Chapter 27

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The next day our whole school went to the Mayor's funeral and there wasn't just us but the whole town! It was raining, and I was wearing black jeans with a white shirt and a black coat, and Xavier was next to me with his arm protectively around me! Also with his other hand, he was holding a black umbrella to protect us from the rain! When the funeral finished the rain had stopped, and I turned to look at my sister who was sitting a few meters away from us

Y/n: I am coming in a second

I said, and he nodded before leaving, and I went to my sister while she was looking at me with a "leave me the fuck alone" look

Y/n: Hello Wen

Wednesday: I thought you were forbidden to talk to me

She said and I scoffed

Y/n: You are my sister Wen and there is no one in the world who will forbid me to talk to you! They just asked us to give you some space

Wednesday: Yeah, but you don't

She said turning around to leave

Y/n: Don't be selfish, you know that it wasn't my choice

I said, but she ignored me and continued walking! I watched her leave, and then I heard Xavier calling for my name, so I went to him! We had arranged to go for a walk with Enid and Ajax in the town! We were sitting on a bench in the huge square while watching the boys playing football with some kids

Y/n: It feels good that there are kids that are not scared of us

I said with a smile and she nodded

Enid: Yeah, that's true

She said and pulled out of her bag some chocolate wrapped in a pink wrapper and I looked at it in disgust

Y/n: God too much colour

I said, and she scoffed before unwrapping one chocolate and handing it to me with a smile

Enid: Better?

She asked and I nodded before taking it

Y/n: Much better

I said and ate it before looking at the floor

Y/n: Xavier told me how he dreamed of our future together

I said and she smiled

Enid: Well, Ajax told me that you are the only thing he talks and thinks about every day and that shows how much in love he is with you

She said and we both looked at them again

Enid: You guys are going to be great parents

She said with a huge smile on her face. I never really thought of it that way, but I guess we will have to wait and see! I pulled out my from my back my notebook to draw them, but when I went to draw my hand started shaking and the pencil fell on the floor!

Y/n: I have to go to the bathroom

Enid: Do you want me to come?

She asked, and I nodded negatively while running to the nearest café bathroom I found! I looked at my hand and then at the scratch, and that's the moment when I realized that I couldn't draw anymore! I tried again, but the pencil was falling from my hands again and again, then I fall to the floor with tears in my eyes! Drawing and painting were my whole life and I couldn't leave without it 

Y/n: This can't be happening

I whispered to myself while holding my arm, then the door opened and Xavier kneeled down next to me

Xavier: Y/n is everything okay?

He said with worry in his eyes, and then I couldn't but let the tears roll down my cheeks

Y/n: I can't draw

I said while crying, and he wiped my tears before he hugged me

Xavier: It's because of your wound, and it's nothing to worry about! We will find a way together like we always do

He said while kissing my forehead, and I just couldn't bear the thought of never drawing in my life again! The same evening I was sitting at Xavier's desk having my notebook in front of me and a pencil in my hands! When I was trying to draw, my hand wouldn't stop shaking, so I gave up after a few minutes! Then Xavier entered with messy hair in a bun because he had gone for a run, and he removed his AirPods before he kissed my head 

Xavier: Still nothing?


I said while crossing my arms and not looking at him

Xavier: I am going to shower, and I promise that I will help you later, okay?

Y/n: Okay, but I will just head to my dorm to grab something 

I said, and he nodded before entering the bathroom and I headed to my dorm! When I entered I saw the most unexpected thing ever

Y/n: Uncle Fester?

I said with a smile on my face, and he smiled too when he saw me 

Fester: Well isn't it my favourite niece!

He said, and I ran to hug him, and he hugged me back 

Fester: Well, look at you, you are even taller than me! That's one thing you got for Morticia for sure 

He said, and I smiled before turning to my sister furious 

Y/n: Why didn't you tell me that Uncle Fester came?

I asked and she scoffed 

Wednesday: I thought you didn't care about your family members, so I pretended that it slipped my mind 

She said with a smirk and I gave her a death stare 

Y/n: Well, grow up, and don't be so selfish! You are acting immature 

Wednesday: Well, at least I didn't leave you to go and stay with my boyfriend 

Y/n: Are you spying on me now?

Wednesday: Thing just wanted to ensure that you are okay because he missed your annoying voice 


I said, and then Uncle Fester stepped in 

Fester: Girls, girls, girls, please stop! I know that you may have an argument, but let's solve this calmly 

He said, turning to his bag and pulling out the swords for fencing 

Y/n: I came here to find a freaking CD, not to have a fencing match 

I said, and my sister laughed before taking hers

Wednesday: Afraid to lose 

Y/n: Wen, you really don't want to go against me 

I said, and she laughed again before throwing my sword at me 

Wednesday: Try me then

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