Chapter 11: A Dash of Good Fortune

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Firefly walked into the main room, knowing that it was soon time for the human children to return from school. She found that they were engaged in conversation already. In fact, everyone was discussing current events.

Without her.

Firefly shrugged it off.

"-controls the sole means of our planet's restoration." Ratchet told them.

"As far as we know." Optimus added gravely.

Smokescreen frowned, "You think Starscream rejoined the 'cons?"

"He could have used the Keys to buy back Megatron's favor." Arcee said.

Ratchet scoffed, "Without first trying to sell them to the highest bidder? It wouldn't surprise me if he had the nerve to contact us, after-"

The medic paused as the monitor began to beep, signaling a message.

"Okay, that's weird." Bulkhead cringed.

"Is it Starscream?" Optimus asked.

Bumblebee laughed, "When is it not?"

"Actually, it's Dreadwing," Ratchet informed them, "and he wants to meet."

"It's most definitely a trap." Arcee pointed out.

"From Megatron's second in command?" Bulkhead scoffed, "No doubt about it."

"A better question would be why does he think we will come?" Bumblebee asked.

"Because we do not know why." Optimus answered, "In this time of desperation, we mustn't lose faith that Decepticons can change their ways. Even still, we should remain extremely cautious."

Ratchet sighed, "Should I open the ground bridge to the coordinates he provided?"

Optimus nodded and the bridge was opened. The Autobots followed after their leader, including Firefly, who had been recently cleared by Ratchet for battle.

The Decepticon turned at the sound of the Autobots, who quickly drew and pointed their weapons at him.

"Stand down." Optimus ordered, his facemask sliding into place.

"I am not here to fight." Dreadwing told them.

He stepped forward, causing several of the other cybertronians to tense, but instead of attacking, he threw a giant hammer to the ground.

"The forge of Solus Prime..." Arcee furrowed her brows in confusion. Why would he bring this to them? What was his play?

"It might be rigged to blow." Bulkhead stated. It wouldn't surprise him. Dreadwing was basically the Decepticon version of a wrecker.

"Dreadwing, what do you ask for in return?" Optimus inquired.

Nobody's weapons wavered as the Decepticon began to speak.

"Only that you use it wisely." Dreadwing answered.

"And?" Arcee asked skeptically, "The Omega Keys?"

"In Megatron's posession. Under heaviest guard." The 'con replied.

Everyone glanced at one another warily. Honesty? The air was still until Optimus lowered his blaster and slid back his battle mask. Firefly's head snapped toward him in surprise.

"Why?" Optimus asked Dreadwing.

"A shadow of disgrace has ascended over the Decepticons. It is a cause that I no longer wish to be part of." He explained.

"Then I appeal to you again. Join us and help end this conflict once and for all." Optimus offered, stepping forward.

"Betraying my kind is not the same as accepting yours." Dreadwing scowled before turning around and transforming.

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