It'll be okay

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Lando's POV

The last few week have been really hard on Luna. The season is getting more and more tense and she is really doing an incredible effort with Lucas and her work.

We were about to go to a triple header and I have noticed her very tired and under the weather these last days so I decided to surprise her.

-Why is Lewis telling me he's taking Lucas tonight?- she came into the kitchen with the phone in her hand.

-Something about having to do a photo session for him- I say as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

-A photo session? He's eight months old!

-I don't ask questions babe I just go with it.


We dropped Lucas off at Lewis's. I had prepared a candlelit dinner for her at home. Well I have not prepared it I have ordered it but the intention is what counts. Max was doing me a favor by setting up everything while we were gone so it could be a surprise.

-He will be okay, righ?- she was clearly worried about him. It was the first time we've let him with Lewis and while we know he will be taken care off it was still making her nervous.

-Yes Luna, he loves Lewis, they will be fine.- I say trying to calm her down.

When we were about to enter the house, Luna kept checking her phone.

-Maybe we have forgoten to bring something, I will call Lewis and- she suddenly fell silent when she entered and saw the table with dinner.

-Surprise my moon.- I came up behind her resting my head on her shoulder.

-Are we celebrating something?- she said paniking a little because she though she had forgotten something important.

-I just wanted to make something special for you.- I say before leaving a kiss to her cheek and taking her hand to bring her to the table- To show you how much I apreciate you.

-Thank you Lando- she said while caressing my cheek- You really didnt have to.

-No need to thank me. You're always supporting me in everything I do.- I leave a light kiss to the back of her hand- I wanted to give you something in return.

We started the meal, it was delicious, I had almost finished it when I realized that Luna had practically not even touched hers. It's strange because I choose one of her favourite foods.

-Is something wrong with the food? You've barely touch it.

-No it's amazing. I just have something in my mind right now- she tried to brush it of.

-Do you want to tell me?- I ask her carefully. I dont want her to feel pressured to tell me if she's not ready yet.

-Yes I do.

-Do you want to tell me now or maybe another time?- Something I always appreciated that she would do was ask me this question. Because many times, as much as I wanted to tell her something, I didn't feel that it was the moment for it.

She avoided my gaze and took a heavy breath. It must be really important if it's taking her so long to tell me. But I will wait until shes ready.

-You dont have to say it now if you are not

-I took a test and I might be pregnant.- she spit out covering her face with her hands.

I frown a little taken back. Might?

-There is an option for might in those?

-No there's not, I'm pregnant.- I took a breath nodding trying to process what she just said.

Lucas was now almost nine months old, if my calculations are correct that would mean that we would have two under two by next year.

-Say something please- she begged. are you feeling about it?

-You tell me first how are you feeling.

-Luna it's your body and your choice. It doesnt matter what my opinion is right now if you're not sure about it.

I take her hand in mine drawing circles in her palm with my thumb.

-I'm scared- she finally said. She looked small, unsure and afraid.

-No, scratch that, I'm fucking terrified.

-It is understandable, it would be two under two.

-I'm not scared of that- I take a deep breath. I knew exactly what she's taking about because I'm feeling just the same-I'm scared it could happen the same as last time.

-Moon...come here- I tell her, taking her in my arms while she sits in my lap- tell me what you want to do.

-I want to keep it-I let myself smile a little once I hear her decision- but could we not tell anyone? I don't want anyone to get excited just yet.

That is completely reasonable and something I can help her with.

-We will do whatever you need, you just tell me. We are a team remember?-I caress her cheek lovingly and kiss her forehead when she looks down.

-Youre not angry at me?

-Of course not, why would I be angry?

-Because I got pregnant.

-Babe last time I checked, it takes two people to make a baby.- she laughs at this but inmediately after crying- Hey dont cry.

-I'm sorry, the hormones-she says fanning her eyes- I took the test this morning because the only thing I wanted to eat was a sandwich with mayonnaise.

-You hate mayonnaise-I say confused. Remembering the number of times I have had to order dishes without mayonnaise because, according to her, it gives her a headache.

-I know!-she cries again. Okay maybe I shouldnt have reminded her that-Imagine how my head is right now, we don't even have mayonnaise at home.

-Hey chill, I'll get you your mayonnaise, anything else?

-An ice cream would be nice.

-Then you will have your icecream.

She bites her lip and looks at me with puppy eyes.

-Okay spit it. What kind of icecream do you want?

-An avocado icecream.

-They make those?- I say with a disgusted face.

-I dont know- I can already see her eyes get wet again

-Hey okay okay, I will check dont worry.

We went to buy her mayonnaise and went through an ice cream parlor that surprisingly sold avocado ice cream. I don't even want to know how they came up with it.

We were sitting in the harbor listening to the waves and enjoying the ice cream. Mine made of chocolate and hers that green aberration.

-I don't know how you can be eating that- I say with a disgusted face.

-It's not that bad, give it a try.-she brings the spoon to my mouth. Over my dead body would I try that.

-Get that away from me you know I dont like avocado.- I say pushing away the spoon.

-Your loss- she shrugged her shoulders.

She looked at her phone and frowned standing up.

-It's getting late, we sould go pick Lucas up.

-Lewis texted, he is already asleep. He said he didnt mind staying with him overnight. We have the night for ourselfs.

-You know what that means?- she said with a wide smile.

-Sure?- I said raising an eyebrow. She don't mean...?

-We will be able to sleep till late! Come on Lan time is ticking.- Of course is that. Little Lando will have to wait till tomorrow I guess.

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