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December 20th

My heart raced as the last bell rang, letting us know that it was time to leave, school was over for the day. I gathered my things and walked over to the dorms with Mina and Kiri.

"Guys, I don't think I can do this," I said to them in a whisper. "What?! Come on, dude! You got this!" Kiri said. "For real, and what could go wrong?" Raccoon eyes said. "He could think it was a confession and hate me after and it would be so awkward and yeah." I said. "Wait, this isn't a confession?" Shitty hair says. "Bruh, your so fucking stupid." Mina says to Kiri and laughs. I laugh a little bit. As we walk into the dorms my heart pounds and races as I feel butterflies flood my stomach. "Oh my god." I say slightly. It accidentally came out as another whisper. "It will be alright bakubro, it's obvious he likes you back anyway. You should see how much he talks about you with his friends." Kiri said. I blushed and continued walking to my dorm. "Good luck bakugou!" They both said as we all parted ways.

I entered my room and turned my light on. I walked over to my bed and flopped down. I should probably change into normal clothes. I thought but stayed there for a few extra seconds before sitting up. I pulled my phone out and messaged Deku<3

"Hey, are you awake?"
"I'm coming over."

I sent those messages and closed my phone and placed it down on my nightstand. I stood up and changed into a black shirt and dark blue ripped jeans.

I looked over at the flowers and teddy bear. They were sitting at a table I had. I reread the note connected to the bear. It used the words a love 3 times, it also says 'a love that comes from me to you.' Which is kinda weird because were just friends. Just friends?

I grab the stuff and everything I need and head out. Oh my god! Why am I so nervous? I think.

*ding, ding*

My phone went off, I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was from deku. He said:


He sent me a heart. Should I send one back? I think and just decide to send one later.

I finally arrived at the hospital he was staying at. I walked in and went to his floor. I slowly walked to the room he was staying in. I walked up to the door and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I thought as I knocked on the door. He didn't answer. Is he okay? Maybe he's sleeping. I think as I slowly open the door to a small figure lying in the hospital bed. I smile and walk in. I shut the door behind me and walked close to him. He fell asleep with his phone in his hand. He's so adorable. I think as I place the flowers and bear down on the stand next to the bed. I walk over to him and grab his phone and plug it in for him. I smile and decide I should write a note saying. "From, Kacchan♡︎" I wrote that down on a small piece of paper that was at the doctor's desk. I stood there for an extra second and then decided I should leave and let him sleep.

A few hours pass. I'm back in my dorm, sitting in bed. Music was playing softly in the background. It was mainly a playlist full of love songs. Ones that reminded me of Deku. I smiled to myself and decided to text a group chat. It had me, Kirishima , Mina, Denki, and Sero in it. The Baku squad.

I did it.

How did it go?

Dunce's face:

Raccoon eyes:
What did he do?!

It went well ig.
He was asleep...
So I just left the flowers and things there.

Dunce face:
At least you did something.


Do you think he saw them yet?

Idk. It's only been a few hours

Tape bitch:
Doesn't he come back tomorrow? Talk to him then.

I will bastard!!

We talked for a few minutes then I told them I was going to bed early. It was only 7:30. I hadn't eaten dinner yet, but I wasn't that hungry. If I wake up before 9, I'll go get something.

It was dark and cold. Most nights Deku sleeps over, or I sleep with him in his dorm. We always studied together, played games, or just talked till our eyes became too heavy, and we fell asleep till the sun rose in the morning.

The room was dark. I stared at the ceiling as thoughts from the day came rushing back to me. Deku. What does he think of the flowers? What's he doing right now? I wonder what he thinks about me. Should I go visit him tomorrow? And help him back to his dorm? I think as my eyes start to flutter shut.


1:45 A.M

Ughhh, my head is pounding!
I opened my eyes and looked around my room. The sun hasn't risen yet. It must still be early. I thought as I slowly sat up and walked over to one of my cabinets and grabbed painkillers. I popped 2 pills in my mouth and swallowed them with water. I've always hated taking pills. When I was younger, around age 10 or 11 I would take these pills. And I always had a fear of swallowing the pills or choking on them, So I always put a lot of water in my mouth before putting the pill in. It scared me, but I never told anyone. I don't like to admit that I was or am scared of things. But when I tried to swallow the water with the pill, I always ended up accidentally spitting it all out or half of the water.

Why did that come to mind? Because of the pills, I guess. I sigh and wander to a small mini fridge I had over in the corner of my room. I slowly take another big gulp of the cold water and put it in the fridge. I stand up straight and start thinking to myself as I walk to the bathroom.

I had a dream. It was just me and Deku. We were in class, but for some reason the seats were different. Every desk was connected to another. Mine was in the very back in the middle. The person next to me was Him. No one sat at the tables next to ours. He looked at me and I looked at him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rested mine on his. I grabbed his hand with both of mine and wrapped our fingers together. Then after school, we went to a place with a waterfall. We held hands the whole way there and once we got there, we took our shirts off and jumped in the water. We splashed around and swam. Then at the end, we kissed.

A lot more happened that I didn't remember or didn't know how to explain it. It has to be my new favorite dream I've had with him in it. Every other night I have a dream, that nerd is always in it. Whether it's a good dream, or a nightmare, he's there.

I quickly washed my hands and walked out of my bathroom and back to my bed. What time even is it? I think as I sit down on my bed. I reach over and grab my phone off the stand and check the time. 1:52.

1 message from Deku<3 - 7:38

Oh, deku texted me? He sent that message at 7:38. Figures, I went to bed a few minutes before. Come to think of it, I think I did hear my phone ding right as I dozed off. I think as I open my phone.

I read the message over and over again. Each time my heart raced faster and the butterflies that were fluttering in my stomach kept multiplying and getting stronger. I placed my phone on my lap as I reread that short sentence many times before I fully put thought into it. My face felt hot. Hotter than ever. It feels like that icyhot bastard just lit me on fire and I'm burning.

Why can't I stop reading that message? I thought as I laid down and held my phone above my face. A big smile came and spread across my face. I put my phone down and rolled over and stuffed my face in my pillow. I kicked my legs back and forth as those words replayed on a loop in my clouded mind.

"I love you."

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