Chapter 2

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For some reason, my feet felt frozen to the ground. I was just standing there, staring at the large FBI building before me and my heart was beating so fast I could almost hear it. By some miracle, my feet finally listen to my brain and I find myself walking into the building that was frightening me, almost half to death, 5 seconds ago. A lady at the desk told me what floor to go to. I thanked her and made my way into an elevator. I hit the button for the 6th floor, only now realising my hands were shaking. I shoved them into my pockets just as the elevator door opened to reveal the BAU. I stepped out and observed my surroundings, not paying attention to the people around me which became evident when a woman in a green dress and a pink cardigan approached me, scared me, yet again, half to death. "Oh hello, you must be our new addition! I'm Penelope Garcia, it's so nice to finally meet you," she said, going straight in for a hug, which I happily accepted. "Yay, you're a hugger too" she added, smiling at me.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, it's so nice to meet you too" I respond, smiling brightly back at her.

"Hotch's office is right up there," she points to a door directly up a flight of stairs as she leads me into the bullpen.

"Thank you so much. I guess I will see you around." She waves at me before walking off and I turn to look at the door before walking up the stairs and knocking on it. "Come in," a stern and oddly familiar voice says. I shake it off and open the door, stepping inside, and closing the door behind me. When I turn to look at my boss I discover him already looking at me, shock displayed across his features. No fucking way.

"Aaron?" I say, standing there, looking equally as shocked as him.


Of course, this would happen to me.

"Uh... take a seat." I quickly sit, not because he told me to, but because I feel like I might pass out. We just sit there looking at each other, neither one of us knowing what to say. My thoughts went back to last night, his lips on mine and the way he made me feel. Without realising it, my hand went to my neck, my fingers softly grazing over the markings he left there and I took a quick moment to appreciate my choice to wear a turtleneck. Suddenly, our silence was broken by Penelope knocking on the door and walking in. "We have a case." I looked at Aaron who gave me a small nod of reassurance.

My first case.

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I followed Aaron and Penelope to the round table, deciding I would wait for everyone to sit down first in case they all had some sort of routine in which they always sat in the same chair. As the last person sat down, the oldest in the group, I realised I only knew 2 people in the room. "Um... Aaron?" He looked at me and I gave him a look.

"Oh right," he turned to everyone, "This is SSA Y/N Y/L/N, our newest member of the team." A series of hellos and introductions were sent my way by each one of them, all were nice and welcoming. I sat down in a spare seat between Aaron and a blonde woman who I now knew as JJ. She smiled at me and handed me a tablet. I thanked her as I pulled out my notepad to take notes just as Penelope started presenting the case.

"Okay, this is Ridge Canyon Lake in California's Angeles National Forest. It is a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts. Unfortunately, some campers have discovered someone has chosen murder as their sport of choice. Three victims, all male, all found early this morning." You giggled quietly at her choice of words, earning an amused look from Aaron.

"He used an underwater disposal site?" Rossi was the first to speak.

"Mmm-hmm, he weighed them down with rocks and then he hid their bodies underneath shrubbery around the lake's edge."

"That's pretty risky, keeping a graveyard at a popular lake. This guy is showing confidence early." Next was Emily. I refrained from saying anything, observing the team to see how they worked.

"Well, we should run priors in the area. This might not be his first party." Then Derek.

Hotchner was the next to speak, "All three victims were reported missing last week, and each of the bodies was discovered more than 30 miles from where they went missing."

"Any indications of sexual assault?"I had told myself that I wasn't going to say anything but before I could stop myself, I had spoken. Hotch was the one to respond, looking me in the eyes.

"No external signs, but time in the water might have destroyed evidence. Autopsies are being conducted now."

Penelope informed us of another male that had been abducted and the team continued to converse. I remained silent throughout this time, writing down everything important. After another 5 minutes of talking, Aaron told the team it would be wheels up in 30. I gathered my things and began to walk out of the room to get my go bag from my car when Aaron stopped me. "I need to speak with you in my office, now." That was all he said before he walked off, presumably towards his office. I took a deep breath, quickly preparing myself for the awkward conversation I am about to participate in. I gather my thoughts and walk to Aaron's office, knocking on the open door before stepping inside. "Close the door." I did as I was told and turned back to him, taking notice of the blinds that were now fully shut compared to being open 10 minutes ago.


"We need to talk about last night," You looked at him, no doubt with an expression of humiliation. "I will admit that last night was great and I don't regret it, but if we are going to do our jobs efficiently then we are going to need to be professional and put it behind us." I thought about his words for a second. His tone and the way he talked to me now was very different from the way he spoke to me last night, and for some reason, it saddened me a small bit.

"Right, yes. You're right. Umm... so forget it happened, right, uh... okay." Wow Y/N, is that seriously what you just blurted out?

I would be lying if I didn't admit I was hurt by his words. Yes, it was a one-night stand but it genuinely felt like it could've been more than that. At least that's what I thought before I learnt I fucked my boss. However, what Aaron said next did surprise me. 

"No no no, I don't want to forget about it, I don't want you to forget about it either. But while we're at work I think it would be best if we didn't think or talk about it." I looked at him smiling, repeating his words in my head.

He doesn't want to forget.

A/N: I think I am going to keep the chapters short and do more of them.

Something Unexpected (Aaron Hotchner x femReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon