False Start

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Damien's POV

We kept our flight to return to town so that we could go home for a bit and regroup. Joel reached out to Pat about this flower and she was going to look for a book that has some information on it.

We walked into the house and it just felt lonely without Rose. Oh Rose, I really hope that we can get this situated soon. I miss you and I miss my children.

"Chin up, bro, we'll get these trials done quickly. There's multiple men so that increases our chances in my opinion." Brent told me. I tried to listen to his reassurances but I couldn't control how I feel.

"Come on Patricia, why are you taking so long?" Joel griped while trying to call her again.

After a few more hours and her not showing up, we decided to go to her house and check on her.

Upon arriving, I could tell that something was off. The door was ajar and when we entered, the place was a wreck. It looked like someone tore through all her books and smashed her jars of potion ingredients.

"What the fuck happened here?" Max roared. I noticed there was a trail of blood leading from the bookcase to a room. I followed the trail and opened the door the trail led to. Upon entering, I was shocked. Patricia was lying in her bed, surrounded by her blood, and a knife stabbed through the heart.

Joel walked in behind me and yelled. "Fuck!" He ran his hand through his hair and stormed off. My eyes were glued to the lifeless figure in front of me. Why would someone kill her? Is it related to us? The conspiracies were swirling around in my brain.

"Damn it! What are we supposed to do now?" Brent exclaimed when he saw her lying on the bed.

"I don't know. But it seems like the perpetrator was looking for something. I'm thinking maybe it has to do with the information on this flower. It's too convenient that she died when she was on her way to deliver the information." I said. Everyone else seemed to agree. We searched the place top to bottom but couldn't find anything that seemed to relate to this damn flower.

I walked back in the room that Pat was lying in and closed her eyes for her. I noticed that she was tensed up with her hands in fists. I tried to relax her body for her but it was difficult. Finally I got her hands to relax and a crumpled piece of paper fell out of one of her fists.

I opened it up and saw it was titled properties of moondrop flowers.

"I found something!" I yelled out to the others. My eyes scanned the paper and it was essentially a way to grow the flower!

"Guess what, we can grow the fucking thing!" I laughed out loud.

"Well shit, let's get the shit we need from either here or another witch and grown the damn thing." Brent said with a large grin.

We searched for the ingredients used to make the special soil that the flower grows in and found almost everything.

"Looks like we need virgin blood again to speed up the process." I glanced over at Garrett and he growled lowly.

"Hey man, I'm personally glad you never got your dick wet." Brent laughed as he slapped his back.

We left Patricia's house and headed home. Joel had to call her nephew to give him the news that she was murmured.

"I assure you, we will have justice." He said on the phone before hanging up.

"This is one of the few things that I hate about being the alpha." He sighed. I patted his shoulder before entering our house.

Rose's POV

I was awaiting the results of the pregnancy test. I peed on the stupid stick and had to wait 2 minutes. When the two minutes were up I exited the bathroom with the stick in hand.

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