Chapter 10: Prime Had a Bad Day

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When Firefly woke up, she felt completely healed and perhaps a tad bit energetic. Turning around, she deactivated the heating blanket that Ratchet had given her.

She looked up and saw that Optimus was still in recharge, his optics an eery gray, devoid of the light that signified him being online.

Firefly pushed out of the cot and left the room, bending down slightly to avoid running into the doorframe of the human-sized exit. She carried it back to Ratchet's workspace and looked around.

The others were all missing, even Ratchet, who oftened worked late. She sighed and climbed up to the human area. Once she reached the top, her foot hit a small object.

Her sword had returned.

"Hello there, old friend." Firefly smiled and picked it up, about to put it in it's sheath, but then a thought hit her.

Optimus had told her the real reason that her father got involved in the war, and Firefly wondered why her father didn't tell her himself. They never kept secrets from one another.

She went to the couch and sat down, frowning slightly as the squishy surface. Firefly pulled out her sword and  stared at it for a small moment before it glowed brightly.

"Father?" Firefly asked quietly.

At first there was no response, and then the sword pulsed, "Hey, kid. How are you?"

Firefly smiled, "I'm good. It's been a little hectic, but nothing I can't handle and the Autobots have my back."

"That's good."

She shook her head, "Anyway, how is Zenthara?"

"Better, actually. The Decepticons have been quiet lately, and while we suspect they are up to something, it is also giving us time to prepare and deal with the wounded."

"That's great news." Firefly replied, "But I, uh, have a question to ask."

"Feel free."

Firefly shifted, "Did I mention that Optimus Prime was here?"

"I don't think you did. Why?"

"Well, he and I were talking, and he mentioned a small skirmish you were involved in, leading to that pact you made..."

"Oh. That."

Firefly frowned, "Yeah. Why didn't you tell me?"

Her father sighed, "Firefly, you have always been a great warrior, and you have always cared for Zenthara and our people, but... You don't protect outsiders. I wanted to teach you to have compassion for the Autobots. It is a lot harder to do that when you think I've only gotten involved because of provocation."

Firefly scoffed, "So you lied to teach me?"

"It's a white lie. I still don't regret it."

She shook her head, "Fine."

They were both quiet for a minute and Firefly considered deactivating the signal, but she knew that would be rash and her father didn't deserve it.

"I found a way home." Firefly stated, "It's a long shot, and in an unknown Decepticon location, but it's there."

"Spacebridge?" He guessed.

She nodded, although he couldn't see, "I heard about it yesterday and I'm hoping it wasn't just because I was delusional."

"How soon do you think you can sneak in? Safely?"

Fireflt shrugged, "I don't know. Hopefully in the next few days."

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