Chapter 14

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There is a bit of suggestive themes in the beginning of the chapter, so just a heads up.

Chapter Text

It had been a week since Luigi saw Bowser, and he couldn't stop thinking about the large Koopa. He tried to stop multiple times, to no avail. The fact that the Koopa kept appearing in his head pissed the green plumber off quite a bit. Not just that, but he was furious. He told himself multiple times that he needed to sever their bond, and had gone to the King's advisor to ask him about it only to be shooed away.

He was tired.

Throughout the 6 months of being locked in Bowser's castle, he kept telling himself Mario would come save him. He always saved the princess quickly, but Luigi never gave up hope. He was sure Mario was just busy with duties or planning, so he wasn't too worried.
Another thought that crossed his mind, was perhaps something happeed while Mario was trying to save him and he got hurt. That thought caused him to panic, but he eventually calmed down.

Staring up at the pink ceiling, he let his thoughts wander. First, the day after Bowser had run off on him, Kamek, the King's magikoopa, had led him to a room. The room in question being Peach's bedroom for when she was kidnapped. Looking around, he grimaced at how much pink was in the room. Too much, how does she not get tired of such a bright color? Luigi sighed and closed his eyes.

His thoughts wandered again and landed back on Bowser. How the Koopa had nuzzled against him and seemed to smell him. How his large claw was the same size as his torso. How he felt when Bowser pressed him into the table. How he gasped and-

He snapped his eyes open and sat up violently. He covered his face with his hands, eyes wide. No. No, No No. No no no! What am I thinking?!

Luigi was flabbergasted. He was horrified with himself. He wanted to cry, he didn't know what to do. Looking down, he let out a sob. He saw the tent in his pants, and tears fell from his eyes. What the fuck?! What is wrong with me? I'm disgusting!!

Luigi was beyond upset, He hated Bowser. He wanted nothing to do with the bond they shared, but it seemed like the stars above wanted Luigi to go insane. He curled into a ball, pulling his knees up to his head.

"Mario, where are you...?" Luigi forces out in a small defeated voice.

He fell asleep an hour later.


When Luigi woke up, he noticed there were no guards outside of the room. Feeling kinda suspicious at the thought, he ventured out into the Hall, his guard on high alert. Within the past 6 months he was never left without someone guarding him, whether it be a shy guy, a goomba, or a Koopa guard. It was strange, and Luigi was confident if he wasn't on his guard he would walk into a trap. That was, until he heard the soft sounds of a piano a few rooms down from his guest room.

Feeling curious, Luigi made his way down the hall. Stopping in front of the large door, he noticed the piano was louder. Opening the door softly, he opened it about an inch and peeked an eye through the opening to see who was playing the music.

Luigi wasn't expecting to see Bowser.

The music was quite soft and slow, and he could see Bowser speaking but couldn't hear him over the piano. The music made him relax, and he almost fell asleep while watching and listening. The music abruptly stopped and Luigi flinched awake. "Don't be shy, come join me. I enjoy an audience."

Luigi just stood there not breathing, hoping maybe Bowser wasn't talking to him. Bowser turned his head, eyes landing straight on Luigi's figure behind the large door. "I will not repeat myself."
Luigi squeaked, and made his way into the large music room. Not knowing what to do now that the Koopa was staring at him, he just stood in the middle of the room nervously.

"Come." Bowser wagged his clawed finger, signaling Luigi to come closer to him. He warily made his way over to the staircase leading up to the piano and staggered up the stairs.
Standing next to the piano, Luigi shook in fear, hoping he wasn't in trouble.

"Sit." Bowser commanded him, and he listened, sitting next to the king on the piano seat. Another tune started up.

"Do you know how to play?" Bowser had asked, waiting for the human to answer him. Reluctantly, Luigi responded.

"I-a do n-not. I'm not-a really-a fan of musical instruments." The answer gets him an eyebrow raise from Bowser, but he doesn't comment on it. "Alright, what about hobbies?" The question causes Luigi to furrow his brows, wondering why Bowser was suddenly interested. Before Luigi could answer, Bowser cut him off. "Besides plumbing."

Slowly he frowns, but answers. "Uhm, I'm-a not really sure? I mean, I-a enjoy gardening? I play-a bit of tennis in my free time? I like-a to cook as well? I enjoy-a g-going go-karting? There's not-a much to really talk about." The room goes silent, the only thing heard was the piano. "W-what about-a you?" Luigi asks, hopefully being able to continue the conversation without offending the king.

"Me? My hobbies?" Bowser pauses, thinking. "Well, there's commanding my troops, and fighting your no good brother." He looks at Luigi through his peripheral, and sees Luigi scowl at him, causing him to chuckle. "Hmmm, let's see..." He stops playing the piano and turns to the plumber. "I enjoy capturing Princesses.." He stops and grins down at the human.

"I also enjoy watching you squirm everytime I make you uncomfortable."

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