Chapter 12: Megatron yelled, "SIKE"

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Before any of them could get very far, the sound of a familiar cybertronian jet filled the air. Megatron was flying directly at them.

Quickly, Optimus and Firefly pulled put their swords, stepping forward to defend the Omega Lock and the Keys. Megatron landed before them, and smirked.

"Autobots, why don't you put down your weapons and hand over the Keys?" He suggested smugly.

Optimus's gut clenched. There had to be a reason that Megatron would say that and whatever it was, it couldn't be anything good.

Smokescreen sneered arrogantl, "And why would we do that?"

The bots shifted their attention as a spacebridge opened behind the warlord. Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave all walked through, holding clear canisters on their servos. But it wasn't the Decepticons who were to be feared, it was what they held.

Because Miko, Jack, and Raf were inside.

"So that I may hand over your precious pets." Megatron answered lightly.

Firefly's eyes widened and she looked at Optimus, unsure of what to do. His face was calm, but a storm swirled within his optics as he stared at the warlord intently.

"And if I refuse?" Optimus asked.

"Then I will have no other choice than to open their pods and expose them to Cybertron's toxic atmosphere." Megatron replied, walking closer confidently, his smirk driving nails into Optimus's spark. The two leaders were just inches apart, their chassises almost touching.

Firefly lit her sword on fire, and Megatron's gaze snapped to her. He took a step back before returning to his allies.

"And then," Megatron continued, "we can all watch them instantly perish. Together."

There was a long pause, and the Autobots looked at their charges, wishing that they could both save their friends and their planet. But wishes don't come true. Eons of war proved that.

They turned to Optimus to make the decision.

He narrowed his optics, "If my decision dooms the Autobot cause on Cybertron, then so be it, but I will not forsake our human allies."

He stabbed the Star Sabre into the ground and stepped back. One by one, the Autobots dropped their relics, before following Optimus away from the Omega Lock. Firefly tossed her sword at the pile as well, but only to make a point, considering she could simply summon it again.

"And now, the Omega Keys." Megatron instructed, "One at a time."

The Autobots exchanged glances, before Bulkhead vented deeply and walked forward. Knockout smirked, moving forward and beginning the exchange. Retrieving both Miko and Raf went smoothly.

Then Jack happened.

Megatron held his hand out to stop Arcee as she came forward with her Omega Key. He looked at Smokescreen sharply.

"Is this human was important enough to entrust the Matrix of Leadership to, he is worth two Omega Keys." The warlord stated.

Arcee and Smokescreen gave each other grim looks before silently agreeing to Megatron's terms. Arcee handed Smokescreen her Key before taking Jack from Starscream. Smokescreen tossed the Keys at Megatron's pedes with a glare.

Another spacebridge opened and now vehicons poured through, quickly taking up position around the Autobots and readying their weapons to fire at any given moment. All Megatron had to do was utter a single word and chaos would reign.

But he didn't. Megatron took up a Key, along with his commanders, and inserted them into the Omega Lock. There was a moment of silence and nothing happened, so Megatron simply tilted his head and twisted the Key in his servo. Clanking gears could be heard and then the other Decepticons followed suit.

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