Things of us

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December 25th ✧

"Kacchan!" Deku says as he shakes me awake. "What?" I groan and turn over in the opposite direction. "It's Christmas!!" He says excitedly. I look over towards his window. The sun isn't even up yet. "What time is it, nerd?" I ask. "4:45," he says. "Deku, go back to sleep." I say as I roll back over on my back. "But I can't!" He says and crawls over to me and sits on my lower stomach. He lays down on my chest and curls up on top me me. "What are you doing damn nerd." I ask and put a hand in his hair. His hair is so always so soft. I think to myself. "Your so warm, kacchan." He says. I chuckle. He's so weird sometimes but it's so damn cute. I thought.

"Wake up!!" He groans. "I am fucking awake," I say. "But you're not up!" He says. "I can't get up because someone's lying on me!" I say. Deku laughs and looks up at me. We both lean in and kiss. I melt into it. "Merry Christmas Kacchan." Deku says. "Merry Christmas, baby." I say. Dekus face turns pink. I guess he's not used to me calling him those names yet. I think and smile. "Do you always wake up this early on Christmas?" I ask. "Yeah, sometimes I wouldn't really even be excited but I'd still wake up super early." He says. I laugh slightly and peck his forehead. "Do you wanna open some of the gifts I got you?" I ask. Last night I grabbed the hoodie that I was gonna give him and placed it in a bag. I put all the gifts down near his mini Christmas tree that he had in his room in the corner. "Sure." He says and kisses me once more.

We both get up and I walk over to the tree and pick up one of the presents and hand it to him. "Do you think Auntie Inko would get upset that we opened these without her?" I ask. "Probably not," Deku says. We both sit down on the floor beside the tree. "Aww, it's so cute!" Deku says as he opens the small gift. That one was the All Might keychain. I grab another one and move it out from under the tree. "Wait, I want you to open one too." He says and gets up and walks over to the closet and grabs all the gifts he got for me. There were a few, they weren't small but they weren't very big either. I smile as he hands me one. "Be careful, it's kinda heavy." He says as he hands me the gift. I unwrapped it quickly and picked up what was inside. I smiled as I read what was on the bottom. 'I love you so much.' It said. The gift was a small snow globe with little figures in it that looked just like us. We were standing in that flower field kissing. It was our first kiss. I'll never forget it. I think. "This is adorable!" I say. "How did you get it?" I ask. "Let's just say, my mom knows some people who make those." He says. I smile and shake the globe. It started snowing inside it. I placed it down and crawled over to deku and kissed his cheek, "I love it, thank you." I say. Deku smiles largely and stares into my eyes. The tree's yellow and golden lights were shining onto Dekus face and skin. He's so beautiful.

"Okay, open this one next." I say and hand him another smallish box. He grabs it and softly shakes it to see what's inside. "Why would you shake it?" I ask and laugh a little. "It could be glass or something," I say. "Is it actually fragile-?" Deku asks as his body freezes. "No, it's not, but maybe just for the future don't shake the boxes," I say and laugh once more. Deku rolled his eyes and opened the box. "Awe these are so cute!" He says as he pulls the bracelets out of the small box. "I want the orange one." He says and grabs the one he wants and puts it around his wrist. I grab the green one and put it on mine. "Did you look inside the little heart?" I ask and he says "No?" And looks inside. He looks back up at me and says. "Awe, I love you too," he says and smiles. That smile is deeply engraved into my mind and heart.

"Okay, here." He says and hands me a medium-sized box. "Should I shake it?" I say trying to hold back a laugh. "Ha ha, very funny. Just open the damn thing." He says and I slowly unwrap it. It was confusing. His skills and way of gift wrapping were weird, but it was cool at the same time. I smiled as I looked inside the box. There were small hero figures, some old pictures, and some other items. I picked up the old pictures and looked at them. They were Polaroid pictures of us from when we were a lot younger. I smiled as I went threw the pictures. "I want you to have some of these, I have a lot already and Mom always took double of every photo. I understand why she did that now." He says and I smile. There were other things in there too other than the photos and hero stuff. I picked up a weird-looking rock. I looked at deku confused. "Remember when we found that? We were on a walk on that nature trail and you found it, you convinced yourself it was an ancient fossil of some sort." Deku says and giggles. "You don't have to keep it, I just thought it would be funny to put it in there." He says and scratches his neck. "I remember, that day was fun. My favorite part of the day was when you heard something in the bushes so you cling to me like a little baby." I say and smile. "Oh my god, shut up!" He says. There were some more things that we had or gotten when we were younger. I remembered most of them but some of the memories were a total blur. It has been close to 12 years since we were that young. I smile as I put everything back in the box.

"Here, I know you will like this one." I say as I hand him the bag. "Kacchan? But isn't this one your favorite?" He asks. "I like it better on you, and you're always wearing it anyway." I say. Deku laughs a small bit and says. "Sorry."

"What are you sorry for? I love it when you wear my clothes. And plus, I want you to have it." I say and deku smiles as he slides the hoodie on his small figure. "Thank you," he says. "Wait, there's still one more!" I say and grab another one I have. "Here, you might actually wanna be careful with it." I say as I gently hand him the small rectangular box. He takes it slowly and unwraps it. "Kacchan." He says. "This is so cute!" He says as he gets up and places the picture on his nightstand. He walks over and sits down close next to me. "Thanks for everything." He says I smiled and said. "No, thank you." I say and lean in to kiss him.

Around 10 minutes go by and I and deku are about to go back to sleep, but right now were talking. "So, which one was your favorite?" Deku asks. Assuming he's talking about the gifts I say, "the snow globe of us." I said and turned to face him. He was laying on his back but his head was turned toward me. "What about you? What was your favorite gift that I got you?" I ask and he says, "Either the picture, hoodie, or bracelets. I love all of them though. He says and lays on his side just like me. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. Our hands stay together as we say our last words before we drift off to sleep once more. "I love you, nerd." I say. "I love you too." He says.

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