Fine line

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I've been sitting in the car just looking at our apartment. I was really convinced about my decition once I entered the car but now that I'm here...

This is stupid, I can't keep living in fear. I get out of the car and head home. During the elevator ride I try to calm my nerves a bit. When I get to the door I check my phone, I don't have any new messages from him. I hope he is home otherwise all this convincing would have been for nothing.

I opened the door and saw no one in the living room. Maybe he had gone somewhere. Just when I closed it and was going to say something I saw Lando coming running from the bedroom.

-Thank God you're fine- he said with a relieved face taking me into his arms- I..I called Alex and he didnt know where you went- he had placed one of his hands behind my head with the other on my back. I at first didnt react until I finally put my arms around him too- I thought I had lost you again- he wispered in my hair.

-I'm sorry- I say sincere- I went to see Emma I should have warned someone.

I break away from him taking his face in my hands. I caress his hair, he had it all disheveled, he needed a haircut.

-We need to talk Lan- I told him going straight to the point  - We cant ignore this.

-I know- he said looking at his feet-Just...could we do it somewhere else? I want to show you something.

I dont know what he could be talking about but I accepted. We got into the car again. I couldnt help but play with my hands in an attemp to calm myself. When Lando saw this he took one of my hands in his.

He stopped the car and I looked outside to see where we were. It was a cemetery.


-You arent ready are you?- he said nervous - I'm sorry I know its too soon we will go back home.

-Why did you bring me here?

-I wanted you to meet her- that face again...he knows I cant resist that face.

-I dont know if I'm ready but we can try- It was true, I was tired of running fron everything - I want to meet her too.

I followed Lando through the corridors until I saw that he was going to one of the graves.

I stopped when I saw it. Lando realized I wasnt following him and turned to see what was happening.

-How can something like this happen to us? It's so unfair.

He came closer to me and wrapped me in his arms again. I rest my head on his shoulders denying.

-I know, it's not fair- he wispered to my ear playing with my hair - But like you told me yesterday, life isn't fair. I like to think that even the worst things happen for a reason.

I hold on to his sweatshirt tightly, I don't know if I'm ready for all this.

-Did we name her?- I asked. He nodded. I couldnt look at his face since I was still hiding mine on his neck. I couldnt look.

-I told you the other day...- And that broke me. Violet. We had called her Violet.

I lift my head from his shoulder and there I see it. "Violet Norris 24-2-2022".

-Come here- He guided me by the waist until we were in front of it.

There were some beautiful flowers too. They look fresh.

-I like to come here after my runs.- He said bending down to run his fingers over the stone- Somethines I talk to her, sometimes I just stay here thinking. It helped me cope.

Fading - Lando NorrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora