Thank you <3

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November 7th

It all started when we were training. Mr. Aizawa had thought it was a good idea to put us in pairs. During our 1st year at U.A., he did this with us but the only thing this time that was different was that last time, my quirk and my partner's quirk went well together. This time he set up duos of random people, this will help us in the future when we have to work with other heroes whose quirk may not be compatible with ours.

I bet you extras wanna know who I got paired with this time huh? Well. I got with the Nerd, Deku.

Let's just say, this day didn't go as planned.

Me and the nerd were supposed to save some of the people who were injured and fight against a 'villain' who was just one of the heroes in disguise. The villain had a powerful quirk, not gonna lie. But that didn't stop ME from winning.

"Kacchan! It's our turn to fight!" The nerd said excitedly. "Shut up!" I yelled as I continued walking towards the entrance. "I'm gonna win this, without your help." I scoffed and all I could hear was a slight giggle come from that bastard. Soon enough, the fight began.

"Kacchan! Wait up, we need to create a plan." Deku said. "I don't need your stupid ideas." I said and blasted off looking all around for the villain. He followed me everywhere I went, he hadn't changed since we were kids. How pathetic. "We aren't gonna beat this villain without a strategy!" He said. I tried to ignore him but he only kept mumbling on and on about how we could defeat him. I rolled my eyes and looked over at the nerd. He was using his blackwhip to swing threw the air, from pole to pole. He was focused, trying to figure out an idea.

I looked ahead for 1 second, then;


We heard the bang as it echoed threw the thin walls of the buildings around us. I turn around and see Deku on a small roof, more like a platform holding his head with his hands. I heard slight mumbles of pain coming from the nerd. I couldn't help but laugh a little. I guess he wasn't paying much attention and flew into the pole. I landed down next to the nerd and hunched over. "That was something," I said. "Shut up Kacchan." Deku said and looked up at me. Unknowingly, my heart skipped a beat. I looked away and put my hand out for the nerd to stand up with. He grabbed my hand and my stomach fluttered.

I mentally slapped myself as the brat stood up. "Thank you." He said and backed away. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Let's keep going." I said and got no response. "Deku?" I said. No Reply. I quickly turn around as I say. "Answer me you fucking nerd-" I stopped talking as I realized he was gone. Shit. I thought.

Where did that nerd go? Did that Villain take him? I'll murder them.

I stand still and listen to my surroundings. I hear the tapping of feet in the far distance to my right. I quickly blast that way. I catch up to them and fling in front of them. I went fast and grabbed the nerd from the man and blasted him back. It was a strong blast. It caused me and Deku to also fly back, since I was in the air mid-blast. The room was covered in smoke from the explosion. I felt a small weight on my stomach and chest.

I groan and open my eyes. Deku was laying on top of me with his head turned to the right on my chest, his legs on the outside of mine, and his ass in the air. He looked to be knocked out. Holy shit.

"Deku? Wake up!" I said and he didn't move. A small drop of blood fell from his head. Fuck. He probably got a concussion from the impact of the pole he ran into and now I probably fucked it up with my explosion. I sigh and stand up and carry the nerd. I hate this. I thought

I hold him tightly with one hand and form my other to make a blast. Nothing happened. I tried again. I couldn't see around me, the smoke was mostly all gone, but it was dark here in this tunnel room. Suddenly a piece of white fabric shoots at me out of nowhere. I dodged it but then it came to me. The villain is Mr. Aizawa.

I groan and turn away and run. I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him while holding Deku, so I have to wait for Deku to wake up or find a place to leave him. I ran fast till I saw a slight bit of sunlight. "Kacchan?" I hear. I only scoff.

We ended up winning. The bastard woke up quickly and recovered. Then we went back to Aizawa. We had a plan this time. It was to blend in the shadows and wear him down with our blasts. In the shadows, he won't be able to see us so it was the best option.


A few weeks after that day came and it was now November 24th. Also known as Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was a day of sending love to people we're thankful for and lots of food.


I was scrolling threw my phone as my thoughts clouded my mind. Today was a good day I guess. Everyone was still talking about how apparently I have a soft spot for that nerd. Which isn't true. I hate him. It's bullshit that people think I have a soft spot for him. Or whatever that is.

*knock, knock, knock*

My room echoed from the knocking. I groaned as I got up and walked to my door. I open my door and look around. Where did they go? Who the hell would just knock and then run away?! I rolled my eyes and almost closed the door but then I looked down and saw there was a letter. Is this some sort of love note? I think as I grab the letter. I walk back into my room and flick the light on and flop over on my bed. I open the letter and read.

I know we aren't friends. And that you probably hate me, but I'm writing this because I'm glad I know you. You will always have a special place in my heart. Ever since I met you I wanted to be just like you, and be your friend. I also do not doubt that you will be the #1 hero one day. We may not be friends anymore but I'm still happy to spend little times with you. I know you probably want to blast me into smithereens right now. My dorm is unlocked. And if you ever wanna talk I'm here. I know you've been through some rough times. :)

And thank you for saving me last week.                                              

That nerd..

And that's how our relationship started to grow. After I read that letter I walked over to his room. I didn't even knock. I just walked in and flopped on his bed. I didn't say anything till he spoke up and talked. We talked for a while.

1242 Words

You stupid nerd. |bkdk|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz