Chapter 6

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His arms were still tightly wrapped around me, just like they had been when we fell asleep. I had learnt quickly that Aaron didn't move much in his sleep compared to me. I knew I tossed and turned a bit, however, he never seemed to let go of me. 

It had been a year since that night in Atlantic City, Aaron and I had officially been together for 10 months and no one knew besides one person. Jack. Aaron had introduced me to Jack a month into our relationship, and I have loved the boy ever since. I went to his soccer games and he loved when Aaron stayed at mine occasionally because it meant he could make the biggest blanket fort ever and then watch Star Wars under it while he ate dinner. 

One night a few months ago, while I was staying the night at the Hotchners, Jack had a friend over for a sleepover. His friend had asked him if I was his new mum and Jack, considering he knew hardly anything about relationships, didn't know how to answer. He came running down the hallway, jumping into my lap, looking me in my eyes and had asked "Are you my new mommy?" I looked at Aaron, both of us clearly shocked by his question. His friend came running 5 seconds later to hear my answer. It was probably the most difficult conversation we've both had with children but in the end, they understood. At least they did eventually.

I shifted my head to the right a little bit in my still sleepy state and kissed Aaron's arm that was draped over my shoulder. "Morning sleepyhead"

"Aaron, I have told you countless times not to call me that!" I whisper-yelled at him, giving him a soft punch.

"That's exactly why I keep doing it, it makes you angry. Angry you is hot." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity but I still smiled at him. We were just leaning in for a kiss when our phones buzzed at the same time. We had a case, and once we had read the text we realised it was only 2 miles from Aaron's house. Pen made it sound urgent and we were quickly out of bed, dressed and in the car. I grabbed Aaron's phone and called Jessica. Thank god she was available and was able to get Jack ready for school in our absence.

We arrived at the scene to find dug-up sets of bones scattering someone's lawn. The team watched us get out of the same car, their stares burning into us as we walked towards them. We hadn't thought until this moment that we should've taken different cars to avoid any suspicion, but it was too late now. Thankfully the team didn't mention anything and returned to the case, but I knew there would be questions later. There was no indication of how long the bodies had been there but the M.Es were arriving soon so we were hoping they would give us more information.

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The team had decided to go get some drinks after the case was over and we all headed to a bar nearby. I didn't realise until we got there that it was the same bar where Aaron and I had met; apparently, neither did he. We looked at each other and smiled, he took a few steps so he was right beside me as we all walked in, his pinky finger hooked around mine until we sat down at a table. 

We had been drinking and chatting for about 2 hours when I got a text message from an unknown number. I opened it to find hundreds of images of me. Pictures of me on my daily run to a coffee shop a mile from my house. Pictures of me through the window of my house. Pictures of me getting lunch with JJ and Pen. And finally, nearly 100 photos of me with Aaron. Kissing him, having pillow fights with him and Jack, sleeping on the couch with him.

 Having sex with him.

I tried to keep a straight face but despite my efforts, a tear escaped my eye, and of course, half the team saw it. Pen placed her hand on my upper arm asking if I was alright, I looked at her, and then I looked at the rest of the team, my eyes finally landing on Aaron's. I got out of my seat, informing the team that I had to go, and I walked out, bursting into tears as soon as the doors closed behind me, except they didn't fully close, Aaron pushed them open before they could. Instead of asking me what was happening, he saw me crying and held me. He must've told the team to continue and to not follow him or me as they were not behind him. I pulled away from Aaron slightly and opened my phone, which was still in the messages I had been sent, and handed it to him. He looked through them and then grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him, "We have to tell the team about these, we have to find whoever this is."

"Aaron, that means we have to tell them about us." He just stared at me, a blank expression on his face. He hadn't thought about that. Aaron took me to headquarters and then messaged the team to tell them we had a case.

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Aaron began to present when everyone was finally sitting at the round table. "A 27-year-old female has come to us about a stalker. Over an unknown amount of time, he has been taking and collecting hundreds of photos, all of which he sent to her recently."

"We don't do stalking cases unless there are murders involved," JJ's confused look perfectly matched her words and the team all nodded and voiced their agreement, she continued, saying "Why are we taking this one?"

I cut Aaron off before he could come up with some lie to cover our asses. "Because I am the one being stalked."

"That's why you left the bar crying, isn't it?" Rossi asked me while placing a gentle hand on my knee. Pen had gotten out of her seat and walked towards me, stopping behind me and hugging me so tightly I thought I might pass out. "Okay Pen, now I can't breath."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I love you though," she said as her grip around me loosened, and she returned to her seat.

"I love you too." I looked at Aaron, nodding to tell him that I was ready. I stood up and made my way to stand next to Aaron, his hand slipping into mine shamelessly, and when you're in a room of profilers, they noticed pretty quickly. "Before we begin looking at most of the photos, there is something we have to tell you in advance. Over the past 10 months, Aaron and I have been dating and because this has been happening during the time when the photos were taken, we have decided to leave a few photos out for our sake and your sake. They're on your tablets."

"What! OMG! This is the best news I have heard in ages!" Pen screamed beside us. She got up and pulled us both into another bone-crushing hug.

Derek piped up to say "It's about time," We looked at the rest of the team who seemed to agree, "You two have been fawning over each discreetly for so long, we thought you would never tell us"

"Thanks for your kind words, Derek."

I looked around the room slowly, deciding that it wouldn't take them long to learn the name of our prime suspect and that, for now, I would stay quiet about him. It is in moments like these that you look back on the one thing that could've changed the shitty situation you're in and you regret the decision you made in the past. If I had said yes to getting another restraining for the US against this man, then I wouldn't be in this mess. But here we are, being stalked, yet again, by the man who haunts me.

Michael Munrow.

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