this weird but amazing feeling

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the guy that was holding Keith had pulled up his shirt and had started to guide Keith to his chest and Keith was still in shock and him didn't had time to fight back and before he knows it the galra nipple was sin his mouth and the galra had a strong grip on him, he tried to fight ack but the galra was strong.

the moment the milk hits Keith mouth the felt as if his brain had gone and the only thing that he could think of was how he could get more milk he was sucking painfully on the galra but the galra didn't mind at all there is a kit in his hand after all these years of suffering of grieving he finally get to see and hold a kit.

than he notices that the kit in his arms was turning purple he realized that the kit is taking his galra form which is a healthy sign to the half galra but the only problem was that the kit wasn't trained to control or handle his instincts so it can be a little scary to them. 

saying Keith was scared was an understatement he was horrified his is all over the place , but at least his mind can agree on one thing and that is he need the galra that is holding him the galra scent is the most amazing scent that he ever smelled so the moment he felt that he was full he tried to pull that smell towards him so he would fell more safe for some reason and when the smell started to get stronger he was at peace .

 but the peace didn't last forever the smell no longer contain him any longer he wants to move but at the same time he felt safe, but he want to explore around more. but the sent, but...

so, Keith did the only thing that comes to his mind he made a whimper that is threating to trigger a whole mental breakdown, as if the scent had read his mind, it moved him to a place that is filled with many scent that made him purr with the content and safeness that it had filled him with, so he looked around wanting to explore. so, he did explore looking around the place that is filled with this soft and fluffy material that made him melt and after a lot of exploring he felt tried so went to the most fluffy and softest place and he clam that place as his own, so fell asleep their while spreading his own scent.

the galra Pov

after the kit had been feed, he noticed that the kit is trying to get closer to his scenting gland so sent more of his comforting scent to comfort the kit , after a while the kit seem to grow restless and they started to whimper , the galra noticed that the kit seem like he want to move around but he also want the comfort of the scent the galra had taken a permission from the empire to take the kit to the nest.

when he gets the green light from the empire, he took Keith to the nest that most soldier s used. the moment that he went in the galra around him looked shocked at the kit in his arms, but they seem to notice that the kit will probably go feral forever if they didn't get calmed down a little bet so the galra get out of the nest one by one to give the kit a little space.

and the moment that the kit was put in the nest he started to explore while everyone around him was looking at him in wonder then the kit seems to be tired themself so they took the cozy place in the corner and started to mark they territory by scenting it which was the cutest thing ever the galra around them can tell that the kit was possessive. than the galra left the kit alone so they can get their rest.

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