Chapter 8

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In the depths of the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser, the Koopa King, seethed with frustration. Luigi, the green-clad plumber, perplexed him. It was a force that defied his understanding. He couldn't understand why he felt such pain when the plumber was around. It got worse each time he was around, and it was starting to interfere with his battles against Mario.

First he had to deal with the fact that he somehow had a soulmate. His Soulmark was a mushroom. A Mushroom! He could have gotten anything cooler, but he reveled in the fact it was a stupid mushroom. It contantly hurt and more sprouted over time. He was tired of seeing it!. It was the last straw when he captured both the green plumber and the princess.


Passing out wasn't on his to do list. When he woke up, he was confused. He had never passed out from the pain before. Driven by his confusion, Bowser devised a daring plan. He would kidnap Luigi once again, but this time with a different intention—to discover the cause of the searing pain he felt every time Luigi was near.


One gloomy evening, as Luigi walked through the Mushroom Kingdom, consumed by his inner turmoil, a group of Koopas ambushed him, capturing him and spiriting him away to Bowser's castle. Fear gripped Luigi's heart, his weakened body trembling as he faced the inevitable encounter with his soulmate.

Within the towering walls of Bowser's castle, Luigi was brought before the Koopa King, who studied him intently. Bowser's fiery eyes bore into Luigi's soul, filled with confusion and an unexpected concern. He could see that Luigi was uncomfortable, and noticed he was constantly wincing.

"You're suffering, I can see it." Bowser's voice resonated with a mix of determination. "Sadly, so am I." He paused. "I can try to help you, but I need to understand the connection. I need to know why it's causing pain."

Luigi's voice quivered, a mixture of fear and suspicion. He did not trust Bowser one bit. "I don't understand it either Bowser. This feels unnatural. I never asked for this. I just want it to be gone."

Bowser's expression hardened, his gaze filled with something Luigi couldn't quite tell. "I know it's difficult, Greenie. But trust me, I want to find a way to release us from this suffering. I didn't intended for any of this to happen."

As Bowser's words reached Luigi's ears, a flicker of confusion ignited within him, which eventually turned into understanding. He saw the sincerity in the Koopa King's eyes, and for the first time, he glimpsed the depths of Bowser's own struggles. 

He then realized at that moment, the Koopa King was oblivious to everything about their bond.

Stars and Mushrooms (Bowuigi - BowserxLuigi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt