Chapter 11

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About a week had gone by since Luigi had decided to help the king figure his stuff out. He regretted going back on his decision the first time, and constantly berated himself for it. He cursed his kindness sometimes.

And that's how he got there, busy scrubbing the floor of the large dining-room. Ever since their last talk, Bowser had placed Luigi on cleaning duty. Sure, Luigi was used to cleaning his own home, and didn't care that much, but the size of one room in the castle was double his entire living space. Not only that, but it wasn't his house, It was The King's castle.

He should have stuck with no. He hated it here.

"Mama-Mia, I can't-a do this anymore"

Luigi was shaken out of his thoughts by the door slamming. Noticing Bowser was the one to open the door, Luigi backed away out of reflex. Bowser noticing this, grinned. "I thought you would have been done by now. It's been what, 3 hours? And you're not even close to being done?" The comment made Luigi's eyebrows furrow, but he went back to work, ignoring Bowser. "What, too much trouble for you? It's one room, it shouldn't take quite this long." Bowser continued, after taking a seat at the large table in the large dining room. "It usually takes one of the cleaning crew a half an hour, how are you so slow?"

Luigi was getting annoyed. He tried concentrating on a specific spot on the floor that he couldn't quite get, but with Bowser's constant unneeded comments, it was getting harder to keep his anger down. Luigi went back to concentrating, and zoned out until he heard Bowser made a comment about his brother. This Snapped Luigi out of his work.

"Your Brother is probably not going to even come for you! He's too busy cozying up with my Fiancée to take notice!" Bowser angrily yelled, and Luigi had enough.

"Shut Up! You Don't-a know what you're-a Talking about! My Brother Is-amazing! He-a Loves me! You're just-a saying that because you're-a Jealous! You're just-a stupid overgrown Lizard that don't-a know what he's talking about!" Luigi slapped a hand over his mouth, realizing he said too much. Bowser was looking at him with rage, his ruby red eyes locked on Luigi's figure.

Bowser stood up from his seat, and made his way over to Luigi's trembling form. As he stood over Luigi, the green plumber winced. Luigi, startled and in pain, fell over and clutched his chest. Bowser overlooked this, still fueled with rage. "Who do you think you are huh?!" He picked Luigi up by his collar, causing Luigi to yelp out in pain. Ignoring the small man he continued, "You're a nobody, as small as a bug! Too cowardly to put up a fight! A shadow of your Brother!"

As Bowser kept insulting him, Luigi kept feeling hotter. His body was warming up and it was getting hard to bear. It was borderline painful, and Luigi couldn't help but whine out in pain loud enough for the Koopa to stop yelling.

"Bowser let- let me go." He attempted to yell out, but it sounded more strained than bold. The plumber attempted to sound angry, only for Bowser's hold to get tighter. This caused Luigi to make a whimpering sound, still feeling the searing pain throughout his body. The sound made Bowser stumble for a moment, before he dropped Luigi to the ground, feeling as if he had just been burnt by the plumber.

Feeling mild curiosity, Bowser attempted to grab Luigi again, only for a painful heat to spread up his arm. He snatched his hand away and held it with his other hand. Bowser felt anger bubble underneath his scales.

"What did you do?"

Luigi pried open one of his eyes, while crouched down on his hands and knees. He looked up at The Koopa, feeling more terrified, as Bowser's eyes glared at him like lava. "w-what do ya- what do ya mean-?" Luigi forced out, trying to catch his breath from moments ago. He felt it, the painful heat enveloped his body when The Koopa King made contact with him. He knew what it meant, he didn't like it at all but he knew what it meant.

"Don't go playing stupid with me, Greenie." The King roared, still refusing to touch the plumber.

Luigi knew what Bowser meant, he truly did. "I- I don't-a know what you're-a talking about, your m-majesty." He grit his teeth in frustration, feeling Bowser shift closer to him. When he could feel the Koopa's breath on his face, he backed up in fear.


Bowser was confused. He was very very confused. He felt it again, the searing heat that crossed through his body. It Bothered him, A lot. It happened every-time he came into contact with the green plumber.

It had been a month since the argument with the stupid human, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of the heat enveloping his body. It wasn't painful per say, but it was annoying.

Not only that, but the stupid fat red plumber hadn't shown up once yet to collect his idiot brother.
He used this to his advantage, insulting Luigi with it. He only stopped each time when he felt the annoying heat travel through his body enough to stagger him, and have him kneel and grab his chest.


About another month later, and he might have figured it out. The green-clad plumber would occasionally steal glances of him when he thought the Koopa wasn't looking. He would also tense up when around the King, but Bowser could tell it wasn't out of fear. Afterall, he could smell fear. And he did not smell it once within the past month.

Thinking he was onto something, he called for his advisor. "KAMEK!" He yelled out, the Magikoopa appearing in front of him with a 'Pop'.

"Yes, sire?" The small koopa asked him, wondering what could have been bothering the king enough to whisk him away from... "babysitting"

"I need you to do something for me." Bowser instructed, locking eyes with the smaller of the two.

"And what may I be of assistance with?" The magikoopa asked, waiting for an order.

Bowser stared at him, glaring.

"I need you to fetch me your book about soulmates." Bowser bluntly stated, making the smaller koopa blanche.

"B-but Sire!" He shut up as The King's eyes bore into his. "...Yes your Majesty." The cloaked Magikoopa disappeared with another 'Pop'

"oh this is going to be fun."

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