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"Are you sure that you want me to come?" I double-ask George

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"Are you sure that you want me to come?" I double-ask George. I hate overcrowding people. I'd rather hear them tell me to fuck off and to never see me again than be thinking that I am welcome to whatever I want. "Yes, I do. And anyways if I didn't it's too late anyways, were already at the airport." George seems better today, he is still upset, but he plays it off casual.

Deep down, I am happy that his mother died, so that I know that someone has gone through the pain and guilt I felt some years ago, but George doesn't deserve this suffering that God has brought upon him. He is a nice young gentleman, he has well manners and knows how to treat a woman right, how does he deserve this?

"Now come on Athalia, we have a plane to catch." I let out a small giggle, I don't remember the last time I was on a plane. I think it was a family holiday to Barbados to spread dad's ashes. It was a time to remember, we spread dad's ashes and than went out to get hammered. After his death, I was a mess. I started doing drugs and got wasted every night, but after a couple of therapy sessions and redirecting that anger and sadness towards work, I feel like I have become something of myself.

Gripping my small handy-bag in my left hand, George and I board the plane. The lovely stewardess smiles at us as we board. Little does she know the reason why we are even boarding this plane, she wouldn't be smiling at all. We take our seats, and after begging George for the window-seat, he finally give and let me have it.

I squeeze past the people that was next to us. It was an old lady with, I'm guessing daughter' on the right of her, furthest away from me. Buckling in, George grips my hand, I don't panic or yell at him, since I know that he is scared of heights. "You okay?" He asks me. I smile at him. Even though that he is the one scared of heights and is probably freaking out, he never manages to ask me if I'm okay.

And I know what your thinking. Why don't you start dating? No, me and George have got a couple of rules we have to stick by. 1. No dating each-other. 2. No dating each-others siblings. But that was mainly for me, since the only sibling I've got is Pixie and she is 14. Whereas George has got a brother, I'm not very fond of his name since we've never met, but he has lived over in the states before for around 2 years, but moved back to Italy to deal with family issues. Well that's what George told me.

"What are you talking about? Am I okay? Are you okay? Your the one scared of heights!" He lets out a small laugh, but it soon disappears when he feels the plane starting to move. "Athalia, were moving, were moving." His eyes slam shut and don't open until we get to over the sea. Throughout the flight, we would get the occasional turbulence and he would grip my hand over and over again each time.

Within two hours of flying, we made simple conversation to the oldy lady next to us. She said one thing before that made me and George burst out laughing. "You two make such a lovely couple." But we both instantly buried that situation up with asking for food from the stewardess. Once getting stuffed on airport food, which was pretty shit, I ended up falling asleep, so did George. He used my shoulder as a cushion. Which I suppose is only fair since I did use his neck as a cushion too last night.

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