Episode 13: Pick up the old fossil

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A/N: Before we begin Happy New Year for everyone, we hope that this year will be a good and not going go through shit again. Anyway let's get started.

Ps: happy holidays!


Shinken PoV

Shinken still on top of the apartment of his and talked to Urahara.

Shinken: did I tell you to wait? I've been busy here you know? And why all the lates anyway?

Urahara: [he scratch his neck] hehehe...Traffic stuff, you know...

Shinken: [eyebrows up] uh-huh...Anyway why are you doing here?

Urahara: I need your help, look I know this is all sudden but we really need your help.

Shinken: from who exactly?

Urahara: Aizen Sōsuke, he is the most dangerous man ever existed. The only one who can counter him is you.

Shinken: hmm...If this Aizen guy is strong then why all the Captains didn't know this?

Urahara: [sigh] I don't know about that but most of the Captains have suspected about Aizen plotting against the Soul Society.

Shinken: tch...Well I hope those buffons realize it soon or else they will become like The Jedi in Revenge of the Sith.

Urahara: you still watched those movie?

Shinken: [scoff] hell yeah I do, that is the best Star Wars movies besides Empire Strikes Back.

Urahara: [sigh] kids these days....So you still agree with me?

Before Shinken could answer, his phone ringing and he take a look who's calling. It's Natasha Romanoff who called him.

Shinken: [muttering] shesh...It's her, the hell is she calling now.

Shinken accepts the calls and talk to her through the phone.

Shinken: hey Nat, what's up?

Natasha (on the phone): you want to coming with me or not?

Shinken: coming with you? Go where exactly?

Natasha (on the phone): we better pick up the old fossils, come on.

Shinken: [groans] ugghh...Great, another mission. Alright alright I'm coming with you, but pick me up in front of my apartment.

Natasha (on the phone): alright, goodbye Samurai Boy.

Natasha ends the call and Shinken frustrated of how she called him like that, while Urahara just watching there, standing while hold his laughter.

Shinken: ugh...I hate when she calling me that [he turns around facing Urahara] the hell you laughing at?

Urahara: oh no no no, I'm okay but she calling you Samurai Boy? That is the most funniest thing I ever heard [chuckle]

Shinken: 💢 can you just shut up!!!

Urahara: okay okay I'll stop.

Shinken: for your answer I will go with you but I have a mission to pick up the old fossil.

Urahara: ah so that's your answer...Okay then, if you're done with your mission, I'll be waiting here.

Shinken: [sigh] yeah yeah I know.

Urahara: [shouts] oh and be careful out there would ya?!

Shinken: [shouts back] I KNOW!!!

Time skip brought to you by Shinken looking at the picture of Shino Asada.

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