Chapter 7

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It has been three days since I received the photos and we still have no concrete information. I want to tell the team about Michael but I don't think I'm ready to talk about the most traumatic part of my childhood, even if it would help the team. People would normally think that what happened with my parents would be the most traumatising for me but for me, having the person I confided in use all of my secrets against me and constantly remind me of the horrors of my ninth birthday seemed to hurt me the most.

I have been sitting, staring at my computer for god knows how long when my phone buzzes on my desk multiple times. I reach and grab it to read the messages


I laugh under my breath and grab my things. I am almost out the door of the bullpen when I turn and look into Aaron's office, my eyes connecting with his and I walk to him. I kiss him and tell him I'm going out with JJ and Pen and that I will be home later tonight, he nods, says goodbye and plants another kiss on my cheek. I practically run out of his office and out of the bullpen, screaming "Let's get drunk!" when I see my girls waiting for me by the elevator. They laugh with me as we head down and out of the building, each of us hopping into our separate cars after deciding on which bar to go to.

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We had had many drinks when JJ finally brought up the topic the whole team had been avoiding for the past few days. "So, tell us about Hotch."

"Well..." Pen interrupted me before I could continue.

"We want to all of it. All the details. How it happened, is he any good in the sheets, does he treat you right..." it was my turn to interrupt this time.

"Okay, okay, chill out love. Technically it all started when we had a one-night-stand after meeting in a bar"

"WHAT!?" they both screamed. A few people looked at us and we laughed a bit.

"It was before I started at the BAU."

"Oh okay, that makes it better then."

"Not really. It was the night before I started, meaning that the morning I started, I woke up in his arms." They both looked at me blankly before looking at each other. causing them to burst out laughing.

I continued to tell them everything and the feeling of finally being able to tell someone overtook me and I couldn't stop talking for hours. Eventually, we decided to call it a night and head home, all of us calling a cab for ourselves. Both JJ's and Pen's cabs arrived before mine so I said goodnight to them and stood outside the bar, waiting for mine. Suddenly, I felt someone hold a wet cloth against my mouth and their other arm wrapping around my arms and torso.  I tried to fight but I felt weak, and soon enough, I blacked out.


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Hotch's POV:

I woke up the next morning expecting Y/N to be next to me, but instead I was met with an empty bed. I shot out of bed, frantically searching the house, however, she was nowhere to be found. Normally I wouldn't worry, but considering recent events, it concerned me that she didn't make it home. I called JJ and Garcia to see if she had crashed the night with one of them but they both said they hadn't seen her since last night.

I asked them which bar they went to and made my way there as fast as possible. The door was locked but I hadn't even attempted to bang on the door before I noticed her bag on the sidewalk. I grabbed a tissue from my pocket and used it to cover my hand as I picked up the bag and looked inside. Her badge and gun were placed neatly on top of everything else.

Something is wrong.

Y/N never puts her gun and badge in her bag, she always keeps them on her, except if she is at home. She feels safer that way. I looked around and noticed a small alley close by. When I entered it I immediately noticed her mother's necklace recklessly discarded on the ground, and it looked like it had been ripped off her neck in a rush.


She always told me that if she ever got abducted, she would leave a clue everywhere she went and this was it. This was my first clue. She never takes this necklace off, not even to shower, and the fact that I have found it, lying in the middle of an alley, 100 feet from where I found her bag, angers me. But the fact that it was ripped from her neck made me doubt that she had left it here. She would've made an effort to take it off properly before dropping it.

Someone has taken this girl, my girl, and I will find them.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

My mind was still foggy but I had finally built up enough energy to open my eyes. When I did I found my worst nightmare looking down on me.

Michael Munrow.

No. No. No. No. 

I start kicking and screaming, but my arms and legs didn't move. I'm tied to whatever this psycho has laid me on. I scream even louder and Michael's blank face turns menacing, "Nice to see you again, my love."

"Don't you dare call me that!" He looks at me with a sarcastic, hurt look.

"You're strapped to my table sweetheart, I wouldn't be rude if I was you," he says peering over me again. I spit in his face and he jumps back. I know I shouldn't have done that but it felt good. He had turned to grab something off a nearby table and when he turned back towards me I noticed it was a baseball bat. 

"You ran from me and broke my heart. I am going to make sure you pay for it." He yelled, using the bat to point at me, trying to threaten me, He began to beat me with the bat and I tried so hard not to cry out in pain and give him the satisfaction that he was hurting me but I couldn't hold it for long. However, before I could break, he hit me hard over the head, knocking me out cold.

When I gained consciousness a little while later, he was seated in an armchair watching me. "They'll find me, ya know," I said, laughing slightly.

"Who will?" He replied, almost teasing me.

"The BAU."

"The FBI? Babe, they aren't even looking for you."

"And what makes you think that?"

"Everyone that has ever cared about you lives in another country or is dead, no one is going to report you as missing. No one even knows you're gone."

"Ah, that is where you are wrong Michael, I'm surprised you got that wrong considering you have been stalking me," The look of confusion on his face made me laugh. "I have a boyfriend and friends who, by now, probably already know I'm missing. Oh, and there is one last thing you forgot to learn while stalking me."


"My boyfriend is a profiler at the BAU, My friends are profilers at the BAU. I am a profiler at the BAU. Trust me when I say they are looking for me and they will find me." Michael said nothing, he just stood up and ran out of the room. I could hear him punch or throw something in the next room and I laughed. I was glad that I had gotten into his head so quickly. He was still as unorganised as the last time I saw him and I was thankful for it. It meant he has probably made a mistake already, maybe even a few.

I'm going to be okay.

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