Chapter 9

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We were some minutes in the game and some of the teams had already lost, Bianca's unknown strategy of winning had gone too far. While we were paddling, my sister suddenly hit me with her hand and her head looked on the sky before she fell on me!

Enid: What happened?

She said and turned to us confused because we both had stopped, and the other teams went ahead of us ! I looked at my sister worried because I knew that meant no good 

Y/n: She is having a vision 

I said, and then she came back to normal with widened eyes

Wednesday: Y/n you need to get off the boat 

Y/n: What are you talking about?

I looked at her confused

Wednesday: You need to get off the boat NOW

She said to me with a serious face! What was she talking about? And then I fell, a hand grabbing me by mine and throwing me into the water. The main problem was that I didn't know how to swim! I felt something grabbing my feet, and it hurt because it felt like it a dog was biting my feet and pulling me to the bottom. I looked down, and it looked like a big fish! I tried to kick it but nothing of that help, then a saw a siren boy who tried to come my way, but some other fishes blocked him. Well, that is a fascinating way for someone to die! After a few minutes because of the lack of the air I started to lose consciousness and my eyes closed for good

Yeah, I know you probably though that I was dead, but bad for you, I am still alive! When my eyes opened again I was at the nurse's room and my sister was next to me with Enid looking at me worried 

Y/n: Why are you looking at me like I am dead?

I asked in confusion while Enid wiped her tears 

Enid: Because you almost die 

She said, and I sat at my bed and I looked at my feet which were in bandage

Y/n: What happened exactly?

Enid: Weems thinks that this time Bianca and her team went too far with the competitive thing, but they refuse the whole thing

She said, and I closed my eyes and tried to get to their minds, and they were saying the truth! Bianca and her team weren't the ones who set this up 

Y/n: Well thanks that Siren boy for saving me because there is no way I will thank him by my own

I said, and they looked at each other while Enid smiled 

Enid: He wasn't the one who saved you 

She said and I looked at her confused

Y/n: What are you talking about? I know Wednesday doesn't know how to swim either, so who was it?

Wednesday: Xavier jumped in the water the minute that thing grabbed you 

Y/n: That's really funny, but I am not in a mood to laugh 

I said, and they looked at me with a serious face and that's when I realized that they were saying the truth 

Y/n: Okay, but why would he do that?

Enid: Because he likes you, duh 

She said and I nodded negatively, disagreeing with her 

Y/n: No, he made it clear this morning that he didn't like me at all 

Enid: Well-

She said sitting on my bed 

Enid: No one will have rescued their life for someone they don't like, Y/n

She said to me with a smile 

Y/n: But in the morning, he pretended that we never kissed 

Enid: Then he may be confused by his own feelings 

She said and I nodded negatively 

Y/n: I don't care about how he feels because I don't like him 

I said crossing my arms, and she looked at me with a look "Are you serious right now?" but I am telling the truth! I don't like him, I never did, and I never will 

Y/n: Change of the subject, who won?

I said, and she smiled before going to the table and bringing the huge cup 

Enid: We actually did, after you fell on the water we were forced to continue the game 

She said, and I smiled, it made me sad that I didn't help them win, but I was happy that they made it even without me 

The same night I was sitting on my bed when a letter came under the door telling me to meet them in front of the statue! When I went there it was already opened, and I found an old staircase with pictures on the wall. When I went to where those stairs lead I found eight familiar people with purple cloaks standing in the circle and in the middle was my sister 

Y/n: Are you guys like a group of gangsters or something like that?

I said, and my sister looked surprised to see me 

Wednesday: Did you seriously call my sister? 

She asked and next to her was Xavier, I tried and not look at his way and that worked 

Bianca:Yeah, why did you call her?

Y/n: No don't worry, it's in my daily life, saving my sister's butt from the shit she is getting into 

I said and my sister scoffed 

Wednesday: Yeah like I need your help 

Y/n: We got expelled from 8 schools because of you 

Wednesday: You never said no to helping me 

Y/n: You threatened me with burning my CD collection 

Wednesday: It's not my fault you are a scary chicken 

She said and then Bianca stepped in 

Bianca: Shut up, you both psychos! Xavier, why the hell did you call her?

So he is the one who called me?

Xavier: Because we can invite them both to the team 

He said, and Bianca's eyes widened 

Bianca: Hell no 

Xavier: They have a legacy 

He said showing the picture of my parents when they were my age, I looked at them for a couple of seconds before I turned back to them 

Y/n: Sorry to destroy your fun, but I am not interesting 

Wednesday: Me neither 

We said, and everyone looked shocked, I would love to enter because my parents were into it, but I felt like it wasn't for me 

Yoko: Are you seriously turning us down?

Wednesday: Can you believe it ?

She said with sarcasm in her voice 

Y/n: I would love to sit here and chat with you guys, but I have other things to do 

I said and went to leave 

Bianca: You forgot your little twin 

Y/n: I wouldn't be so sure if I was you 

I said and when she turned where my sister was sitting a couple of seconds ago, she was gone 

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