y/n: No, I wasn't 

I said, and the boy looked horrified

Enid: Hey Ajax, these are my new roommates Y/n and Wednesday 

Ajax: Whoa! You are black and white.

Y/n: Fascinating colours in my opinion 

Ajax: Like a living Instagram filter

What he was talking about? I am definitely behind this century. Then after a while, we went outside to say goodbye to our family. My brother hugged me first before he went to Wednesday and then my mother care to me 

Morticia: Be careful, dear! I know you will love this place as much as I did

She said and kissed my forehead before I walk back in. I wore my headphones and started drawing again and then Weems appeared out of nowhere 

Weems: Y/n 

She said, and I removed my headphones, and then she looked at my Walkman which was still playing music, and then I turned it off 

Weems: I know that music helps you, but I just wanted to give you this 

She said, and she handed me a piece of paper and written on it were a bunch of activities I could do in my free time 

Weems: Well, you can join one or two of them if you would like !!! But I would insist that you take part in the artist's club. Your mother showed me some of your beautiful drawings, and you are extremely talented

Y/n: I told you that I don't like cooperating with other people

Weems: As you wish 

She said, and I nodded before I put my headphones on and leave 

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