Chapter 7: World With One Sun

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Optimus glanced up from his work decoding the Iacon database when he heard Ratchet groan. The medic was giving Miko the stink eye.

The Japanese girl was excitedly showing Firefly the wonders of human technology; the Zentaric looked on with an slighted intrigued face. Altogether, though, they seemed to be quiet.

Optimus turned his attention back to Ratchet, "Is something bothering you, old friend?"

"When are they not bothering me?" Ratchet grumbled, turning back to the computers. "Miko is trying to catch our base on fire."

"What?" Optimus looked back at the two girls.

"And watch this..." Miko grinned mischievously and shoved her phone into Firefly's face.

The alien girl squinted and examined in seriously. After a moment, Miko pulled the small device away and pouted.

"I'm confused." Firefly stated.

"It's a popup!" Miko exclaimed, "It is supposed to scare you."

"Why would you want to scare me?"

Miko groaned, "For fun!"

Firefly frowned, "That's disturbing."

Miko looked over at Ratchet and Optimus in exasperation, "Can someone please help me?"

Optimus gave Ratchet a look and turned away, knowing that the medic would be the better teacher in this case. He himself wasn't exactly the best jokster.

"I dunno." Ratchet waved his hand, "Ask your guardian when he gets back from patrol."

Optimus rolled his optics. Of course Ratchet wouldn't want to assist.

"Okay, fine." Miko turned back to Firefly, "Since Ratchet is a jerk and Optimus only knows how to kick butt, we'll move on to an easier subjecg."

The girl stood up and Firefly watched with detached interest as she started messing with electrical equipment, plugging it into the wall. At one point, it started screeching and Ratchet immediately left the room.

"Ahaha," Miko laughed a little, "you might want to stand up for this."

Firefly stood, her feet shifting into a defensive position as Miko aimed something in her direction. Her hand hovered over the hilt of her sword warily.

Miko suddenly threw her hand down the side of it, brushing strings and causing music to erupt from the presumed weapon, "This is called a guitar! We make music with it."

Firefly relaxed, "Just noises?"

"Emotions too." Miko grinned, setting it down and turning her speaker on, "You gotta dance to the rhythm of the beat."

Firefly was on alert again, "Beat?"

Miko rolled her eyes and grabbed Firefly's wrists before swingin the tall woman around, "This is dancing! It's fun!"

Firefly wasn't entirely sure what Miko was trying to make her do and after the human let go, she frowned, struggling to follow the young girl's lead. These movements had no clear logic to them, and didn't seem to have an endgame.

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