the truth

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Pov Keith

Keith woke up from the nap still on the lap of zarkon while zarkon seem to be doing some work when zarkon notice that Keith have wake up he positioned Keith in a sitting position. Keith was embarrassed that he had fallen asleep on the lap of the empire, but as if zarkon has read his mind he said " no need to be embarrassed Keith it is normal to fall in a slumber especially after a long day the moment you felt comfortable "
Keith looked at zarkon and he was weighting the decision about asking him about what started the war but, in the end, he said fuck it and asked," empire what exactly started the war, because Allura said that galra wanted power that why you betrayed altean and started the war,"

zarkon looked horrified as if someone had stabbed a poor little kitten Infront of him, and asked " is this what those disgrace of a race has said to the universe well no wonder the universe is not helping us find the cure, no Keith we did not attack the altean for power we already have power we attack them because they made a virus that come after our kit and kills them in a very painful way."

Keith looked at zarkon and asked, " what do you mean painful way?"

"I mean the kit will be whaling while the virus eats their organ from inside out while the parent of the kit can do nothing about other than holding them down, some even made the decision of putting them down so the kit will not suffer."

when zarkon stopped talking he realized that Keith was scrying he held the kit and started purring so he could clam him down. when he calmed down, he said, " how about we take you yto get some food, you must be very hunger" and as if Keith stomach remembered it growled which made Keith blush and zarkon chuckle.

zarkon caried Keith and walked to the elevator to get him some food which made him asked Keith about his age to know what kind of food to get him and when Keith answered with " oh I am 18." he stopped shocked and then screamed with anger

" 18 you shouldn't be even out of the nest not alone fighting a war, and were you even been eating you are supposed to be stilled be feeding of your mother milk your organ is nonprepared for any kind of food."

well, that explain his weak stomach and the amount of time he throws up.

"I am sure we can find you a breeder who can give you some milk so let go little one don't you fear you will get your milk soon."


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