Chapter 11

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I started walking outside and Xavier followed me I tried to ignore him but then he took my headphones

Y/n: Are you crazy? Give them back

I said and he raised his hand so high that I couldn't reach my headphones

Xavier: Y/n,You need to listen to me

Y/n: I would rather get stab in my stomach

I said and he continued

Xavier: Y/n please let me say just a few words

He said and then I realized that it was really quiet for a school morning in the yard and when I turned I realised that everyone had stopped what they were doing and they were starting at us, including the teachers

Y/n: Xavier everyone is looking at us

I said whispering but he ignored me

Xavier: I don't care I just need a minute to tell you the truth

Y/n: I don't care keep it for yourself and the headphones, I have others

I said walking away and Bianca laughed from a far

Bianca: I can't wait for the moment when you will be the one begging him to listen

She said and I turned to her

Y/n: Fuck you Bianca

And then I turned furious to all the kids to the school

Y/n Damn it people, can't you just look to your own fucking business and leave my personal life out of your fucking conversations when I leave

I said walking away and everyone turned to what they were doing! God I hate them! Why isn't everyone minding their own business! When I entered my dorm I went and looked in my closet for the backup headphones but I couldn't find them anywhere

Y/n: Thing where are my headphones?

I said and thing replied that he has absolutely no idea and then I had no choice but to ask him to go to take my old one's for Xavier but he denied! After a lot of threats he was convinced but when he came back he told me that Xavier told him to go and take them on my own if I want them back

Y/n: He plays an evil game and he will regret it

I said and took my bag and went and sneaked into the place where his dorm is! I knocked on his dorm and he opened it with a huge smirked on his face

Y/n: Give them back and I promise there will be no blood

I said and he pulled me into his room

Y/n: What the hell are you doing?

I said and he covered my mouth

Xavier: If anyone sees you we will both be in big trouble

I said and rolled my eyes! I sat on a chair in his desk and he smiled then when I heard thing on the floor I saw him holding a bottle of glue and my eyes widened when I realized

Y/n: You both manipulated me behind my back that's unfair

I said crossing my arms and he smirked

Xavier: Just do me a favour and then you will be free

He said and I sighed! I know that you will think that I am being ridiculous for over some glue but that's wasn't a regular glue ! That is the strongest glue that can exist in the whole outcast world and it needs a really powerful potion to help me stand up again

Xavier: I need you to close your eyes and to get deep into my mind and read it to find out the truth

He said sitting in a chair next to me

Y/n: What if I don't want you?

Xavier: Then you will be stuck in that chair for the rest of your life

He said and I sighed and then closed my eyes and got into his mind! I went through millions of him memories even the first time we met when we were ten years old


When the funeral was finished I went and sat under a trea staring in the graveyard when a little boy came and sat next to me

Y/n: Sorry but this tree is already taken

Xavier: I would be as quiet as a ghost I promise

The boy said and I sighed

Xavier: I saw you at my godmother's funeral

He said and I turned to him

Y/n: What happened to as quiet as a ghost?

I asked him angrily

Xavier: Sorry

He said and looked at the grass

Xavier: I am Xavier btw

I turned to look at him with a annoyed look but then I sighed

Y/n: I am Y/n

*End of Flashback*

I didn't even remember that memory at all! That means that he was always getting on my nerves! Then I looked deeper and I found a recent memory for a few days ago. It was Bianca and Xavier in the room that I am right now it was morning and it was before the Poe cup

Xavier: What do you want this time Bianca? I told you to stay away from me

Bianca: Are you still obsessed with her? I told you before that she treats you like shit and she doesn't deserve you

Xavier: She doesn't treat me like shit, she may be different from everyone else but I found her interesting and awesome

He said and her eyes widened ! Then she removed her necklace and went near him

Bianca: Tell Y/n how much you don't like her

Then I watched Xavier going outside and Bianca going behind him so I followed them outside and there I found myself sitting in the yard! I hide where she was and I watched Xavier saying this horrible things to me that he said and Bianca was smirking while she watched the pain in my eyes! She was lucky that this is a memory or she will have been dead! Then I went to another memory of his and I found the same people on the yard and it was really late at night

Xavier: How dare you use the Siren voice to me? You know it's illegal into the school

Bianca: You needed it, now the little goth girl hates you with all her heart

She said with a small evil laugh

Xavier: You are sick Bianca

He said and then I left his mind! I got every information that I wanted , when I opened my eyes I looked on the floor

Xavier: So? Do you believe me now?

Y/n: You still hurt me and I don't want it to happen again

I said and his eyes widened

Xavier: But Y/n it wasn't my fault! Bianca used me to break your heart! I never wanted it to happen

Then I looked at him and I felt tears in my eyes! I can't trust him, I am scared to do it ! Then he wiped my tears with his hand

Xavier: Y/n I promise that I won't break your heart! I care for you so much that I would never want to hurt you

He said and I nodded negatively

Y/n: We know each other only for a month Xavier! We don't know if this works now, what if we end up both hurt

Xavier: We don't know if we don't try! We both like each other and you know it! I like you Y/n and I know you like me too

He said and then I realized that I needed to say only one thing to get out of this situation

Y/n: I-

I said and looked on the floor

Y/n: I don't like you

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