Chapter 45: Ichigo controlling his inner demon Part 3 (Final)

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Third PoV

Scene transition with The Vizards, V and Griffon goes to the underground training, Love Aikawa drops the unconscious Ichigo's body to the ground.

Griffon: Okay quick question here folks, why you shinigami always loves underground training? You know, you can use dojo or something like that right? Firstly Urahara and then we heard that Ichigo went in Sokyoku and now this place? How many budget did you have to build....This giant place?

Rojuro Otoribashi: Well...A lot actually.

Love Aikawa: We even didn't think about it, but maybe the under Sokyoku was first then.

V: This underground training...It's perfect for me to meditation and for....

Griffon: [whispers] Your other half right?

V just nods to Griffon without speaking a single words, they didn't want any of Vizards heard their conversation unbeknown to both Lisa Yadomaru keep an eyes on them, she knows something off around V and Griffon.

Lisa Yadomaru's thought: 'Those two...What are you two planning this time huh? I'll keep an eyes on you'.

Griffon: Now that I think about it, Yoruichi and Urahara did training in Sokyoku long time ago...So how old is that cat girl Yoruichi anyway?

V: Griffon, you know that is rude to knows women's age right?

Griffon: Wait really?

Love Aikawa: V is right, you shouldn't be curious about her age...Trust me just don't.

V: [Smirks] You wanna take a note, Griffon?

Griffon: Ugh...Fine, fine! Now I'll remember this, do not screw someone like Yoruichi? Got it.

Shinji Hirako: Now it's time. Hachi, put the barrier again with double the shield.

Hachigen Ushoda:....Eh?

Shinji Hirako: Don't give me that look! Just put it in and also pinned Ichigo's arms and legs so he can't go berserk again.

Hachigen Ushoda: Well...We have V and Griffon here if this goes south.

Shinji Hirako: He's a trump card here, so do it.

Hachigen Ushoda: I understood. Bakudo #75 Gochu Tekkan!

Hachi perform a shield, a barriers and a three pillars, then suddenly they feel a rumble and an immense reiatsu coming from Ichigo.

Griffon: This is not good.

V: I agree, bad idea.

Shinji Hirako: So...It's here huh?

V:...Should we interfere, Shinji?

Shinji Hirako: No...Let it happen.

Mashiro Kuna: Hey guys, should we take his zanpakuto away from him? It's very dangerous.

Griffon: I ain't gonna get wreck by a boy who got possessed.

Love Aikawa: I agree with Griffon on this one, besides it's no point to get it away. It will increase the radius of the destruction, so it's safe to say that just don't take away his zanpakuto.

Just then Ichigo wakes up and he manifest his hollow mask again with a wicked smiles on his face. The shield, the barriers and the pillars start shaking and get destroyed, this made all the Vizards surprise.

Griffon: Umm...One of you should take this.

V: [to Shinji] What's the plan now Captain?

Shinji Hirako: He will probably undergo a full hollowfication in any words he's fighting his own hollow by himself. Our mission is to get him outside, so it will less causing a destruction or getting enough attention from outsiders.

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