Chapter 2

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Hanging around the Mushroom Kingdom was fun. When he first got there, both Luigi and Mario were confused. They didn't know where they were. They got mixed looks and stares, as they were not of the Mushroom Kingdom. They did not know what any of these creatures were. It took them months before they ever met the princess.

Mario and peach hit it off quickly. Luigi found out a while later that they both were soulmates. "Weegee, I-a got ta talk to you." Mario had said, as they sat down for tea with the princess one day.

Luigi was happy for Mario. He was glad his brother finally had found his other half. It didn't change the fact he was kind of jealous that Mario found his soulmate before him, but he was still happy for him.

Luigi later noticed another symbol, on his right shoulder one day. "Why is there another one?" He wondered. As no one ever has more than one mark, he was confused as one would be. He let it go, thinking that it would go away, and it wouldn't cause problems. He was wrong.

Anther appeared on his left wrist, right above his pulse, and he was getting very concerned now. Who wouldn't be? It wasn't normal to have more than one soul mark.

It was as if his Soulmate was trying to make sure everyone knew he was theirs.

He then found one on his left thigh. At this point, he decided he wanted to get this checked out. He knew something was wrong. He knew it wasn't normal. He was scared.

He contacted Mario and Peach. He wanted their help in figuring out what to do. They didn't believe him at first, thinking he was overreacting. He tried to explain that he wasn't crazy. "Luigi, I'll have one of my castle doctors take a look okay?" Peach had told him.

The doctor Toad confirmed it was in fact not normal, but has happened once in the past. "It just means your bond is quite strong." They explained to him. Luigi panicked, and the doctor tried to calm him down. "No worries, the Queen had the same happen to herself back in her years." The doctor paused. "Although, it was never this bad." Those words made Luigi's nerves worse.

He later found out there was more to it than just "Having such a strong bond."

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