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The day went by smoothly. Other than one time when we did partner work again. Deku was with Icyhot, and I was with Mineta. Why did I have to be put with him?!

Every time I had to say something to him I would hear Deku laughing or giggling behind me. I always gave him glares but we've gotten so close that he doesn't feel threatened or scared by anything I do anymore.

In the end, me and that brat lost against the villain. The reason being, the villain was Mount Lady. You should get what happened after.

I'm in my last class of the day. In every class I have, that cute nerd sits behind me. Every now and then he might tap my shoulder and hand me a note or he would make a heart with his hands. It was so cute, everything he did was adorable. I love him. I thought.


Finally! The last bell of the year! I thought as I turned around to deku. He smiled and got excited "Where are we going?!" Deku asked. "I can't tell you, it's a surprise remember?" I said and deku groaned. "Please?! I'm impatient!" He whined. "I can see that." I say and grab all my things.

Today was the last day of school before Christmas break. Usually, my parents aren't home for Christmas so I don't celebrate much anymore. When I and Deku were younger I would stay with him and Auntie Inko but now I don't know. Most of our class stayed at the dorms till Christmas day, then after they would go to their families.

"Hey, Deku?" I say. "What's up?" He asks. "Do you wanna hang out before the thing?" I ask. Deku blushes and smiles. "Sure, I'd love to." He says with a large smile. "Okay, come to my room at 4:30, I can make us some food." I say. "Yes" he says and I laugh a little. Deku loves it when I cook for him.

I looked around to make sure no one was looking, and I leaned in and kissed him on his cheek. "Cya later nerd." I say and walk out.

I was halfway back to the dorms when my phone dinged. 'One photo from Raccoon eyes' my phone said and I taped on the message. What? How did she get this? I think to myself. The picture is of me kissing Dekus cheek from a few moments ago. I literally made sure no one was looking! How the fuck?! I think as I text her.

"Did you hire someone to spy on me and Deku or something? Where are you getting these pictures?"

"Noooooo, of course not!"

"Who the fuck did you hire?"

"Fine, here's a hint."
"He's in the walls 👀"

Bro, what the hell. Did they really have Mirio come and take pictures of us? That's kinda weird not gonna lie. But I like the pictures he's taken so far. I think as I save the picture to my camera roll.

I roll my eyes at their stupidity as I put my phone in my pocket and walk into the dorms. I walk down the hall and to the elevator and not soon enough I'm back in my room. I walk in, take my shoes off and flop on my bed. I groan and sit up.

"Deku, I love you." I say to myself. I'll tell him today. I'll ask him out too. Please say yes. I love you so much Deku. I thought. I get up and change into more comfortable clothes. I wear a white shirt, black sweats, and my orange hoodie. I spray a little cologne on my neck and wrists and brush my teeth again. What time is it now? I ask myself. It's 4:16, around 15 minutes till deku comes. Knowing him he will most likely come 5 minutes early or late. You never know.

I sat down on my spinny chair and watched TikTok for closely to 10 minutes.
*knock, knock, knock.* I hear echo around my room. "Come in!" I say loud enough so they can hear. Deku walks in, he was in light blue faded skinny jeans and a light sage hoodie. "Hey," I say. "Hey." He repeats as he shuts my door. "You know, you don't have to knock. You can just come in." I say. "Sorry, I just don't wanna walk in on something." Deku said quietly. "It's fine, I don't mind." I say and smile at him. He came over to me and sat on my lap. He put his knees on the outside of my legs in a straddling position. Like this morning.

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