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Dear Reader,

  I want to talk in this part about the rumors that came out about Percy! I know that many of you will hate me when I say that I believe those rumors are fake! Before you all start hating me in the comments, I will explain my opinion! Firstly, Percy was always an actor and these rumours came out when he became crazy famous around the world, also there have been rumours like that for other celebrities too because every star except for fans they have haters too! Also, I don't always believe everything I see on the internet, and you shouldn't either because Twitter and other apps or sites on the internet sometimes take things too far and brainwashes us with fake information! Second of all, I will wait for Percy's point of you in this matter, so this is why I am not picking any sides, but I still believe that Percy is innocent! "Innocent until proven guilty" like the people! In addition, I know that some of you will start saying that there is proof and things like that, but we don't even know if those pictures are real or fake! Everyone can make fake messages and things like that in an editing app in a matter of seconds! Also, I want to add that Percy and Xavier are different people, so I will continue this story with Xavier no matter what happens in the end! Anyway, let me know your opinion in the comments, and have a nice day



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