Chapter Nine

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Klaus was shocked, but happy, but scared, but excited. He was going to be a father! Was he going to be as bad as Mikael? Was he going to be a good father? He hopes so, but then he also knows all the people in front of him would come after him.

"At least I'm not the only one now," Narcissa spoke. Klaus had wondered why he heard one more heartbeat, but he has thought for a second it might've been Jamie, but then it couldn't because he hadn't been closer to her and if Remus couldn't hear it then he knows it wasn't just him.

"Yoohoo," Bellatrix spoke, waving his hand in front of Klaus' face.

"Bella," Andromeda sighed, "He just found he's going to be a father."

"And he froze," Bellatrix countered, "I'm sure he should be in there with Prongsie, but not take offense if Siri doesn't get up because Prongsie might not be able to let go," she had turned back to Klaus with a fierce look, demanding the Original not hurt one of her favorite cousins.

Klaus shook out of his shock and made his way past the group as they wander in behind him, but keeping a distance. He spots his Doe, his Queen, laying on her side, looking restless as she fidgets in her place. Her legs had to be held down as he assumes she kept kicking people and probably Sirius. Her head was surrounded by pillows, one was also placed under chin which Padfoot was resting against to, probably to prevent Jamie from head butting the dog. Her fidgeting arms were wrapped around Padfoot, squeezing and releasing, sometimes jerking open. Her eyes would randomly open, but he only saw the whites of her eyes or some dazed look. It made him angry. Klaus assumed it made Sirius angry from the far-off look on his face. His fists clenched in anger, not noticing the cautious looks behind him hoping he wasn't going to attack Padfoot, but then—ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump—he froze. It was a very tiny heartbeat coming from the bed instead of the slightly louder one coming from Narcissa. He turned his attention to the bed, seeing Padfoot now resting his head on Jamie's shaking one as he watched Klaus approach the bed, looking at Jamie's stomach in awe.

"Would the—would the baby be affected by the curse?" Klaus asked, still staring at the stomach.

"That's the thing about magic," Narcissa spoke up, "A witch's magic goes to protect the child. Jamie's a little worse than when we would normally find her and that's because her magic went to protect her child."

Pandora then spoke up, "And no, that potion will not hurt the baby either."

"Is she unconscious?" Klaus asked.

"In a way," Andromeda said, "We had to give her a strong sleeping draught—not harmful to a baby—and allow her to be able to sleep through the cruciatus potion taking affect," she said, having to remember the man in front of him was already protective of his child.

"How am I going to keep them safe? I have so many enemies," Klaus asked aloud.

"Well, Klaus," Regulus spoke, "One thing you need to know about Potters is they have some odd luck. They are known for it."

The Marauders snorted, recalling all the times they got away with something. "The Potter Luck, as it's called, is when a Potter gets into a situation that can be considered dangerous or troubling, like getting thrown into the Black Lake with the Giant Squid who gets angry when he's woken up, and still manage to get out of the situation," Remus said.

"Or growing antlers as a doe," Peter added, "To protect herself against a werewolf."

"Thank you, Peter," Remus said with a straight face.

"No problem," Peter sassed.

"Anyway," Regulus said, "Children also have accidental magic. Now, we think this could be a Peverell thing because it happened to Tom too, but it seems with the Potters that it's instinctual and deadly."

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