Memorable moments

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The rest of the day was fun. Well most of it at least. It's not over yet. It's now 4:20 and we're leaving the arcade.

"Is there anywhere else you would like to go?" I ask Deku. "Not that I can think of. and, I don't wanna waste your money." He says. I roll my eyes and smile down at him. "We're rich, I'm rich! I don't use my money that much anyway, so you can use it like it's yours!" I say and look away. Why am I always so nice and friendly to him and not to anyone else? Why have I only felt these feelings with him and never with anyone else? I think. He's probably been asking himself the same question. Why is he different?

I love him, that's why.
"Do you wanna go anywhere else?" He asks. I think to myself of places we could go and places he might like. "I'm pretty sure there's a place that has Christmas lights everywhere we can visit. It's called 'Trail of Lights' Have you heard of it?" I ask. "I think I have." He says and smiles up at me. I look away, his cuteness is too much to handle at times. I hate looking away from his adorable face but he's just so cute! I thought.

"Would you like to go?" I ask as we arrive at the train station. "Sure, it sounds fun." Deku says and grabs a hold of my hand. The train pulled up as we were sitting down on one of the benches. It makes a loud screeching noise when it comes to a complete stop. Me and Deku walk up to the entrance of the train along with a few other people. We get on and make our way to the back. We giggled as we stumbled down the small aisle and to the back of the train where our favorite seats were. They weren't different from the other seats, but they were special, and they gave us more privacy.

"Are you hungry?" I ask deku. "A little." He says and wraps his arm around mine. "We can go out to eat if you'd like, or I'm pretty sure there are food stands at the light place." I say and pull my phone out to check what all were there. "That's fine." He says and a small rush of silence passes us by for a moment. "I'm so glad I get to do all these things with you and spend so much time with you." Deku says softly. My face flushes as he says one more thing. "Thank you for being here, Kacchan." He said, I looked away, "Shut up, you damn nerd." I say. Deku giggles and keeps silent. A small stupid smile lingered across his face. He's so cute, I love his smile. I love it when I make him smile and laugh. I love when we have our little moments. I thought and rested my hand on his thigh.


Shortly we arrived at the park with the lights. It took us somewhat 20 minutes to get off the train and it was a 15-minute walk from the station to the location we were heading to. We texted Deku's mom, Auntie Inko, that we probably wouldn't get home till 7:30 or 8:00. She said she didn't mind, as long as we got home before 12, which wouldn't be a problem. We walked up to the entrance. There was an arch that was decorated with blue Christmas lights. "Wow." Deku says. "Have you ever been to one of these?" I ask, "No, we couldn't afford it." He says, I nod my head as we walk up to the lady, it was 15 dollars per person, so in total, it would be 30 dollars.

"Here, I can pay." Deku says and starts looking for the money he had in his pockets. "No, I got it." I say as I hand the girl my card. Deku groans slightly and crosses his arms. The girl hands me my card back and lets us enter. We walk in and Deku looks around, his eyes glistened and his smile widened. "This is so pretty!" He says. I smile as we walk through all the lights. If he's happy, then I'll be happy too. I thought. There were all kinds of different things and shapes the lights were in. Some were presents, reindeer, Santa, nutcrackers, and snowmen, and some were even in the shapes of candy canes, the Grinch, hearts, ice skates, elves, and a lot more things. We slowly walked through every part and took it in. Today is a day we will remember.

Now me and this nerd are walking on a small pathway through a forest part. The trees were all lit up in many colors, like green, blue, orange, brown, gold, white, and purple, and some were even pink, red, and possibly yellow. It's fine to say that there was just every shade of the rainbow there. Deku stops walking and pulls out his phone. "Smile!" He says quickly and comes in close, we pose and he clicks the button to take a picture. I smiled slightly, but I ended up looking angry, as usual. "Send me that." I say. Deku hums and grabs my hand as we continue walking. My phone dings, I didn't bother checking because I knew it was Deku sending me the photo. I smiled and kissed Deku on the cheek.

Deku groaned once we finished walking through the lights. "I'm so hungry!!" He said. At the end there's a big park that has food, small shops, music, hot chocolate, and even reindeer that you can feed. "Let's go get food then." I say and walk over to the food stand. We both just order a hot dog and 1 bottle of water to share. Before we left we were gonna get hot chocolate anyway, but chocolate and hot dogs aren't a good mix. We sat down on a tan bench and ate our food. Deku shivered and moved over closer to me. "It's so cold!" He says. I chuckle and say, "Yeah, it is winter after all." I say. We finish our food and stand up. We threw our stuff away that we didn't need anymore and continued walking around. "Do you want anything in the store?" I ask since it was the closest thing to where we were previously. "Nah, I've got enough crap at home and in the dorms." He says and smiles at me. "If you want something we can go in though." He says. "No, I'm fine." I say and we start walking again. This place was pretty cool. I thought as my eyes slowly made their way toward deku who was walking beside me. I smiled as we walked up to the deer. "They're so adorable!!" Deku says softly so he won't scare them. He reaches over the fence and pets one. "Be careful kacchan. You don't want it to bite you." He says.

What?! How and why does he remember that?! I question myself. When we were younger, we always adventured in the woods near our houses. We walked a little too deep into the forest one day and came across a few deer, I had the brilliant idea to try to touch and pet one, and yeah, we all know what happened next. I got bit by that thing. I roll my eyes playfully and say "How do you remember that?" I say and laugh slightly. "It was funny but traumatizing at the same time! One minute we're having fun and the next you screaming because it bit you!" Deku says and laughs. "Whatever nerd." I say.

We walked away from the deer a few minutes after we had our memorable moment. The last place for us to check out and go to was the hot chocolate stand. "I love hot chocolate!" Deku says as we stand in line. "Same," I say. There was only us and 2 other small groups in front of us. Surprisingly there weren't that many people here today. Maybe it was because Christmas was yesterday. I thought as we moved up. I stood close and wrapped my hand and arm around Dekus waist.

Once we got our hot chocolate it was time for us to walk back through the lights and back to the train. "Today was fun." Deku said and looked up at me. "Yeah, I'm glad we decided to come here and the arcade." I say. Deku giggles and turns to me. He stood on his tiptoes and placed his hands on my cheeks, and we kissed. It was warm, but his hands were so cold. I loved it, I love it when cold things touch my face, it feels so nice.

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