The Castle

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Joel's POV

It feels good to release my wolf and break something.

"Hurry get dressed Rose!" I hear coming from upstairs. I can't help the growl that leaves me thinking about this bloodsucker seeing my mate naked. After Colten spoke with a witch named Abigail it was easy to find the vacation home of the vampire king. Breaking in is only part of the problem though.

"What are you fuckers doing in my house?" The king spits out at us.

Damien spoke up, "we're here for our mate, fuck off and you won't get hurt." Mason barked out a laugh.

All of a sudden Rose comes running from upstairs. "Oh my god are you ok Mason?" She shrieks. What the fuck? Colten wasn't kidding when he said she was brainwashed. My wolf is eager for blood when he sees Mason give Rose a kiss on her forehead.

"Get back Rose!" Brent yells out before he lunges for Mason's neck. In a blur of teeth and blood, Brent and Mason wrestle each other, lunging for each others' necks. A split second later the rest of us jump in to assist Brent. Mason wiggles his way out of the fray like a damn slimy slug and leaps towards the top of the stairs and grabs Rose around the waist.

"Get your fucking hands off our mate!" I barked at him.

"I already have a mate!" Rose yells back. Seriously this jackass claimed to be her mate?

"Rose you're bewitched! You don't know what you're talking about" Colten tries to tell her.

Rose laughed and that's when I noticed something is off. She shrugged out of Mason's arms and leaped down in front of us. Fangs. That's what's new. Did he change her?

"You bastard!" Joel shouts, "you changed her!"

"Nobody changed anyone mister wolf, I was always this way but my true self has recently been awakened! How can you claim to be my mates and not even know this?" She taunted.

We all just stare at her incredulously while Mason struts down the steps with a smug smile. "That's right love, they don't know what they're talking about."

This rescue mission just got a lot harder. Trying to force a human to take a potion is one thing, trying to force a supernatural creature is much more difficult.

Rose's POV

I reach for Mason's hand for assurance. I've never seen anyone who comes close to these men in the looks department. One man had glowing red eyes, he was definitely part vampire and part wolf, his dirty blonde hair was cut close to his ears and he was tall, slender but also muscular. Another man was about two inches shorter with black hair and milk chocolate eyes. Then the last two were twins, taller than than chocolate eyes, but shorter than the hybrid. They had stunning glowing blue eyes, dark brown hair and were built like tanks, the only difference between the two was one had a lip ring that I really wanted to bite on. I can't help but lick my lips staring at this sausage fest.

All of a sudden I was slammed with guilt. What am I doing drooling after the enemy. Bad Rose! You have a mate and he's great! Dependable! Handsome! Boring! Uhh...yes. Boring. Why would the gods curse me by tempting me with these sexy men right in front of my mate!

I decided that it's time to high-tail it out of there while I still had my wits about me. "Toodle - loo, pretty boys! Let's not do this again." I winked at the bewildered men.

"Come on, let's go" I whisper to Mason. He looked down at me in adoration and pulled my hand up to kiss my knuckles.

"Ok my love" he whispered back. He turned to look at the men and chanted something under his breath. Some sort of spell I think. Next thing I know I felt an enormous pressure on my lungs and pure darkness.

"Rose, Rose honey, wake up" Mason beckoned. I open my weary eyes to find us in a different place than the house. There were old timey walls and décor and the ground was stone. I was laying on a large four poster bed with extravagant curtains tied to the posts.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're in my castle love, we'll be safe here. I'm sorry I didn't have time to warn you before we transported."

I looked around the room and sat up to approach the window. I look down to find that we were in several stories high. I glance out to see a forest shrouded in darkness. Out in the distance I hear a pack of wolves howling.

"Why are we in a castle? Actually why do you have a castle?"

Mason smiled at me, "I'm a king sweetheart, and after we have our mating and crowning ceremony, you'll be my queen. Queen of the vampires."

Brent's POV

"Fuck! Dammit!" I kicked through another wall in this godforsaken house.

"Calm down, we found her once, we'll find her again." Colten said. I couldn't help the pessimistic thoughts that ran through my head.

"What if we're too late this time? He was about to mate with her!" I roared out.

"Well then we need to work fast. Surely he's about to be on high alert now that he knows that we know his identity. We need to see if he took her to his castle. More importantly we need to find a way in. We have to ask for help." Joel said.

"Who do we ask?" I inquired.

"Maybe the fae? They might help." Colten said.

"Fuck the fae, they don't help anyone but themselves." Damien chimed in.

"Hey Brent are you still friends with that incubus?" Joel asked me.

"I haven't reached out to him in awhile but I'll see if I can get ahold of him."

"Alright team, assemble!" Damien shouted.

"What the fuck bro?" I asked him.

"Someone needs to be the comedic relief, shit's getting too real in here." He retorted. We all murmured our agreement and stalked out the front door to head back to Colten's motel room.

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