Chapter 22

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Jamie had gone up the stairs and muttered a spell that disposed of the bodies. Nobody asked how she knew one of those spells. Mikael and Marcel looked like they wanted to but the shakes of the heads from the others told them not to ask.


Bellatrix entered Gringotts with Regulus and Sirius. Orion followed behind and it caught the attention of the goblins. "We need to discuss something with our bank manager," Sirius told the Head Teller.

Sitting in front of the House of Black's goblin, Bellatrix took the lead, "My cousin and I...,"Bellatrix started, motioning to Regulus, "Have something dangerous we need to safely retrieve from our vaults."

The goblin looks at them angrily, "It would be something to help Tom Riddle regain his sanity and take down Dumbledore," Sirius said quickly and confidently. His family members looked briefly surprised but managed to hide it. Sometimes they forget Sirius could be as manipulative and cunning as them.

"I'm listening," the goblin said.

"I'm sorry they placed these items in the vaults, but it was the most protected place away from harm of any other people," Sirius added, once again shocking his relatives at his statement.

"You may retrieve these items, after you fill out the second clause," the goblin said. The Blacks and their paranoia made them give two stipulations if something dangerous needed removal. The first was the Lord had to approve along with a secondary Head whether it be Sirius or Walburga. As Walburga is still recovering she could stay home but Orion had to appear. The second was all people had to do a potion/compulsion test to make sure they were doing it under their own will.

After the four of them were cleared through their tests, Sirius spoke up again, "May we please get the Peverell-Slytherin-Gryffindor-Potter goblin here?"

The Blacks' goblin looked at him in surprise. This was definitely a serious issue now, "May I ask why?"

"We know Mister Riddle is a part of the Peverell Line and the other Peverell living is currently with child and in the early stages of it and none of us want to risk her coming in contact with these items while her magic is supporting her baby. She is aware of this situation, though," Sirius explained.

The goblin nodded and soon they were joined by a new one. "This is the property Lady Potter was talking about. She has given me permission to share the address with those who will be dropping the horcruxes off. This works like a Fidelius but only temporarily. You will lose the memory of the address as soon as you leave the property," the new goblin explained. Sirius motioned for his brother and cousin to leave.

They had arrived at Bellatrix's vault where she was in and out pretty quickly, her small bag filled with Hufflepuff's cup. Regulus' vault was next and he soon left with his bag filled with Slytherin's locket and a paling look on his face. "The locket is older than the cup," Orion spoke up.

"How old?" Sirius asked.

"Came after the diary. He did it before we graduated. The cup was last. Diadem was second to last," Orion listed off.

"So the ring is third strongest?" Sirius asked, worried for Jamie.

"If it is the Resurrection Stone/Gaunt Ring Lady Potter shall be safe if she moves quickly," the goblin with them spoke quietly. "She is soulmates with Death, has vampire blood in her system due to Mister Mikaelson's child, and shares two ancient bloodlines with Mister Riddle."

"And she can directly into the manor," Regulus added.

"When she is out of the danger area we will go for the ring," Bellatrix said.

"She could get her puppet to do it," Sirius said with a shrug.


Bellatrix, Orion, Sirius, and Regulus took a second to marvel at the Peverell estate in front of them. "Wow," the four said, staring at the gothic architecture in front of them.

"Mistress Jamie wants you to hurry up," an elf said appearing in front of them. It was Lector giving them a stern look which got them moving and following him to the room the horcruxes would be locked in. "What is this place?" Regulus asked tiredly after dropping off the locket.

"This place is the secondary manor mainly for the Peverell-Gaunt line," Lector explained, "After the Gaunts began to get unstable, the Potters casted them out until Master Riddle appeared."

"What about his mother?" Orion asked.

"Merope Gaunt had been too weak in her magic after most of what she had left went to her son. The inbreeding in the family made it hard for any of them to access magic. That was why Merope wanted new blood and obsessed over the muggle," Lector explained. Soon the four had left. They could remember the building, but not the address. They did, however, get themselves cleansed of the horcruxes' aura since they would be around three pregnant witches.


Sirius was pulled over by Orion after arriving back home to Grimmaulds. They had checked on Jamie and Klaus and the two were doing good. Klaus was trying with his stepfather after Mikael had unscrambled some memories. Marcel was getting to know Jamie a bit more while the two watches over Klaus and Mikael with Freya.

"Father?" Sirius said.

"I want to hand the Lordship to you," Orion said.

"What?" Sirius asked in shock.

"The way you handled everything today with the goblins. Protecting your family members from the goblins wrath and turning it into something that would benefit the goblins proved to me that you're ready. I didn't even have to speak the whole time," Orion explained.

"But Re—,"

"I don't care if you want to date a man. Neither does Walburga. All that we said while under those potions and curses. As for a heir, you can always blood adopt or pass the heirship to Regulus—well you'll need to anyway, but that's not the point. You are ready and I know you are," Orion sighed, "I also don't want this to become a thing where it's shoved on you unexpectedly like it did to Jamie."

"Nothing's going to happen to you or Mother," Sirius said sternly.

"You know what I mean, Sirius, it's been a tough time recovering my own strength and your mother's mental health. If something happens again, we don't know how we'll take it."

"Why not move to one of our properties—one out of Britain? It might do well for you," Sirius suggested. "Also, you two may find an interest in someone," he added. Orion looked at him with wide eyes and then saw his son's slight smirk and laughed. "You're more Slytherin than we thought, aren't you?" Orion asked.

"Apparently more than Reggie since he hadn't noticed," Sirius joked and the two chuckled. Sirius had noticed after Orion and Walburga were recovering that neither of two had much interest in each other. Neither particularly liked that they married their cousin, but stayed together as companions to each other.

"I'll bring it up to her," Orion said, "But think about what I said," he added, patting his son's shoulder before leaving up the stairs.

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