Somebody that I used to know

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Lando used the morning of the next day trying to explain who was coming to the Laser tag. He has invited most of the drivers who lived in Monaco so a handful of them were coming.

From what I gathered, Max Verstappen, the dutch I met on the hospital was coming. Along with Charles Leclerc, Apparently he is Monegasque and drives with Ferrari. Alex Albon, who drives for Williams, along with his girfriend Lily, who is a profesional golf player. Daniel, who this year was going to be Red Bull's 3rd driver will also be there and finally Carlos, who aparently didnt live in Monaco but was visiting were coming.

We called in advance to book a spot for us so we will be playing against eachother. When we arrived everyone was already there. I felt a little intimidated since I knew close to nothing about this people but I'm trying to make an effort here, for Lando.

-Good to see that the amnesia has not changed a thing, still as impuntual as ever- Daniel said with a smile. Charles, who was next to him gave him a smack after his comment- auch, It was a joke!

-Sometimes I wonder if blood reaches your brain- Charles said.

- I'm hurt Charles, I didnt know you thought that little of me- The Australian said faking annoyance.

-Are they always like this?- I ask Lando when the Monegasque started saying things in French which I didnt understand but I'm sure there are not complinents.

-With Daniel here? Always. Believe me you will get used to it- he said just as Alex and Lily got closer to us to greet us.

-Hi Luna, I'm Lily, can I give you a hug?- I nod, it was nice when I'm given a choice even if I knew them from before- Its so nice seeing you. You start going crazy when you're only with these guys for a long time.

-Dont say that! We're not that bad you're going to scare her- Alex said after he greeted Lando.

-Just last week you guys stayed streaming for 24h, nonestop.- she said serious- like I thought it was not literal then when I was getting ready for bed I look for you and you were sleeping on camera? Who even watches that!

-It was for a charity event!- Alex replied. I hadnt noticed but Max has approached us too.

- You look better than last time I saw you- Max said once the couple continued with their conversation.

- Hospital lights and pijamas werent my best look I must admit- I joked- Thanks for driving Lando by the way, it was nice of you.

-Anytime- he said truthfuly- Kelly and Penelope say hi by the way, they could not come because of P's school- he quickly realized I didnt know who he was talking  about- My girlfriend and her daughter, you will se them on the next race dont worry- just then a worker aproaches us and guided us to another room.

-You're eight so I assume you will be doing teams of four- the woman started explaining- team one will be wearing the vests on your right and team two the one on your left. -she signaled to both lines of vests- There is a laser gun attached to each vest. To shoot the two hands must remain on the gun, one on the trigger and another holding it, if you don't, it won't let you shoot.

- What if I want to do a cool stunt where I need to shoot with just one hand- Daniel said seriously.

-Belive me, you wont have time for that there, everything goes really fast- she said continuing with her speech.- The vests have three type of targets, chest, shoulders and back, if you only aim for the back you wont get many points so try to change your strategy. Every time you are shot you wont be able to shoot anyone for 5 seconds. Once all of you are inside the room the light will go out and the time will start. Each round are 10 minutes, after then you will be able to see your scores in a screen out of the room. Since you have booked the whole afternoon you can do as many rounds and you like. Any question?

Everyone thanked her for the explanation as we tried to make the teams. Team 1 ended up being Lando, Daniel, Alex and Carlos. In Team 2 we were Max, Charles, Lily and I. We geared up and entered the room following the instructions from before. Just as she said the lights went out and a countdown started. We had ten seconds to run and find hiding anywhere in the room.

I run following a corridor till I found a half wall where I could hide. Just when the timer stopped I could listen the first shouts from the guys, they must have decided to go for it and not hide. I go out from where I was hiding and turn a corner just as I saw a bright white shirt. I shot him in the chest before he could even see me.

-Oh man!- Daniel said- You are the third person to get me in barely a minute.

-Why are you wearing a white shirt?- I ask him passing him by- You know how they shine under the UV lights, its like putting a target on your head- I said leaving him behind not wanting him to shoot me.

-It went with the outfit, okay?- he shouted behind me.

I found a wall with a window. I lean out gun pointing when I see Alex. I pull the trigger but it doesn't work, I've been shot. I turned around and there he was, with a grin from ear to ear, leaning against the wall.

-Better luck next time I guess- Lando said.

-A shot from behind, You better run- And thats what he did. He was not stupid if he would have stayed to listen to what I had to said my time would be up and I could have shot him.

I find Carlos hiding in a corner while he thought no one saw him. I shoot Daniel a couple more times, really it's like he doesn't know how to hide he just runs from one side of the room to the other. I also hit Alex a couple of times and he also manages to shoot me too. But no sign of Lando, that sneaky bastard.

Through the speakers they told us that there was only one minute left of the game. These have been the most active ten minutes of my life, this is better than an hour in the gym

I saw how Lily has shot Alex, I shoot Daniel again and I run into Max but my only goal was to find the British.

I see him just turn a corner and run after him. He also starts to run, I could shoot him in the back but I want to beat him so I take a shortcut to meet him in front. I know I'll have just one chance when I see him, I go downstairs and there he is. I pick up the gun, aim and pull the trigger, I watch as he does the same thing but it's his vest that lights up just as a horn goes off and the lights come on.

-Yes! I win!- I shout as Lando complains about his gun not working- Better luck next time babe.

-It was begginers luck, besides, we still have to see the results.- he tried defending.

-Lando we are all begginers here- I remind him as we go to the exit to see the results.

There was a screen with our names and scores. Team 2 was obviously the winner Having beaten the other team by only one point.

- Next time don't shoot from behind and you might win Norris- I told him patting his shoulder. He rolled his eyes.

-Do you want to be on our team?- he asked stopping me before reentering the room- we can change you for Daniel.

-No way, get you hands out of our teamate- Lily said getting between Lando and I- besides, have you seen Daniel? I've lost count on how many times I shot him.

-Hey! It can't have been that many times, you must be exaggerating,  I'm not that bad- Daniel complained crossing his arms.

-You were shot 29 times mate- Max pointed to the monitor- I dont even want to do the math on how many times per minute we got to you, but believe me, it is a lot.

-Has anyone got a shirt I could use?- he finaly said- aparently I shoukd have know I needed to wear black.

The rest of the afternoon was just as fun. They gave Daniel a shirt but he still didn't know how to hide. We changed teams a couple of times throughout the afternoon and ended up exhausted. We all had dinner at Charles's house since he was the one who lived closest. It was a good way to say goodbye to the off season.

They all seemed like really cool people. I still didn't understand the inside jokes but they treated me like a normal person not like a fragile figurine that needed to be treated with care. And that's just what I needed.

Lando and I headed home, I was driving because Lando had fallen asleep on Charles's couch like he was a baby. I look at him in the mirror, he looks even younger when he's asleep. I smile to myself. I could get used to this.

Fading - Lando NorrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora