Chapter Fourteen

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(Some stories have more updates than others. Some have none. I did these completely randomly. Please don't complain about updates. I did over 40 updates.)

"Yes, your son is gonna be the werewolf snack that started the fang faces," Henrik joked, amused. He stopped when he saw Jamie's unamused face. "Sorry, no death jokes, thought you'd like that," he mumbled.

"Oh, I thought it was hilarious," Jamie said, "but then again, I'm already attached to this baby—which is you—and you just talked about how you died," she said.

"Aren't you gonna die too?" Henrik asked, a little worried, but a little bit of sass was detected, "I did meet Death and they told me," he added.

"Well, you're a Mikaelson and soon to be a Potter, we have people that want to kill us," Jamie said, "Especially considering you'd be a necromancer."

"I saw that, THAT WAS SO COOL!" Henrik fanboyed.

"When did you learn modern English?" Jamie asked, noticing the boy's vocabulary.

"When I started watching over my siblings. No, I am not mad at D-Nik...bloody hell, reincarnation is already getting to me," Henrik said in amazement and annoyance making his new mother finally laugh.

"So can I tell him?" Jamie asked, after she had calmed down.

"Oh, please do," Henrik pleaded, "He may cry though, prepare for that...what are salads and why do I want one?" he asked.

"Salads are delicious and it's likely my fault," Jamie says, cursing out her love for salads and carrots and blames her animagus once again.

Henrik looks his new mother directly in the eyes, and then asks in all seriousness, "Can you eat a salad? Like, a big one?"

"Extra carrots?" Jamie asked.

"Hell yes," Henrik said, only to get lightly smacked on the head, "Oi!"

"You're not even born yet, no cursing until you're in school and I can't hear it," Jamie scolded.

"Okay, okay, fine, but one last thing," Henrik said.


"Freya is awake and looking for you guys, she knows everything and knows how to make a crack in Da—dammit—sorry—Nik's curse. Ask your ancestors about Mikael," Henrik tells her before the forest starts to blur and Jamie swore she could see a red leather jacket in the background.

Jamie sprung awake, startling Klaus. "Jamie?" she hears him whisper.

"What?" she asked a bit distracted.

"Well, love, you did just spring awake," Klaus said, "I get curious if you do that."

Jamie turned her head to face him, biting her lip as she tried to figure out how approach the subject, "I may or may not have seen who our pup is the reincarnation of?" she said slowly, raising the pitch of her voice at the end, making it sound like a question.

"Love, are you questioning it, or did you see it?" Klaus asked.

"Saaaw," Jamie answered, extending out the word.

"Jamie," Klaus said in warning.

"It's Henrik," she mumbled, but Klaus heard it perfectly clear and froze looking at the woman with wide eyes.

"Henrik?" Jamie nods at his question, "My Henrik?" she nods again, "My youngest brother Henrik?"

"Yes, that Henrik," Jamie said, "That Henrik is currently growing in my womb as our son and apparently he thought the necromancy thing is cool. He's not angry about the daggering, he understood. Also, he said a couple things," she said, starting to get out of the bed, only to be gripped firmly, but not hard, by Klaus. She turns back and sees the tears growing in his eyes and immediately climbs back over and hugs him.

"You're gonna see him again," Jamie says trying to sooth Klaus' mood. She can feel him crying and feel the tears on her shoulder. They sat quietly, Klaus listening to Henrik and Jamie's heartbeats and feeling a stronger urge to keep Jamie safe. He knows her magic will keep Henrik safe, but he worries about Jamie. He doesn't want her near Liam, but he knows Liam is her puppet now, but she still has to be near Dumbledore. Then again, he also knows Jamie is a determined woman and will use the influence of her necromancy abilities while he still has his wolf side blocked as he knew the effect would be less if his curse is broken.

"What else did he say?" Klaus asked.

"Freya is awake and trying to find us," Jamie said, making Klaus' eyes widen, "She also knows how to put a crack in your curse with my help that won't cause harm to Henrik," Klaus' eyes that had been lighting up after being told about Henrik and Freya, lit up even more.

"What else?"

Jamie got up again and pulled Klaus out of bed, "That I'm not quite sure about, he just told me to 'ask my ancestors about Mikael,' and then I was waking up and I swear I saw Death in the back," she said.

"You saw them?" Klaus asked in surprise as they walked down to the ancestors room.

"It was blurred, but yes," Jamie said, entering the room, "I, Lady Jamison Dorea Potter, call forward my Peverell ancestors for answers," she called. The room lit up as green-eyed Peverells stepped forward.

"What is wrong with the Original Father?" Jamie asked.

"Mikael is being spelled by Esther ever since the disappearance of Freya," Ignotus Peverell reveals to his descendant.

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