I'm fine

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When I wake up again I feel even more groggy than the first time but this time when I open my eyes I do see my parents in the room.

-You don't know what a strange dream I've had- I say rubbing my eyes trying to get rid of my tiredness- Lando, Flo's brother, was here. And he called me Moon For some strange reason since I have hardly crossed a couple of words with him.

My parents exchange a worried look between them. Have I said something wrong? Finally it is my mother who steps forward and approaches me.

-Luna, darling, it wasnt a dream, the doctors just gave you a sedative to calm you down- She sits in the chair next to me and my father stands behind her resting his hand on her shoulder.

-That cant be true, he looked older and talked to me like he knew who I was- I have yet to find an explanation for why I'm in the hospital but I'm sure Lando isn't going to be the answer.

- Luna, answer me this, what year it is?- It was my father asking now.

-Is that even a question dad? 2016 obviously, don't be silly- My mother lets out a sob after this.- Mum you are scaring me why are you crying.

-I think I will call the doctor he will know how to explain this- my father said but before he could turn around I took his arm stopping him.

-What? No! Dad why do you need the doctor, I'm fine! I feel fine!- I know I sounded like a mad woman but it was true. Apart from a little pain on my ribs everything else felt alright.

- Luna, today is the 12th of february- I nod, I would have bet it was october but I can work with a couple of months lost- but the year is not 2016, its 2023.

I was silent trying to take everything in. I knew I was missing details, my father now had a beard, my mother had a few more wrinkles now that I was noticing, not to mention Lando's situation. But 6 almost 7 years? The last thing I remember is being in my first year of college, and now you're telling me that it's been 6 years since then? This has got to be a very bad joke.

- I... Can you guys leave me alone for a minute? I think I need some time to process this- I told them. My father nodded taking my mother with him.

I tried to get out of bed but the IV I had and not being up in hours made it harder than it should. I finally manage to stand up and grab onto my IV stand for support. The door adjacent to my room must be a bathroom so I'm heading there.

I need to verify that everything they are telling me is true. It's not that I don't trust my parents, but would you believe someone who told you that you have lost 6 years of your memory? Without even questioning it?

I open the door and go to the mirror. I'm not going to lie and say that the person in front of me was someone I didn't recognize. It was obvious it was me, but it certainly wasn't the me I remembered. My blonde hair was longer than I'm used to, leaving behind the bangs I just got when I was 18. My face was thinner and I no longer had the marks that acne from my adolescence had left me. I take advantage of the moment and decide to inspect the rest of my body to see if anything else had changed. I am not wearing any type of bracelet or jewelry, I suppose they would have taken them all off when I was admitted. I see a couple of tattos in my arms, most of which I dont get the meaning to.

I'm starting to accept that all this can't be a joke. But I just get more questions and I still don't have any answers. I take the IV stand again and this time I head towards the corridor. When I open the door I look both ways and I see that there was no one, I see a sign that tells me where the waiting room is so I go there.

When I arrive I scan the room, a couple of people look at me weird, after all I'm wearing hospital pajamas and an IV in my arm, I would think I'm crazy too. I look around and find him, he was sitting next to a blonde guy I don't remember seeing before. The first one who sees me is the blonde, he is a bit surprised to see me so I deduce that he does recognize me.

-Norris!- He raises his head when he hears his name- I need you to explain everything to me so let's go.- He approaches me alarmed, why is everyone looking at me like that today? I'm fine!

- You shouldnt be on you feet, how did you get out of your room?- he asked guiding me back to the room.

-No one was looking?- he rolled his eyes at this, he seems tired now that I look at him closer- the years have not treated you well, you look old and tired.

-Try having the day I had and then you tell me- he stops on his tracks realizing what he just said- I'm...I'm sorry you obviously had a worse day than me- he looked at me frustrated, It was obvious he also didnt know how to aproach this situation.- sit on the bed again, please, do me that favour.

-Are you going to answer any question I might have?

-I will try- It's worth it to me, I do what I'm told and sit down on the bed again.- where do you want me to start?

-How about how do you know me?

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now