Chapter 7

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The next day was the day of the competition, so Miss Weems drove Xavier and me to the high school in the center of the town. We were walking while other students gave us some disgusted looks and I also heard some whispering

Kid: Oh look, the outcasts came 

Kid: Be careful because I heard some rumours that their school is behind those deaths

They said, and I ignored them while looking around the place

Xavier: From what it looks like, we are going to win

He said looking around at other kids' paintings, and he was indeed true, they were awful. I was putting in some last details when a familiar voice approached us. When I turned, I saw Tyler with his cousin Dylan coming our way 

Tyler: Y/n so nice to see you again, and that's a really beautiful painting! Wow

Y/n: Yeah, it hurts me to say, but Xavier and I made it 

I said and then Xavier came next to me 

Dylan: Well isn't it the freak duo together again

Tyler: Dylan 

He said furious and then Dylan scoffed while leaving

Xavier: What a shame I didn't kill him last time, but tell your little friend that if he ever tries to come near us more specifically Y/n I will smash his face 

Y/n: I can protect myself, I don't need a boy for protection 

I said and he ignored me by leaving 

Y/n: God, he is so annoying 

I said, turning to Tyler again 

Tyler: Are you guys like a couple?

Y/n: Of course not, I will rather jump in a pool full of knives 

I said giving him the death stare

Tyler: Okay, okay, don't kill me, but there is tension between you too

Y/n: There is no-

Before I was able to finish, he interrupted me again 

Tyler: Fine, but just tell Wednesday to call me 

He said and left while I was ready to pull his eyes out. An hour later the selection started, but when the Mayor started speaking the lights suddenly turned off and there was not a single light in the place! When they yelled for us to leave the place, I felt someone taking my hand and pulling me out of the room. When we left the building and light fell on the mystery person. It was Dylan. He put his hand on my mouth to make me shut up, and the other two guys were holding me, so I couldn't move 

Dylan: Shhh, little girl! I just need to take revenge on your little boyfriend, that's all. After what he did to me at the fair, let's see how much thrilled he will be when we hurt his girl

He said, and he threw me to the ground, bad for them that I have a black belt in karate. I stood up while kicking Dylan's face with my feet and punching one of his friends into the rubbish. Then I took his belt and wore it around his other's friend's neck. When I turned Dylan punched me in the face and I fell to the ground, when he came above me, I took his leg and throw him to the ground! Then out of the blue, Xavier and Miss Weems came running to me. Xavier kneeled next to me and put his hand on my bruised eye 

Xavier: Are you okay? Are you hurt?

He asked and he looked really worried 

Y/n: Told you that I don't need protection 

I said and he laughed 

Xavier: I know but no matter what you say, you know that I won't hear you 

He said and I smiled! The Mayor came and Miss Weems screamed furious at him, and then he expelled the three boys for good and sent them away. So the competition went as planned, oh yeah we won first place and that was literally the best day of my life! When we arrived at school, it was really late and the nurse had already gone to bed when Xavier and I sneaked into the nurse's room to find some ice! We sat on one of the beds, and he put the ice on my eye, but I took it from him 

Y/n: Today I beat up three grown-up jerks, and you think that I am not able to put ice on my eye! That really breaks my heart 

I said and he laughed 

Xavier: Okay, okay fine, do whatever you like 

He said and I smiled. Then for a few minutes, there was a really awkward silence between us that neither of us took the opportunity to break. Then he pulled me closer, and he kissed me, for a minute I got lost in a kiss, and then I realized what is happening. I was kissing a boy, I was kissing Xavier Thorpe! I pulled away and looked at the floor 

Xavier: I am sorry Y/n, I know it was too quick, and I am sorry 

Y/n: It's okay! Goodnight Xavier 

I said, standing up quickly, and then I left! When I arrived at my dorm, I found Enid crying on her bed and I went running to her

Y/n: Enid, who the hell did this to you?

Enid: Yoko and Jessica got sick, and now we can't participate in the Poe cup 

Y/n: The what?

I said in confusion 

Enid: The Poe cup it's getting place tomorrow, and we don't have enough players on our team 

She said, and I sat next to her 

Y/n: Well I can participate, and I am pretty sure Wednesday will agree too if I threaten her with burning her novel 

I said and she stood up in the excitement 

Enid: Really?

She said, and I nodded, and then she started jumping all around the place before she came to hug me 

Enid: Thank you so much! I will let the other girls know 

She said and stood up, but then she turned to me again

Enid: What happened to your eye?

Y/n: Long story, but I will explain it later

Enid: Just tell me that it ends well 

She said, and I nodded before she leaves, running out of our dorm. After a few minutes, I saw a piece of paper coming down from our door. I stood up and went to take it! It was a white envelope that had my initials on it. When I opened it, there were pictures in it. Two of them were with Xavier and me in the music room, and the other one was us kissing from today! Then there was a picture of my sister and me on the balcony and then with my sister, Enid, and I the day we came. When I looked at the back of the pictures, they were different words on each one of them. I connected them and this message came out 

''Every raven drops dead''

What was that supposed to mean? Because if that is a threat, then I am not scared 

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