Chapter 9

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But how? Surely, Bowser had plenty people to ask and talk to about what was going on? How could the king be so oblivious to the most important piece of evidence he has? The thought made Luigi even more suspicious.

Luigi squinted his eyes. "No." Luigi spat. "I don't-a know what you are up to, or whether you want-a my help or not but I will not do it." Luigi crossed his arms- or more tried to attempt to, as it was kind of hard to with his hands chained up. "Didn't Intend for this my ass. You're probably just-a using me as bait for my brother."

Bowser went silent. He was fuming. How Dare He. How Dare He talk to him like that, The King of the Koopas!+

"No..?" Bowser paused. "...NO?" he bellowed, causing Luigi to yelp and fall on his behind in fear. "You're telling ME, NO?"

Bowser was angry. He got up from his throne, and with heavy footsteps, stomped his way over to Luigi. The plumber, who was stricken with genuine fear and horror, attempted to scoot away to no avail. He ended up backing up into a Magikoopa.
Having nowhere else to go, Luigi stared up at the king, who was now just a mere few feet away from him.

Looking up, Luigi couldn't help but whine, as the fear left him frozen. Not only that, but the searing pain he usually felt when near Bowser was bubbling up to the surface.

Grabbing Luigi's collar, he pulled him up so Luigi was mere inches from his muzzle. "How dare you, a mere Human, tell me No? Do you know who I am?" Luigi winced, as spit flew at him from The King's yelling.

"You know what? Guards, Toss Him back into the dungeon!" Luigi yelped, as he was tossed onto the rock hard ground, and surrounded by Koopas who re-tied him and scurried away to take him into the dungeons again.

Before he was out of earshot, he heard Bowser yell to him again. "We are not done talking. I will deal with you again Later Greenie."

This was going to be a long day.

Stars and Mushrooms (Bowuigi - BowserxLuigi)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum