Chapter Twelve

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Jamie strutted into the ritual room in the Potter Manor.

"Must be good, she's got the deer strut," Regulus sassed into Remus' ear. The werewolf held in a snort and he could see Peter doing the same. They heard a crack in the distance, signaling the arrival of Klaus and Sirius. Suddenly the two were in front of them and Klaus was dropping Sirius, "I don't mind fast speed or super strength, but not close to a Used Tampon...why's Prongs got the deer strut?" Sirius said.

Remus and Peter now started laughing making Jamie spin around, "I have a deer strut?"

"Well animagi do inherit things from there animal forms," Frank pointed out.

"Peter can be very quiet and sneaky and sneaks in cheese anywhere. Sirius is hyperactive and a bark-like laugh. You strut and like salads and carrots," Regulus told her. Jamie just sticks her tongue out and spins back around, "Klausy?" she sang. The amused Original stuck his head into the ritual room. "Yes, love?"

"Could you throw him in the middle of the circle?" Jamie asked kindly. Klaus gave her a smile and quite literally threw the sorry excuse of a man into the circle, "Now go change your clothes, those are contaminated," Jamie said in the same tone. Klaus sped away, having brought clothes when it became clear he would be here a lot longer, and sped back now wearing new clothes.

"Did I miss anything?" he asked.

"Nope," Sirius responds.

Jamie stands in the room, "I, Lady Jamison Dorea Potter, call forward my Peverell born ancestors for help to protect the Potter Heir," she announced. The group standing in the doorway watched as a bunch of men appeared in the portraits, Klaus noticing someone named Ignotus Peverell stood in the big portrait frame next to Charlus Potter.

"Ignotus is the Peverell that started the Potter Line, he was the original receiver of the cloak so he is the one that in the big portrait. Cadmus who led the Gaunts has one here too, but Ignotus was here first. The previous Head of the House is the one that takes the other portrait which is unfortunately for Charlus, always going to him now," Sirius explained quickly to Klaus.

"Dear ancestors of mine—pun intended," there were a few chuckles from her ancestors, "This man," she motions to Liam, "has been forcefully wedded to me and mistreats me badly as I'm sure you've heard," her ancestors all glare.

"I wish he were awake right now, the green and red eyes might make him faint," Bellatrix mutters to the others. None of the Peverell ancestors have glamours or glasses on. Klaus remembers the two lines had deadly eye colors that represented the Hogwarts Houses of the current two Peverells, but the opposite's House. There were Peverells with curly dark brown hair with red eyes and looked they were hissing to the other portraits. Klaus had briefly remembered the Gaunts isolated themselves purposely by making themselves seem crazy and speak in parseltongue. The other men had curly black hair and eerie emerald eyes, Klaus noting his mate must've had some Indian heritage starting at least 300 years ago, looking at the older ancestors, all glared down at the man too.

"I have found one of my mates and I know Death shall show up and stay soon," Jamie continued.

"Oh, you heard that too," Sirius whispers. Klaus nods, he didn't care if Death had different forms.

"I am also currently pregnant with the Heir, the father is Klaus, not this," she looks disgustingly down at Liam. She kicked him in the stomach making jump awake and look around frantic and see his wife standing over him, a bunch of idiots he went to school with in the corner—including those males his wife was always with—and a bunch of angry blood red and AK green eyed men glaring down at him.

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