Room of laughter

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Me and deku arrived back at school. Everyone was waiting. Once we walked in everyone ran straight to him and hugged him. Some people laughed, some cried of happiness that he was okay, and some just stayed back and smiled.

After a while, everyone started putting distance between themselves and him. "Alright guys, I'm kinda tired. I think ima heading to bed early." He says and slowly walks towards me. "Come on, they're not looking." He whispered and grabbed my hand and started jogging away with my hand in his. "We can slow down now. They're gone." I say and squeeze his hand.

We stop walking and get to his dorm room. "Should I just stay over tonight in your dorm since I don't know anything about where and when we're going tomorrow morning?" He asks as we walk into his room. "Yeah, probably." I say. His room is a little chilly but it felt nice.
"We're gonna wake up early so we're gonna have to sneak out and make sure we don't get caught. Were meant to stay inside the dorms from 11 PM to 6 AM. We would probably leave around 5 AM, if not earlier." I say. "Damn!! I don't know if I wanna go on this date anymore." Deku says. "What?!" I say sadly. "I'm joking." He said and smiled at me. "I'm gonna kill you." I say and deku looks up at me and looks at me with a face that says 'I know your lying and your stupid.'

I laugh and roll my eyes at the same time. Deku giggles and grabs some clothes for tomorrow and his uniform and stuffs them in his bag. He went into his bathroom and got a few things and then also put them in his bag. "That should be all I need right?" He asks me and smiles. "Yeah." I say. "Let's go," I said and helped him get up.

He looked me in my eyes and we walked out of his dorm. We were walking down the hallway and to the elevator when "Oh, hey Bakubro!" Kiri said and jogged towards us. Me and deku looked at each other. "run." I say as we both start running. I make a small explosion to fog up the hall for a few minutes so we can escape, but it ended up being a little too powerful and I hit the wall. *BANG*

Deku laughed loudly as I slid down the wall and onto the ground. "K-kacchan. Come on!" He says and helps me up and drags me into the elevator. The door shut as we both fell to the ground and laughed so hard we both were crying. "A-are you okay?" Deku said still laughing as hard as me. "I'm fine, nerd." I say and lay on the ground and laugh a little more.

We calm down and stand up for a few seconds before the elevator door opens. "Fuck." We both say as we see todoroki walking down the halls on his phone. I look over at deku, still not used to hearing him cuss. "Just walk out and make up a lie if he sees you, I'll go into Sero's dorm, text me when he's gone." I whisper and quietly sneak to Sero's room. I open the door quickly and quietly shut it. "Oh, hey bakugou." Sero says and sniffles. "Hey," I say and walk over to him. He looked sad, like he had been crying. "Are you okay?" I ask and sit down next to him. He starts crying again. "I-I'm sorry." He says and looks away and wipes his tears. "It's okay, come here." I say and he comes close and I hug him to comfort him. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask. Sero pulls away, out of the hug. "I'm okay, I promise. It's just family issues." He says. "Okay, well you should invite Dunce face over or something. You guys are good friends right?" I say. "Yeah. actually, he's on his way." He says and my phone dings. "Well, I gotta go. Have fun with dunce face!" I say and smile as I get up to leave. "Okay, tell midoriya I said hi!" He said as I left. How does he know I'm with him right now? Whatever. I'll ask later. I think to myself and walk over to my room.

"Finally! What took you so long?!" Deku says and comes up to the door I walked in at. "Sero was upset. So I talked to him." I said. "Aww, how sweet." He says and walks up closer to me. "Yeah, he said to tell you hi," I said. Deku hummed and came close to me. He stood on his tiptoes and got super close to my face. My heart raced and my stomach felt weird. We locked eyes, our faces a few inches apart, our faces flushed in red.

Deku grinned and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself. Of course, we're not gonna kiss. We're not even dating and we haven't even confessed to each other. I thought and tackled deku to the ground and covered his cheeks, nose, and forehead in kisses. "Kacchan, that tickles!" He said as I started kissing along his neck. He laughed as my hands came to his stomach and started ticking his sides. "K-Kacchan!!" He yelled full of laughter. "St-op I c-cant breathe!" He laughed. I chuckled and continued to tickle him. "P-please," he said barely as his laughs covered his words. "Fine." I say and stop. He breathed heavily for a few seconds before saying. "I hate you." He said as he sat up and leaned in to kiss me again on my cheek. "No you don't," I say. He looks me in the eyes and says. "Your right, I love you. I love you so much kacchan." He said and hugged me. "I-I, uh" I tried to say it again but couldn't. I want to say it. I really do. I thought.

Deku giggled and got out of my arms and stood up. "What will we do now? It's only 7:25, I'm not tired yet!" He whined as he flopped on my bed and rolled himself up in my blankets. I chuckled and said. "We can watch a movie till we fall asleep or something," I say and he hums. "Sure." He says. I stand up and grab the remote for my TV and turn it on. I scroll over to Netflix and hand the remote to deku for him to choose a movie. He smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat. "I'll kill you." I said. "What did I do?!" He says and I laugh.

I sat down next to him on my bed and sat back and leaned against the wall. We ended up finding a tragic romance movie and watched it all threw the night till deku soon fell asleep. He fell asleep in my lap. I loved today. Not a lot happened but it was fun to be with this stupid nerd. I love him so much. "I love you, bastard." I whispered to him. He didn't move, he didn't hear what I just said. He's asleep.
I thought as I laid us down and slowly drifted off too.


Are you guys ready for their date? 🧡💚

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