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"Come on let's go," George says to everyone, gathering everyone around and hushing them towards the door. "You touch me, you'll be losing fingers" I hear the brat Hakan say.

Why is he always in a mood? We're trying to go out and get some fresh air, and he is being a little bitch! Even though I was in a mood, and upset, did I carry that on towards the hike...no. because I am that mature.

"Shut up Hakan!" The words spill out of my mouth before I realised I had spoken them. Seeing his tall, intimidating figure turn around and give me death eyes, I felt petrified.

It was as if the devil was prying on my soul, inching closer and closer to grab it, but he didn't have time before I pulled away from his gaze and nudged closer to George knowing that he won't hurt him.

"ora basta ragazzi, niente chiacchiere non ora, soprattutto quando abbiamo un ospite. Shall we go?" At first, Laura's voice was sharp and witty, but when her attention flicked to me and she started speaking in English, her gaze softened and her tone wasn't mean and snappy like it was with the boys.

"Yeah, let's go" I decide to pull off a smile. I might as well try and look as if I am enjoying this. Which is difficult, with having to be in close quarters with the only jackass Hakan.

We all step out of the front door and head our way into the car. "George, aren't we going to lock the door?" That was my largest concern for now. Any normal person would lock their doors no matter what, it would happen naturally.

"Nah, it will be fine, plus the maids are in so the house will be fine" George mumbles. I look across the Suv-style car, and Hakan is doing the same eyes as before towards George. What is he trying to hide?

I know everything about George, but is starting to look like he is having this entirely different life that I have no idea about.

The car journey was quiet, the car was nice and warm, which was a relief since outside was quite cold. Which my fault, I did wear shorts and a tank top with a small jacket and trainers, so it is partially my fault.

I desperately want to ask how long until we are there, but Hakan is already pissed off with me, so I don't want to press his buttons even more. I lean closer towards George and I begin to whisper it in his ear.

"How long until we're there?" Turning my head for George to whisper back in my ear, I see Laura chilling on her phone, probably playing Fruit Ninja or something. Looking further to my left, I see Hakan. He is chilled back into the chair.

His hand is placed gently above his higher groin region and his face is titled downwards, making his gaze look somewhat lustful and horny.

Something about his eyes makes his whole atmosphere delicate and fragile. I see hints of pain and desire, but also a wall being put up. Who hurt him? Can he even get hurt?

He is a monster after all...right?

Honk honk

The driver pulls back the divider, making me feel slightly exposed. "We're here" his deep voice clarifies.

Laura clears her throat and puts her phone in her bag. "Right, shall we head off?" She says with a small smile. I reciprocate that and nod exiting the car behind her.

Both Laura and I wait outside for around 10 minutes, waiting for George and Hakan to leave the vehicle. What are they doing?

Once they leave the car, George's eyes are slightly red, not sure what from. Has he been crying? Did Hakan make him cry?

"Did you make him cry?" I  slightly yell, attempting to grip Hakans shoulder. But he storms off before I could reach. His long legs got the better of me.

Turning around, I face George, immediately walking up to him with concern spread across my face. "What's wrong George, tell me?"

He shakes his head with no hesitation. "I can't Athalia. I wish I could but I can't, so drop it. All of it" He moody grumbles walking to Laura.

Have I done anything wrong? Is George getting the blame for something I did? Where is Hakan?


It's been 30 minutes into the hike so far, and it's been deadly silent. All we've heard was the occasional clearing of the chest and the sweep of the rocks against your feet. Hakan still isn't back, I don't know where he has wandered off to.

I kind of hope he gets lost in all fairness. "Athalia, do you want any water or any beverage?" I hear Laura's small voice chirp up from the front of the line of us.

I barely manage to grasp a gram of air so that I can begin to say anything, but I get interrupted when we hear rushing coming from behind the bushes. "What is that?" I speak up.

Laura and I share glances, however George begins to smile "It's just a rabbit or a fox. Let's keep walking". He motions his hand forward, telling us to keep moving.

While on the verge of starting to walk forward, we hear the rushing of the bushes again. "That's not a rabbit? Is it?" I begun. "Don't you think it would be go...ahhh!" I scream and charge towards George, jumping onto his tall frame like a glue stick and paper.

"Please don't kill us!" I manage to squirm out, afraid that this is the end of the road for me. "It's very tempting offer, so don't push your luck." His irritating voice rackets through my ear drums another time today.

Why is he back for? We was having a perfectly fine time without him. "Where have you been?" George questions him, while I'm still gripping onto him.

Hakan looks annoyed and slightly angry for some reason. Looking at him, I see a vein in his neck about to burst. Admiring his beautifully annoying face and perfect posture, I realise that he too is also staring my way. I notice that he is moving his head towards the right, and bursting his eyes slightly to gain my attention.

Disclimbing George, the vein in his neck became smaller and his eyes went back to their normal shape. His full attention was focused on George and Laura. "I had business to discuss nearby." He says as if it's cool.

"Fine" George raises his eyebrows at his blantness. We begin hiking again and I feel a presence, a familiar one. And it had the sent of death, and maybe a hint of the devil.

Twisting  my head slightly to my left, his tall handsome frame took my entire veiw. "What the fuck are you looking at?" He stammers at me. Without a doubt, I dart my eyes back, heading straight "Um nothing."

!Authors note!
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You can also listen to their book playlist on Spotify "Athalia & Hakan"
See you next chapter!

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