Chapter 32: Soul Society Arc Part 2

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Previously on Chapter 31: Soul Society Arc Part 1

Aizen: [sigh] Anyway let's get to the point, you really think this is a very necessary to execute her?


Present time.

Third PoV

Renji: I don't know Captain...But she's broke the rules of Soul Society and disgrace to Shinigami.

Aizen: You know there is something not right in here, even my apprentice feels strange....As if like someone has been plotting behind of all this.

'Darth Caedus' still silence on the whole conversation, he doesn't want to talk nor want to leave. He just want to kill his new master and burn the whole Shinigami by himself, but deep down he's still conflicted.

Renji: don't mean that...

Aizen: I have a bad feeling about this....You feel that too right, my apprentice?

???: Yes, my master. We don't know who's behind this and we need to search who or what.

That was a lie, he knew Aizen was behind of all this because Urahara, Tessai and Yoruichi told him before.

Then suddenly a loud voice announcing something...

The announcer: Attention to all Captains! I repeat attention to all Captains! Your presence is required for emergency meeting, I repeat your presence required for emergency meeting!

Aizen: Well...Looks like I have been summon to the meeting, anyway nice to have a chat with you, Abarai. Oh and you should keep aware of your surroundings [glance at his apprentice] what about you? Want to coming with me or want to training?

???:....Do I really need to?

Aizen: [smiles] It's your decision.

Renji's thought: 'Captain Aizen sure cares about his underlings, especially his own apprentice. Even though his spiritual pressure is very similiar but I can't put my finger on it, but I can sense something off around him.'

???:....Fine, I'll join you but first I want to have some talk with Lieutenant Abarai here.

Aizen: Of course take your time, I'll be waiting for you to the meeting

Then Aizen walks away from them, now it's just 'Darth Caedus' and Renji stares each others. The presence around them is starting to thickened, Renji start sweating and glares at Aizen's apprentice then he spoke to him.

Renji: Who are you? I didn't know you're Aizen's apprentice and none other Shinigami knew it, yet Lieutenant Hinamori didn't know you.

???:....Renji, why are you doing this?

Renji: What?

???: Why are you doing this? I thought you cared about her?

Renji: She disgrace of Shinigami and broke the rules of Soul Society!

???:...And yet you didn't know the truth.

Renji:....What the hell are you talking about?

???: You will see, for now you're lucky that I didn't kill you off because that would probably broke the rules isn't that correct, Lieutenant?

Renji:...Yes sir.

???: Good. I don't want you to fail me, but if I see you hurt her or make her cry....I will not hesitate to destroy this universe.

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