The Truth

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Rose's POV

Not this again! I was about to tell this sexy ass man to shove it when he touched my shoulders and I felt tingles. What is this? Why does it feel familiar?

"What's your name beautiful?" He asked me.

"I'm Rose, who are you?" I replied.

"I'm Maximus and I'm here to take you home." That disturbed me. What does mean by that?

"I know you don't know me or trust me but I have a good reason for you to follow me. See I know that you don't remember your mates but do you remember your parents?" What kind of question is that, of course I remember them.

"Yes, of course."

He promptly answered, "well they're worried sick about you."

I gasped, "they're dead!"

"No Rose, your mates sent me. If you come with me I can take you to them and to your parents." He said.

I pondered my predicament over. He could be lying to get me to go with him, but will I regret it if I don't? I'm a strong independent hybrid, I can probably hold my own against this...whatever he is.

"What are you?" I asked

"I'm an incubus, you don't need to know anything other than I'm the best in bed." He winked at me.

I couldn't help the blush that overcame me, I haven't even gone all the way with Mason yet. As far as I know I'm still a virgin anyway.

"Look I can see you don't believe me, so here, let me give you this bottle. Inside is the cure for the brainwashing you've been put under. Drink it and let the truth set you free." He beckoned.

I grabbed the bottle from his large hand and looked at it. It looked like a red wine, almost like blood. "How do I know this won't hurt me?" I asked.

"You don't. But don't you feel like something is missing? Take it and see."

I stood there and decided to tuck it into my bra for now.

"Thanks for stopping by but I really need to finish getting ready for a ceremony. I'm sure you can find your way out." I let the handsome stranger know. He looked like he wanted to say more but instead shook his head and changed his mind. He then exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Mason's POV

Tonight has to be perfect. I've doubled security and asked the guards to make sure no one comes in during the ceremony. I've left my beautiful Rosalie upstairs to finish getting ready. So far the castle has been empty apart from the guards. I'm trying to make sure the culture shock isn't too much for Rose. Soon though she'll come to know how it is to live like royals.

I drink a chalice of blood while waiting in the throne room. As I'm waiting I notice a certain playboy walking past the entry way.

"Where you headed off to in a hurry?" I shouted at him.

He seemed to stop on a dime and turned to grin at me. "Hey buddy I was just looking for a certain blonde servant you used to employ. I haven't given her one of my special massages in a while." He laughed.

I laughed along with him. Some people never change. "Well if you come back tomorrow I'll let you meet my mate and bride, she's a real beauty." I told him.

He just shrugged, "whatever man, can't stay too long. Happy wishes to the new couple!" He shouted as he walked away.

I leaned back in my throne and continued to play the waiting game. Midnight is taking way too long. I changed my mind and decided to head upstairs to check on Rose. I had a funny feeling in my gut.

"Good evening gorgeous!" I called out when I opened the bedroom door. My sweet was sitting on the bed staring at the floor. "What's the matter?" I asked. She shrugged my arm off when I tried to wrap it around her shoulders.

"Are my parents still alive?" She asked.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Mason, is it true? Have you been lying to me? Has any of this been real?"

"Of course it's real! You're my mate!" I told her.

"You never answered my question." She accused. In what felt like slow motion, she reached into her bra and pulled out a small bottle.

"What's that Rose?"

All she said was, "the truth" before she chugged it down and passed out.

Rose's POV

I'm blinded by lights and my senses are assaulted by the sterile smell of a hospital. I crack open my eyes and notice I'm in a makeshift hospital room in the castle.

"Oh my god Rose!" Mason ran to my bedside and grabbed my hands.

"Get away from me!" I shouted. He wore a deep frown at my statement.

"Is this about your parents? I'm sorry I lied, we can visit them after the mating ceremony" he promised.

No this isn't about my parents. This is about the lie I've been living since he kidnapped me from my bedroom. An onslaught of memories come pouring into my head. Everything from the moment he kidnapped me, to bewitching me, oh my god I can't believe I almost gave myself to him. I felt sick in that moment and leaned over the side of the bed to throw up.

"What was in that bottle Rose? What if it was poison? How do you feel?" He asked almost as if he cared. He probably wants to know if I know the truth. I decide to play along for now.

"I'm not sure, I found it on our bed and thought you left it for me." I tried to lie but he didn't seem convinced. "Anyway I'm feeling much better now, maybe we should ready ourselves for the ceremony." I hopped off the bed and strutted past him. I felt his eyes on the back of my head as I walked back upstairs to touch myself up and think for a minute. As soon as the door was closed behind me I let out a breath of relief. Now I need to figure out how to escape. I need to find that guy Maximus, he seemed to know my mates. I changed my clothes into shorts, a shirt and sneakers and I snuck back out the room and tiptoed downstairs. When the coast seemed to be clear I try to walk out front nonchalantly.

All of a sudden, thick hands covered my mouth, preventing a scream from escaping. At once I noticed the tingles and instantly leaned back into my mate.

"Ssshhhh sweetheart." The voice said, but it wasn't one of my mates, it was Maximus. How is this possible, I have 5 mates? I don't think there's enough of me to go around. I nodded my ascent and let him grab me by the hand to lead me out. As soon as we clear the immediate grounds we take off running until we reach a SUV.

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