Murky waters

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December 10; a few weeks later.

Today was a Sunday. Most of my Sundays are always full of studying or just boring sleep-in days. But this Sunday was different. I was patrolling the streets with that halfie. He walked slowly through the streets and kept his eyes and ears out for anything to happen. I was doing the same, but of course, I'm much better at it than him. "Today seems to be a rather calm day." He says. "It seems a little too calm," I say. I wander around the streets and to an alley. "I feel like somethings gonna happen, or go wrong." I say tensely. "Same," Icyhot says.

I have a strange feeling it's gonna involve Deku.

*Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring*

"Someone calling you." The bastard says. "I see that!" I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket. Its Deku. I smile slightly and answer. "Hey," I say normally. No response. "Hello?" I say again. And once more I get no response. Maybe he just called me on accident. I was about to hang up when slight sounds came from my speaker so I decided to listen. I put the phone back up to my ear and said "Hello?" Once more. I could hear lots of muffled movements and grunts coming from him, he started speaking but it was only static. "What? I can't hear you, it's staticky." I say and turn my volume up. The static stopped long enough for me to hear a single word from him. My face went pale and my eyes widened in fear. "H-help-" he said as he was out of breath. Fuck. Where is he at? Then I remembered me and I shared our locations so I pulled that up and found it. He's just up the road! Why is he on a bridge?

I ran. I ran and blasted as fast as I could. I could hear him fighting someone. "Villain," he said. "Okay, it's okay. I'll be there in a second." I say. His voice was shaky. I reached the edge of the land and ahead of me I could see the tall bridge he was fighting on. You could see his green and colored power fighting against a villain. "Hurry-" he said and I dropped my phone once I heard his muffled scream. It fell and cracked. I flew over with the help of my power. I could see a figure fall off the bridge, I knew that it was deku that was falling once I saw a small fragment of black whip try to pull him up but failed. "DEKU!" I yell as I get super close to him, I can see him in clear detail. Half his suit was ripped and where the rips were, there were big deep cuts of blood, his lower half was covered in deep red. I got close, enough to grab him before he hit the water but I was a second late, I went in the water after him. But he was nowhere to be seen. The water around us faded into a red pool. I went up for air and panicked when he wasn't above the water either. "DEKU!" I cried out. I took a breath and went underwater again. I made a small explosion with my hand under the deep cloudy dark water to create some light. I still couldn't see him. I swam and swam down till I lost my breath and slowly started to black out.

Deku, please. Where are you? I love you. I can't die, you can't die!! No, not like this!

You will die, but only when the time is right.

My eyes started closing as I saw a dark, but bright green glow. I looked to my left slightly and saw a glowing glimpse of him. His body shimmered in a green glow. Deku. I thought as I came back to reality and swam and grabbed him. Deku! Oh my god. I muster all the strength I had left and swim both of us back to the surface. I gasp for air once I feel it hit my cold body. I hadn't realized the water was so cold till now. It was freezing! I looked at deku. He was in my arms, his body was red and cold, and his arms, legs, torso, and face were covered in deep slashes. "Deku-! Wake up!" I scream

I quickly got us to land. I couldn't use my explosions because of the water and I didn't want to hurt him more than he already was. My gantlets were heavy when wet so I took them off as a habit before I dived into the water to go after him.

Deku layed beneath me. His body was hurt, and his cuts were bleeding out. One of them really caught my eye. It was a deep wound that was at least 2 inches deep. It was a big gash that sliced across his stomach. He was barely breathing too. "Deku! wake up!" I yell. "Please! Izuku." I slowly stopped yelling. I was mad. I was pissed at myself and that villain. At myself, because I could have been faster, and the villain because he did this to my deku.

I push down on his chest, in a cpr motion. I sob as I see he isn't waking up. I lean down, and kiss his soft lips. I didn't have much air to give, but I gave all I had. I blew air into his lungs till I had to lay down. The grass was wet from where our bodies had been. We were still soaked anyway. I sat back up and refused to give up. "deku" I whispered softly. I push up and down on his chest hoping to bring him to life. I was careful of where I was touching, he had been hurt pretty badly, and I didn't want to make his wounds worse. "Somebody! HELP!!!" I screamed those words, but no one seemed to hear them. I pressed down on his lips once more. "Please," I beg as I continue to give him mouth-to-mouth. "Help us! Someone!!!" I yell. "Please deku, I love you," I say softly as I lay back down on the ground next to him. "I love you so much." I say. My eyes slowly shut as I hear coughing and rustling movements. My eyes and body were gone, very much asleep. But I could still hear everything. Deku, he was coughing up water and gasping for air, and someone else was here, it sounded like an old lady. She was on the phone, please be an ambulance and the police. The lady said something to us but no one responded.

Soon after I heard someone move over where deku was, and muffled voices of men and women, are they here to save us? I think as I feel someone pick me up. I got put onto a stretcher, or so it felt like it anyway, and got wheeled into an ambulance. Wheres deku? Please, take care of him. I love him. I'll do anything.

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