Chapter 5

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⚠️TW⚠️: contains mention of suicide 

"My father was an asshole, to say the least. The only reason my mother stayed with him as long as she did was because he was a smart, violent man. Wherever she would've taken me, he would've found us. As much as I hate to admit it, I got my smarts from him." I looked into Aaron's eyes, checking he wasn't bored by my story like other guys in my life had been. I was surprised and happy to find him sitting still, somewhat facing me, listening. Actually listening.

"It was my 9th birthday. I was sitting at the table while my parents stood in front of me, waiting for me to blow out my candles. My mother was taking videos. It felt like one of those happy nights we rarely shared as a family and I was enjoying every bit of it. I blew out all my candles in one blow and I closed my eyes tightly as I made a wish. I heard my mother gasp suddenly so I opened my eyes to make sure she was alright. My father had her in a headlock with a gun pointed at the back of her head. I remember feeling so frozen in that moment, I couldn't move or speak. My mother was crying and my father was yelling at her to shut up, and when she wouldn't, he shot her in the head, right in front of me. Her blood sprayed all over my face and I looked down and my cake was covered in it too. I screamed 'Mumma', which I weirdly didn't remember but my mother's phone was still filming and caught it all." I took a deep breath and realised I was crying. Aaron wiped the tears from my cheek.

"It's okay, you're okay now," he said to me. He must have thought that was the whole story because the shock on his face was obvious when I continued.

"My father then looked at me. His eyes were cold, with no regret in them. I got out of my seat and ran to my mother, kneeling in a pool of her blood behind her head, my father watching my every move. I picked up her head and shuffled under it so I could rest he head in my lap. "What did you do!" was what I screamed at my father. I was young but not young enough to not be able to understand what was happening. His answer still haunts me to this day, "Nothing, I did absolutely nothing." He shot himself in the head promptly after that." My eyes were peeled to my lap and I didn't dare look into Aaron's eyes. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. He didn't say anything, he just held me, his hand went from my shoulder to my head and he ran his fingers through my hair. I had never gotten this far into this story without being interrupted and told I was lying. "The neighbours must've heard the gunshots because within minutes police and paramedics were rushing into my home. The medics tried to pull me away from my mother but I held onto her, screaming. They had to get 4 people to physically pry me away from her. I've hated my condition from that day onwards." 

Aaron softly grabbed my chin between his thumb and index finger, positioning my head so I was looking at him. I could see on his face that he believed me and I smiled at him. "What's the smile for?" he quizzed, confused as to why I was smiling, considering the story I just told.

"You believe me."

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

"No one here has ever believed me before." Aaron looked at me sadly and he kissed my forehead. "Seeing the way Curtis held his wife and how he had a gun to her head reminded me of how my father held my mother. My mind kept going back to that memory while we were in the house. I felt like I was 9 all over again and it scared me." I began crying uncontrollably, Aaron pulled me closer to him and held me while I cried.

We stayed like that for about 6 minutes before I calmed down, allowing me a moment to fathom the fact that he had kissed me. TWICE! I pushed back from him and punched him in the arm. "Ow! What was that for!" he yelled at me.

"You kissed me!"

"I did! But why did you punch me?!"

"I don't know, maybe because you have been a complete jerk to me for the past month and now we are here, while I am being very vulnerable, and you kiss me twice!" 

Aaron sighs, composing himself, "I can explain."

"Then explain!" I was pissed off now. I was having a panic attack and he kissed me, which I thought he did just to get me to hold my breath and stop hyperventilating, but the second kiss was tender and full of emotion. There was no reason for it.

"I was starting to develop feelings for you, strong ones. I was going to ask for your number the night we met but we got a little preoccupied," even if I was pissed off, he still managed to make me laugh, "I hoped that we could, maybe one day, end up being more than just a one night stand if we had begun talking. When you walked into my office that morning, a massive part of me was relieved to see you again. My feelings only grew from that moment onwards. I got scared that my feelings would interfere with my ability to work efficiently, so I started being cold towards you. That didn't work. It just made me want you more."

It was my turn to kiss him now. It was a soft kiss filled with longing. 

It was perfect.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

It was 09:26 pm when Aaron and I returned to the station. We joined the team who were all standing around a table, chatting. I needed something happy and we were in Atlantic City. "How about we find a bar close to our hotel and get a few drinks?" I proposed. Morgan gave Rossi a friendly side hug, announcing "Drinks on the old man!"

"Old man?!" Rossi sounded offended and punched Morgan in the ribs.

"Old man can punch." joked Aaron. Trust me when I say that if looks could kill, then the look Rossi gave Aaron and Morgan would've put them 6 feet underground quicker than they could say their own names, and the 2 of them took that as their cue to get as far away as they could before they got shot. "Tequila?" said JJ, which caught the attention of myself and Em. Emily placed her arms on mine and JJ's shoulders, exclaiming "Yes please!" as she lead us out of the station, Reid and Rossi following closely behind us.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

The next 2 and a half hours were compiled of a lot of drinking, singing and dancing, evidently resulting in Emily, JJ, Morgan and I needing to lean on the more sober members of the group to efficiently make it to our hotel rooms. Aaron gave up on me pretty quickly because 1 minute into the walk home he had picked me up and swung me over his shoulder. He then carried me to my room, opened the door for me, and dropped me onto the bed. I wasn't overly drunk, I just couldn't walk straight which lead me to tease Aaron about how he just wanted to be closer to my ass. He ignored my remarks and rummaged through my go bag to get my pyjamas, which he handed to me to change into. He turned around while I did so and then helped me to bed, which I could've done on my own but I let him anyway.

He was halfway out the door when I yelled out to him. 

"Stay with me."

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