Chapter 35

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I was sitting next to Enid behind a huge rock waiting for Tyler to come and execute the plan my sister and I had on our minds!

Enid: I am so happy that you found out that Xavier is innocent and you and Wednesday made up

She was talking non-stop since we sat on the ground, but I ignored her focusing on my own thoughts because my mind was full at the moment, full of different kinds of thoughts! My nervousness for the plan to succeed made me lose control a few times and enter other minds, but I managed to control it in the end

Enid: But I am also very upset after you told me about Tyler!

She said with a sigh escaping her lips

Enid: Poor Wednesday! She really liked him...

She said, and I knew she was right! I tried to talk about it with my sister when we were returning to school but all she did was changed the subject which made me really mad

Enid: Anyway, the good thing is that Xavier is innocent and you guys are going to have your happy ending at the end

She said with a gentle smile on her face

Enid: I hope Ajax and I have the same fate as you guys! Your love for each other is pure because I feel it! Even Bianca saw it, and she told me the other day that Xavier never looked at her the way he looks at you, which is beautiful and-

She said, but I interrupted her

Y/n: I am really sorry Enid, but can you please stop talking for a second

I said with an apologetic look, and she smiled with a nod on her face. I looked at the floor again and she giggled

Enid: Okay, but please think about yourself ten years from now-

Y/n: Enid I know that you are doing this out of your excitement and nervousness right now, and I appreciate it! But I can't imagine myself in ten years while knowing that Xavier is in prison even if he is innocent

I said and she nodded

Enid: I get it, you are right! I will zip it

She said looking at the dark sky and then she sighed! Started playing with her fingers, her hair, her shoes, and I just knew she wanted to say something really bad and I sighed

Y/n: Split it out

Enid: Alright, alright

She said, looking at me with a smile

Enid: We never really talked about the smile on Xavier's face when you said you loved him while he was being arrested! It was just sooooooo cute

She said, and I nodded negatively while laughing at her childish behavior, but before I was able to answer we heard talking and when we ran there, Tyler was already on the floor

Y/n: Alright boys! Pick him up

I said, snapping my fingers and showing Tyler! We went to Xavier's art studio, and I was sitting with everyone else around Tyler waiting for him to turn into the Hyde and say the truth

Wednesday: Come on Tyler, just be a little good hyde and tell us the truth

She said, and he looked scared

Tyler: My father was right, you are lunatic

He said, like a scared little puppy! Someone, please bring him an Oscar for his outstanding performance already

Y/n: You framed my boyfriend, asshole

I yelled furious with him, and he looked at the floor before we heard a small laugh when he looked back at us, he had an evil smirk on his face

Tyler: Yeah because he is such a huge pussy and I knew that no one would believe an outcast even if they were telling the truth!

He said, and before he was able to finish his sentence I punched him hard on the face, but he just smirked

Y/n: I am going to kill you

I said, but Ajax pulled me behind

Ajax: Take it easy, Y/n! We got what we wanted

He said, and then my sister pulled a knife from her bag

Y/n: Wen, what are you doing?

I asked and she smiled! An evil smirk was drawn on her face 

Wednesday: You took your revenge, and it's time to get mine

She said with a smirk

Y/n: You can just punch him

I said and she laughed

Wednesday: But that will be half of the fun

She said and then Bianca stood up

Bianca: I didn't sign for this! He admitted it, and we have it on a video like we planned, right Enid?

She said and Enid looked at the floor and that was the moment when I realized what she had done

Enid: Yeah, about that...

She said, and I looked at her furious before taking the camera from her hands

Y/n: Well done Enid, now we don't have any evidence! Just congrats

I said, and she looked at the floor with guilty and tears filled her eyes

Enid: I am sorry I forgot

She said and Tyler laughed

Tyler: Who is going to believe now, a bunch of outcasts?

I said, and I could see my sister's smirk grow on her face

Wednesday: This is why there's always a plan B

She said getting the knife closer to his face

Bianca: That's it! I am leaving

She said and everyone followed her out before I looked at my sister one last time and headed towards the door! I knew that we are a team and I have promised her that I will always be by her side, but this was just crazy! I know that he deserves it, but I think it's better for him to go to prison than be suffered like that because he might do such a horrible thing to Xavier, but I'm not going to turn into a monster like him!

Wednesday: You are leaving when the funny part is starting

She said, making me turn to her

Y/n: Sorry Wen but I am out

Hello everyone,

    Two parts in a day, I must be sick! I promise you, and I am going to keep my promise and try to upload one or two parts a day! But because Easter is here, and my cousins are coming next week I'm not 100% sure about the time that I'm going to upload the parts every day, but I promise that I'm going to find a few moments to write! Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day ❤️


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