Chapter 9

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⚠️TW⚠️: Torture

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For the first time since waking up here, I let a tear escape from my eye. I had lost consciousness not long after Michael had stabbed my thigh and when I woke, I found my leg completely bandaged. A normal person who wasn't a profiler would think that this was a good thing, but no. I knew what this meant. In my case, Michael planned on keeping me alive as long as he could, no matter what wounds he gave me. He wanted to see me in pain for as long as he wanted, and he would do so by caring for me. The more he took care of me, the stronger I would be, the more alive I would be, and then I would feel more pain. I always knew Michael was a sadist, but when I was younger, I never thought anything of it, mainly due to what I had witnessed at such a young age. 

Michael entered the room and stood by my leg, placing his hands over the stab wounds and supporting his body weight. I winced through gritted teeth, a shock of unbearable pain shooting up my entire body. His eyes roamed over every inch of me with a curious look on his face, almost as if he was trying to decide something. He tried to conceal the fact that he had pulled the knife from his pocket but the sudden absence of his right hand on my lower leg was both relieving and unnerving. 

He circled around to my other side, stopping by my torso. The tips of his fingers on his free hand slid under the hem of my shirt and he moved it up, surprisingly stopping before he could reveal my bra. The cold edge of the knife pressed against the skin below my ribcage, sending a shiver down my spine. Before I could take my next breath, with a small flick of his wrist, Michael had made a small, deep cut. The corners of his mouth twisted upwards into a threatening smile, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. He pressed the knife against the skin of my torso again, making another small cut. At this point, he figured out that he had found another way to entertain his needs and then began cutting my stomach again, another 7 times, each one getting deeper and longer. 

I knew I wasn't going to make it out of this in a good condition, mentally and physically, and I chose to let one more tear escape, but once that tear left my eye, I couldn't stop the others from following suit. I just lay there, silently crying, as he stared down at me, admiring his work. I closed my eyes and thought about  Aaron, basically begging any god who would listen that he would find me soon. 

Aaron, please I beg of you, find more before I give in.

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Hotch's POV:

"Garcia, look for anyone in Y/N's past who knew the details of what happened to her." I practically demanded. Garcia's expression was hit with a wave of hurt and I softened my eyes at her. I was trying not to lose it at everyone who so much as looked at me with a worried expression, but I couldn't help but constantly feel angry at everyone. How could I be happy if I couldn't find my girl?

"Sir, pretty much everyone in her hometown knew the details. It's a small list but large enough for it to be difficult to differentiate between those who really knew the details and those who just heard something through the grapevine." 

"Refine it to those who knew Y/N's side of the story, like her therapists, the officers that worked the case, and her closest friends."

"Okay Mr Bossman, I see you... Alright, that brings my list down to 23."

"Baby girl, do any of them have a criminal record?" Morgan added.

"Chocolate thunder, you never cease to amaze me, let's see... Okay, we have one Michael Mu-" Garcia stopped mid-sentence, all of us leaning closer to the phone waiting for her to continue. "Oh my god. Michael Munrow had a restraining order filed against him by none other than our gorgeous girl who is missing in action!" 

"Has he recently entered the states?"

"Yes, he bought a small little home right here in Quantico 10 months ago, and... sweet baby Jesus, it's only a block away from Y/N's house. I'm sending the address to your phones as I speak!" 

I didn't waste another second before running out of the office and into the elevator. I got into an SUV, not waiting for the rest of the team, who weren't far behind me, before driving to the location Garcia had sent us all. It wasn't far from headquarters and I was there within 5 minutes. I wasn't thinking when I pulled my gun out of its holster and ran to the front door, not bothering with a vest. I took a step back before kicking the door in and making a loud bang.

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A loud bang rang through the house and Michael's head snapped towards the direction of the sound. I could hear the screech of sirens faintly in the distance and relief wracked my body. Michael began untying the restraints on my wrist and ankles, confident I wouldn't be able to fight back in my weakened state, and he dragged my body off the table, forcing me into a standing position. I cried out at the sudden weight being applied to my leg, earning myself a quick, sharp hit to the side of my temple, "Be quiet!" Michael whispered harshly into my hair, and I could feel the fresh, warm blood trickle down the side of my face from the new wound.

Michael had finished adjusting my position so that I was a sort of shield in front of him, protecting himself from whoever was about to come through the door. Sure enough, a few seconds later the door flew open and my knees almost buckled at the sight of Aaron charging into the room, gun raised. His eyes were dark with anger but they softened slightly when he saw me alive. "Let her go!" The utter amount of rage in his tone scared me, seeing him this angry was something I hadn't seen before, it was terrifying, and it clearly affected Michael as his grip around my shoulders tightened. Aaron's eyes met mine for a brief moment before he looked back up at the man who was holding me in front of him.

"Why would I do that? Huh? I have what I desire, there is nothing that you can give me, nothing you can offer me that will make me let her go. I finally have her, why would I let her go?"

"Move the knife away from her neck or I will shoot." I noticed the way Aaron's knuckles turned whiter as he tightened his grip on his gun, his index finger lightly pushing against the trigger. Michael failed to notice this and his hand holding the knife against my neck moved upwards, just the tiniest bit, as a move to cut my throat. Aaron didn't hesitate before pulling the trigger and Michael's body went limp, falling into a heap behind me. 

I hadn't noticed how much I had been relying on Michael to stay standing but without his arms holding me like a shield, my legs nearly gave out beneath me. However, I stayed standing, every fibre in my body working to keep me upright. I looked up and connected my eyes with Aaron's. A small sob was all I could release from my mouth and Aaron quickly moved by my side. 

I collapsed into his arms, which wrapped around me tightly. He pulled me closer to him and I buried my face into his chest, my body shaking against him as I began to cry. One of Aaron's arms was around me, holding me to him and the other stroked my hair. "You came for me." was what I finally managed to blurt out.

"Of course I did," He responded sweetly, planting a kiss on my forehead, "I will always find you, no matter where you are, I promise you that." I wrapped my arms around his neck, finding whatever energy I had left to pull myself up to hug him. He held me tightly, and what he did next shocked me.

He began to cry with me.

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