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after clearing thing up with kolizan , they agreed to have a meeting the very next day , and to kolizan to call voltron to meet them without allura or caron knowing.

though the call was hard to make without spilling any information so the altean don't suspect any thing


voltron team were trying there best to locate Keith . after a mission that had gone wrong Keith was captured and there was no trace of him which cause panic to all voltron but allura for some reason allura was more cheerful ever since Keith kidnapping.
at first they thought she was trying to cheer them up but thy are started to get the feeling tha she is happy that Keith is not found.

shiro was taking it the hardest because Keith had take a shot that was amed at him and that what cause him to be slower and get kidnapped.  you would either see him training or trying to find Keith . either that or he would be in his room he barely talk to any one any more.

hunk was trying his best to cheer every one  up but it was hard when you can't cheer your self up and he had been doing  a lot of stress backing.

lance find it hard when you don't have your rival by your side he is losing motive to even get up from the bed .

pidge has her face locked on the screen , she already lost her father and brother sh was not ready to lose another brother, she trying everything  she can to find Keith but it was in no use and she is almost ready to have a break down and maybe kill allura for being that cheerful.

shiro was in the control room ( i dont know what to call it other than this  so comment what do you think it should be called ) and he was trying to get  any thing any clue about were could be Keith that then when the leader of the blade of marmora call .
when shiro answer he saw kolizan and  asked " any update about keith ?" in  a hopeful voice .
" no but i need all voltron to come to the zarkon mother ship next quintant (day) there are thing about this war you need to know before you choose which side you want to be at ."
this cause shiro to freeze what does he mean by that but shiro know one thing that he can trust kolizan even more than allura . the moment that kolizan had heard that Keith was taken he did everything in his control to get him back he even had send spies out to find Keith while allura had done nothing but say it is for the best.
allura had become bitter to Keith ever since she heard that he was galra , which cause her to be more mean and harsh on Keith.
" do we need to be at the enemy's ship to get this information, i mean is it safe there i will not put any of my team members in any more danger than needed ." said shiro 
this brought a smile to kolizan face knowing that if there is someone had abuse Keith,  shiro is out f the question from that because shiro was ready to die if it mean keeping Keith alive.
" zarkon will cause you no harm actually  zarkon will be putting of the war after all they have found what they needed so there is no reason to search more. "

"WHAT !!!!"  the scream of all lance pidge and hunk was heard in the control room and a moment after all of them had fell from the air duct.

they all looked at shiro only to see the disappointed face he had on which made them laugh nervously
" hey shiro what a nice day how are you good good. "lance said with a nerves smile
" so the war is over ." said pidge with a straight face while looking at kolizan which was answer was
" yes galra are going  to end the war after all like i said they have found what they are looking for ."
" what was the thing that they were searching for hunk asked

" i am afraid if you want to know you have to come to the coordination that i will send to you and then we will talk and also the altean  are not aloud to know of this meeting or i can't confirm your safety."

"okay we will be  there just sent it to us and say the time."

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