Chapter Seven

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Klaus didn't know why he gave it her. He gave Jamie the book without question, he didn't know why. He guessed that he should be thankful that Jamie did see if she actually could control him with that smoke or else he would've questioned if she controlled him, but she wouldn't do that. The look on her face when she said she wouldn't do it unless she had to made him think that the thought of her doing that to him hurt her.

Klaus, who had been subconsciously working on the painting of the man in the red jacket was startled out of his thoughts hearing the sound of tapping. He jumped and turned around to see the same owl Jamie had sent off an hour before. He opened it and the owl dropped of a red envelope before leaving and he could've sworn the owl cackled.

Klaus hesitantly moved to the envelope. It was shaking angrily, and it made him nervous. He used his speed to open it, but still jumped when it lifted into the air and formed a mouth. "NIKLAUS, WHATEVER YOUR MIDDLE NAME IS, MIKAELSON! IF YOU HURT OUR PRECIOUS PRONGSIE, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK IF YOU ARE AN ORIGINAL. WE WILL FIND OUT HOW TO MAJORLY HARM YOU! I HAVE PLENTY OF CURSES IN MIND TO MAKE YOUR BLOOD BOIL TO THE POINT OUT IT COMES OUT OF ALL OF YOUR HOLES AND IT MAKES YOU BLOODY BRAIN DAMAGED!" a man yelled.

"Sirius, stop sounding like Mother," a second man said.

"Le gasp, how dare you Reggie, comparing me to Mother," the first man said, offended.

"SIRIUS!" a woman screeched.

"Sorry Mother, threatening Prongs' soulmate!" he called back.

"Oh yeah," the second man said, "I'LL FIND SOMETHING THAT WILL HURT WORSE THAN WHITE OAK!" he yelled, the envelope moving around aggressively again as Klaus jumped.

"HE'LL BECOME THE NEW TEST SUBJECT!" the woman yelled.

"LET HIM AT MOONY, HE'S NOT A WEREWOLF YET," a third man yelled.

"BRILLIANT IDEA FATHER!" the first man yelled. Klaus by now has gone pale white. He knew Moony was the werewolf half of Jamie's friend who happened to be the first man, who he figured out was Sirius', boyfriend and mate. Reggie must be Regulus meaning Sirius was also Padfoot and the two yelling in the background were there parents who helped Jamie after Charlus and Dorea died as Fleamont and Euphemia were already dead. "Oh, by the way," the envelope spoke again, "We want to meet you soon," and tore itself apart.

Klaus just stood there, frozen, before he jumped again seeing new letters appear. They weren't red but Klaus wasn't taking chances. He opened the letters and held it out in case it jumped open, when it didn't, he looked down and read the writing:

"Dear Niklaus Mikaelson,

I'm sure the brothers have already sent there Howler by now and have informed you that I have been given permission to ruin you on the following full moon if you ever hurt our Prongs. I may not be an alpha, like I'm sure you will be when you unlock your wolf side, but the one who turned me has trained me to defend myself and how to fight. I am not a fighter, but I will gravely hurt you if you hurt my little sister.

Remus Lupin (Moony)"

Klaus moved over to other letter and opened it cautiously. It was small writing, but it was short.

"Please don't hurt Prongs like Evans is—Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail)"

Klaus stared at the letters for a while to the point that he never heard another red letter pop in until it started screaming, "YOU HURT OUR LITTLE PRONGSIE, MY SISTERS AND I WILL JOIN AUNT WALBURGA AND OUR COUSIN SIRIUS TO MAKE YOU OUR TEST SUBJECT!" he jumped so high and turned as the letter added, "Love, Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa Black," before falling apart.

Klaus kinda just sat there for an hour, making sure no other letter was going to come. Of course, his luck ran out, there was another tap. It was a plant, and the plant immediately slaps him in the face, hard, each time he got near it. Eventually the plant finished thinking it slapped Klaus enough before he managed to grab the slip of parchment he spotted. "I have plants that spit acid that goes right to the bone. Just thought I'd let you know that—Frank Longbottom" it said.

Klaus dreaded the last letter. He opened it and it was neat handwriting that said, "Jamie hasn't mentioned me yet. She might be referred to as the little sister, but I'm the littlest sister. I'm the littlest sister that predicts things and will help all of my older brothers and sisters find where you're hiding and plan how to hurt you in the worst possible ways. This won't be the greatest day for you today, you'll meet us sooner than expected. Follow the elf,--Pandora Lestrange," it read. 'Was she a seer?' Klaus asked himself. 'Wait, the elf,' he remembers and turns to find Lector standing there.

"Mistress Jamie is hurt, you are needed," he said, grabbing his hand.

(Please stop asking me to update. I am a college student who needs to focus on classes and being asked and demanded to update stresses me out)

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