The Winner Takes It All

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*just one more chapter left 🥺*

Lando's POV

I knock on the door waiting for someone to open it, I don't have to wait long until Carlos opens it with a confused face.

-Can we talk?- I say as soon as I saw him.

He nodded and told Isa that he was leaving for a while. I started walking without saying anything and he followed me without even asking where were we going.

We got to the entrance of the circuit and I passed my pass. He did the same, a little confused but going with it.

-Fancy a walk?- I say pointing to the entrance of the track.

There was practically no one left in the circuit, only the security people and some mechanism finishing preparing the cars for tomorrow.

- It's eleven pm- he finally said something since we got out of his room.

-And?- He raises an eyebrow and then smiles denying.

-Sure, let's walk- He takes me by the shoulder and starts walking towards the beginning of the circuit.

The lights illuminated the asphalt and the empty stands. It has always caused me a lot of respect to see all of this empty. As much as having so many people watching you in the stands is nerve wraking, it is much more scary to see how big this is when it is empty.

We had walked a quarter of the circuit when I finally had the courage to tell him.

-Can I trust you?- I ask.

-Always- he says with a hand over his heart without missing a beat.

-You cant say anything, to anyone.

I will not deny that I was nervous. I was breaking my agreement with Luna but I had to tell him. He had to know that I trusted him with my life.

-You are very serious, you are scaring me and everything- he stops on his tracks with a frown crossing his arms.

-We're not going to tell anyone, not yet- I start taking in a deep breath- But be proud to be the first person to know that I am going to be a father again.

His jaw dropped until a big smile appeared on his face.

-Lando! That's huge news, congratulations my friend.- he said hugging me.

-Yeah, we're kinda scared but really happy.- I say scratching the back of my head- Still trying to process everything.

-But why did you tell me if you're not ready to tell yet?- he asks. That's why we're here after all..

-Carlos, I don't want to happen to us what happened to Max and Lewis. You are my brother, and whatever happens tomorrow I want you to continue to be so.- his face softened after this.

-It wont, whatever happens we will be the same as always- I could see his eyes shining, Carlos, don't start crying, otherwise I'll start too..

-The only person I want to see winning almost as much as me is you- I told him truthfuly. He left out a wet laugh and I dry my eyes trying to hide that I may have shed a couple of tears.

-Likewise my friend. I'm glad that I'm with you in this situation.- he takes me in his arms and I hold to his shirt like I was a little kid. Carlos has seen me grow during my years in F1. When my family wasn't there, when my friends weren't there, Carlos was always there.

-If I loose at least I'll be happy that you're the one who wins muppet- he said in my ear. Giving me a couple of claps in the back and finally pulling away.

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now