Chapter Fifteen

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"WHAT?!" Klaus screeched making Jamie jump and freeze followed by a lot of the Potter-born Peverells. Klaus looked around at the shocked faces, "Right, deers," he remembered.

"Yes, Mikael has been under the influence of Esther even while she is dead. This information has also been passed along to Freya as she is the only one that can break the hold, but he needs to be lured out," Charlus spoke eventually spoke.

"He can still be easily freed from where he's at and you know that," Ignotus said, "If he gets lured onto a magical property then Freya can take care of the hold because family magic will help hold him down," he added.

"So we have to wait on Freya?" Klaus asked.


"But who's property do we do this on?" Klaus asked.

"The best choices would be the Blacks, the Longbottoms, or ours," Fleamont spoke, "But the Blacks tend to be hard to find out of their own paranoia. The Longbottoms would depend on what Frank has planted. Potter properties also have wards against the dead since we're necromancers."

Klaus turned to Jamie, "So you'd be protected against vampires?"

Jamie nods, "you could get in because the Manor sensed who you were," she said.

"Sorry, please continue," Klaus said to Fleamont.

"If Mikael is lured onto a visible Potter property, then he could be held down by the magic," Fleamont clarified.

Klaus nods, still processing. Mikael had hit him against his will, of course he was still processing it.

Jamie suddenly perked up and left, "Your sister just appeared," Fleamont informed him.

Klaus froze, "Take a deep breath Klaus," Charlus spoke, "We told her the complete truth about the daggers and how yours siblings acted around you," he assured.

Klaus took a deep breath before walking out, hearing Jamie and a new voice speak. He walked down to see a tall woman with short dark blondish-brown hair that reminded Klaus of Finn's hair color talking to her. She turned around and saw Klaus and gave him a smile, "I know you may not trust me, but I am here for you," Freya said. She was startled when her brother's arms were wrapped her as Klaus hugged her. Freya slightly turned to Jamie, "You know, from what I've learned, you definitely helped him mentally. I'm sure he would've threatened to kill me by now," she said slightly serious and slightly joking. She felt Klaus huff out a laugh and smiled, happy she met one of her siblings.

"Okay, I'm wanting to get this plan right," Freya said after Klaus finally pulled away, "I help put a crack in your curse so you feel your wolf a bit more and be a bit more zen with yourself," Klaus nods, "Then we deal with our father," Klaus nods again, "Then gather the soul pieces of Jamie's godfather," Jamie nods, "Then you should be giving birth to a reincarnation of our youngest brother," Jamie and Klaus nod, "Deal with Dumbledore," they both nod, "And then wake the siblings minus Elijah," Freya finished and the siblings nod. "Okay, can I see the curse?"

"Bates!" Jamie calls. The elf popped in, already holding the grimoire, "Lector overheard and let Bates know Mistress Jamie would need the icky witch's book," he sheepishly said.

"Thank you Bates," Jamie smiled.

Freya looked surprised at the elf's appearance, "That'll take some getting use too," she muttered.

"You're telling me," Klaus muttered back. Jamie turned to the page that had the curse and then paused, "There is one on Kol and Finn too," she suddenly said. Freya and Klaus snapped their heads over to her. "What?" they both said.

Jamie turned her head to Klaus, "You said both Finn and Kol tapped into their magic?" Klaus nodded, "Well, this one looks modified to block magic, it's awfully similar to our kind of magical blocks."

"Why do you guys have magical blocks?" Freya asked.

"Sometimes it's used if a child's magic is a bit too much for their bodies, either another person blood adopts them or a temporary block is put on to wear away on its own. Did Henrik have magic?" Klaus nodded, "He could need it," Jamie said, "It won't cause harm to him, but Potter magic being as explosive as it is even under those blocks—yes, I was under one, it may help him stabilize, especially if he was going to have three different types of magic," Jamie said, seeing that Klaus and Freya could see her reasoning. "What Finn and Kol are under is like the ones idiots put on people to make them weaker and it doesn't dissolve overtime, it has to be taken off. Finn and Kol's is too the point they can't feel it, and like Klaus, you have your anger and paranoia because you can't use your wolf instincts, Kol has a similar thing with his magic missing like you pointed out. Finn, in addition to Freya missing, his missing magic probably contributes to his depression," Jamie theorized.

"Is it breakable?" Freya asked.

"It is for me, but only if they let me into their heads. It's less complicated for a Core Witch, but more complicated for an Ancestral Witch. Klaus' on the other hand does need that ritual, but we can get that crack in his curse going," Jamie said.

"Little Fawn," Charlus spoke, in the nearby painting making Freya jump again.

"The paintings talk and they're possessed by her ancestors," Klaus said nonchalantly.

"I see that," Freya answered.

"Dorea and I specifically have a property in the States that has Potter and Black wards on it. It is visible, not hidden like where Lord Black's family is, but if you get Orion, Walburga, their sons and nieces there, it should help strengthen the hold on Mikael," he said.

"What Walburga's mental health and Orion's health?" Jamie said.

"The House of Black has a trait called the Black Madness, you're likely going to meet them very soon, Jamie is their cousin. It can cause them to act a little crazy. Walburga was hit with a curse about three years ago that caused her to hallucinate and act out physically against her sons and poison her husband. The oldest son eventually got out of there and dragged his brother with and they reached out to their grandfather who was Lord of the House at the time and stunned Walburga to get her looked at and got Orion help. Orion's still recovering and so is Walburga seeing as they both threatened me about being near their niece, they're doing pretty good," Klaus summed up to Freya.

"How many times did you get threatened?" Freya asked.

"I got threatened by plants," Klaus deadpanned, making Freya snort.

"Hey, don't underestimate Frank's plants," Jamie said, having left and walked back in, "I contacted Tom and the Blacks and the family should be coming, I was just letting Tom know where to send letters. Let's go," Jamie said, pulling the two to the floo, and putting a protective spell over her stomach. It was time to put a crack in Klaus' curse and lure in Mikael.

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